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Ergebnis 121 bis 135 von 295

Thema: 90 - Kemet, das Land der ersten Hochkultur

  1. #121
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    I don't have any real problems with the whips, but rich thought POP6 and no would be better at the moment.
    I am only dissatisfied with the 2 workers at mephis. Yes, there is a theoretical city location, but they should now finish the canal through a fort.

    I'll have a look at the new round and take pictures again.

    Oh, I'm taking over Mr. X's Germans as a proxy until 28.08, so when we meet them, I wouldn't start any diplomatic contact for the time being.
    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  2. #122
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Do we want to build a settler next ?
    A second galley is a good idea too.
    i would use the lib to run a scientist, maybe two. We work a coast and could give one tile to Pi-Ramesses.


    Warchariot is okay, but the overflow should go to another project. Worker, galley, lib...
    I think, we have enough unit in the moment.


    Same here.
    And a question : We build a fort on the graslandtile. Do we want this or do we want a cottage ?
    And I build the mine on the hill, because this is our only field, where we could et a bit .


    I saw the comment too late.

    I think, we could move the rod: in an obelisk or a lib ? We don't need culture, but why not ?


    The Granary is late, but better late than never. Gold is next.
    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken
    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  3. #123
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    I have no problems with the lighthouse, but I think, it is a bit too early for the lighthouse ? Lib should be better.
    We have 3,4 Landtiles, where we could built cottages.


    this city has one advantage. We see, we need Ironworking for the next island.

    I have no problem to close the borders to vanguard. He trades Gems/Gold with Piccadally and seems to need a few traderoutes to us. We should be able to replace our route to him. If we build a road to metal/piccadally, we should have enough traderoutes for currency.
    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken
    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  4. #124
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    What would you think about building several war chariots with the overflow in the west and poking Metal, see if he's sleeping?
    10-15 should do the trick and they're cheap.

    I really think immediately chopping the granary at Giza gives a better return than immediately forting

  5. #125
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    We could try to poke metal. But warchariots have one problen. They are stronger than chariots, yes, but the lose against spears. Even knights lose against spears. Stack of mounted units only are hard countered by spears/pikes.
    But yes, we could be able to trade our chariots 1 to 1 against spears, but only if we can attack the spears twice a round.

    I did take a look at the distribution of spy points.
    I don't like it at all. Vanguard must have put EVERYTHING into us. I think, he still has research insight to us, but no demo insight to Superdeath !
    I would prefere to take him the research insight before I would try to get demo insight towards metal.
    but if we do this, I think, we have to rush blind or bury the whole thing.

    I am not sure. If we close the borders to vanguard, we lose our scouting option and should have problems with our trade routes after currency. And we should deteriorate our relationship with Vanguard. And this is nothing we should try, if we want to poke metal.

    And yes, the fort could be nearly useless, if we don't have ironworking
    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  6. #126
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    If I see everything right, metal has 2 axemen for his 2 city’s. We have next round 5 chariots in Elephantine.
    We could attack next round.
    He has no whip potential on his city’s.
    Geändert von xist10 (13. August 2022 um 11:29 Uhr)
    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  7. #127
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit

    2 axemen, 3 POp on 2 citys. I don't think, the POP1 citys was on POP2.


    We have no good angle. We could be on the border next turn, but we would lose 1 round to the hill.


    I ended the turn. So we could attack first next turn. We could wait to to attack as second player. We we want to attack
    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken
    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  8. #128
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    5 is not a lot, should we chop/whip some more just to seal the deal? Another idea I was to start moving up that 5 xp axeman this turn, he can take Woodsman II and help fork the two cities. What do you say?
    It is a little suspicious but also maybe not a huge deal if it's just one axeman that we send out ahead of the main party?

    Maybe also we divert the chops at Giza to go into War Chariots instead of the granary just to make sure? Or maybe chop out a Galley that can carry 2 axemen along the coast?
    The Granary is obviously the best economic choice, but if two more War Chariots is what we need to seal the deal, then it might be worth it?
    But those wouldn't be ready to advance next turn so maybe not, depends if you want to delay a couple turns to build up and whip or if you want to move in right now with the 5 that we have

    DEFINITELY attack second timer. Don't go first.

  9. #129
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    Woodsman 2 is a good idea, but I think, an axemen as scout is suspiosius.
    He shouldn't know for sure, that we have warchariots, but he could suspect. And we have a scout. Why should we move an axemen ?

    I don't think, 2 chariots more aren't a gamechanger. if he don't expect us, so we should suprise him and don't run into (more than one) spear. If he expect us, he should have more than enough spears to counter our chariots.
    But the galley could be a good idea. We should have a second attack vector and could use the extra time to add the chariot from Memphis and build/whip 2 units more.
    And his second city could gro to POP2. The city should had POP2 already. Fish and 16 turns since his last pointwin during his login time.

    I would show our hand next turn. i don't think, we could get a better situation. We should have enough to overrun his troops and every turn we wait, he could reinforce better than we could. the galley is a good idea, but it would mean to wait 6/7 turns more. (3 chop, 1 built, 2/3 sail).

    The whole thing is extremely uncertain. The whole thing seems like a good opportunity, but the war plan was drafted within 2/3 turns. And we have no demo insight.
    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  10. #130
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    Actually now that I think about a bit more there are two clear options.

    Go next turn after he moves with 5 chariots. he will be able to whip because we need 3 moves to hit his city
    so turn 97 he plays, we move outside his borders and declare so he can't bounce us
    turn 98 he whips, we move within hit range of the city
    turn 99, we hit the city with 5 warchariots.

    With this option we rely on surprise and can maybe whip a couple followups and axemen to chase and seal the deal, but otherwise we don't disrupt our growth too much, we still chop a granary in this scenario.

    Option 2. We wait for 2-3 turns, chop and whip more war chariots, get to 10-12, then make a move around turn 101-102, with enough workers to shorten the time we need down to 2 moves. The risk here is that we damage our growht more but that he might also bulk up or scout us and notice our buildup.

    What do you think?

  11. #131
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    The only way to short the travel turns is to build a road to the tundra hill.
    3 rounds snowtile, 1+3 rounds hill.
    This means, we could move an axe/two axe as worker protection to the border.
    Problem, we have to whip chariots POP1, so we have to whip every second round. This is something someone should be able to see.

    If we move next turn, he should have 2 turns for the POP2 City (R97 tundra hill, R98 forest , R99 city) and maybe one turn more for the second city (R99 forest, R100 city).
    In the moment, the only danger is a preproduced unit or units from galleys. POP2 is not big enough to whip a unit direct. So, he should only be able to produce 2 units. 2 Spears are a danger (we need 3 chariots against a spear for 90%), but against axemen we have a 99% winchance with out promotion/defence boni.

    I would try the chance, but we need to prepare a bigger war, because I don't think, metal would want to make peace afterwards.
    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  12. #132
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    okay lets go with option one and try the small, quick stab

    Yeah I don't think Metal will take peace, we will need to defend the holdings (and our established front with Vanguard), but there is a big difference between emergency one-pop whipping chariots and diverting granary chops versus more sustainable unit production like 2pop whip an Axe and OF into Chariots afterwards.

    How good is Metal? Is he a regular here, what's his past performance like? Any strengths or weaknesses or personal inclinations? Is he a builder or a slammer?

  13. #133
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    His first game seems to be the PB17. He has a few games, but I think, no win.
    I wouldn’t say he is bad, but I think, he could be one of the weaker players. Not that I think, I am better.
    During war I have to remember his defence in the PB91 with horsearchers against macemen. But this was with Demo insight.

    But personal analysis is not a point where I did. spent much time.
    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  14. #134
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    If you're agreeing that we should attack second timer, can I log in now to take a look around?

  15. #135
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    Why not ?
    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

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