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Thema: Galactic Civilizations III - Patch Notes

  1. #46
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von WeissNix
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    Hansekontor Lübeck
    Ich als interessierter Beobachter (GC1, 2 und jetzt 3 [ohne alles] Besitzender) interpretiere das mal so: Mit Crusade wurde GC3 umgekrempelt mit neuen Features (z.B. die Citizens/großen Persönlichkeiten) auf welche die KI im Release-Anhänger (immer hinten dran) erst mal getrimmt werden müsste. Bis die KI damit ordentlich und durchgängig bis ins end-game umgehen kann (ohne zu cheaten) gehen wohl noch ein paar Monate ins Land. Es wurde ja für die KI nicht einfacher sondern wird mit jedem neuen Feature auch komplexer (wenn man nicht dazu entscheidet: ignore citizens and whatnot). Im Grunde läuft damit zur Zeit eine Crusade-Beta bzw. Crusade-EA würde ich meinen. Ich werde selbstredend irgendwann auf Gold upgraden bzw. es soll ja demnächst noch ein weiteres DLC kommen, dann eben Platin oder whatever. Aber bis dahin relativ hirnlose Gegner ab turn 50 machen bis dahin auch nicht lange Spaß. Das ist dann wie Sex mit einer teilnahmslosen Frau, die aus dem Fenster bzw. auf die Uhr schaut. So, das wären jetzt genügend Schlagworte für jede Menge clicks hier...
    Geändert von WeissNix (27. September 2017 um 18:29 Uhr)
    Ignorance is strength.

  2. #47
    Ad Astra Avatar von Ronnar
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    Update 2.6 ist heute erschienen

    Galactic Civilizations III + Crusade:
    • Updated colonization events
    • Increased number of allowed trade routes
    • Custom factions now available in multiplayer mode
    • Mercenaries have been updated to balance recent economy updates
    • Balance updates
    • Quality of life improvements

    Crusade Only:
    • Free citizen at the start of the game
    • New mission in the shipyard for harvesting Aurorus Trees
    • The Malevolent ideology now gives a bonus in negotiations

    Patch Notes (englisch) :

  3. #48
    Transhumanist Avatar von Herminafried
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    Patch Notes 2.7(1)



    AI will construct more survey ships and use them to explore and find anomalies more aggressively
    AI is more likely to construct scouts while there are unexplored areas around stars
    AI is more inclined to focus on fewer enemies even if it hates them in order to concentrate its might on individual enemies.
    AI will ignore military power if necessary to go to war against enemies of its allies
    AI will now use its colony ships, freighters and constructors to scout FOW areas rather than wait for scouts and other ships to uncover FOW.
    AI military ships will act as scouts early Game
    AI ships better at exploring for potential colony targets by exploring stars over the void.
    Precursor food artifact benefit reduced
    Crusade change: Unforgiving cultural trait gives a 10% empire-wide production bonus.
    Base game: Changed unforgiving text to get 5% which is the amount it actually changes in the base game.



    We've removed the need for bat files in the game to compile data. Data is now compiled by the EXE. The big upside is that updates won't be flagged by AV software as suspicious. A bonus side-effect is that it also improves the startup time.

    Modders: The game now scans both your base game and Crusade folder on startup. Previously, it would scan just the Crusade folder.


    AI increases the odds of building farm improvements if it is running low on food
    AI more aggressive in terraforming tiles.
    AI more aggressive in building up planets before switching to durational
    General AI improvements to what citizen type it will choose based on galactic conditions
    Minor balance pass on Crusade tech tree costs based on recent changes on benefit from improvements.
    Made many of the planetary improvements destructible again based on player feedback
    Removed Megapolis improvement as it is now redundant
    Balance pass on costs based on community feedback
    Increased the money/power cap to 1 million
    Updated the Entertainment Center to use the same stats as Crusade
    Administration Centers now provide the correct additional administration
    The AI no longer queues starbase modules it can't afford
    A planet's maximum population, even with sufficient cities, cannot exceed the usable planet class. (this won't really affect anyone other than potential exploits).
    Farm level ups increased food production by 0.1 per level
    Biomass Replicator food production bonus reduced from 50% to 25%
    Recruit Citizen now requires Star Federation technology rather than Galactic Governance.


    Added game option to show Turn as a date. Can also click on the date/turn string to toggle between them.
    Fixed issue where you couldn't use the mouse wheel to scroll the startup popup unless the mouse was over the scrollbar itself
    Fixed sorting issue for ship designer functional components
    The UI is now more responsive while doing stuff with the Steam overlay.


    Fixed issue where asteroid system was checking for ownership changes constantly, instead of at the beginning of each turn This was producing false alerts for asteroid bases culture flipping
    Fixed crash at the end of the game. On large maps and/or long games, the game was still processing turn stuff in the background while it was trying to upload game results.
    Fixed issue where global modifiers were not being applied to the player (eg. Galactic Events like Blood Lust)
    MP: Fixed a desync that happened around turn 200.
    MP: Fixed a desync related to mining bases and influence areas.
    Fixed a few crashes related to the game to access hidden screens
    Fixed a problem where if the notification list had multiple entries on one turn and then only one on the next turn, the area under the notifications wasn't clickable

    Wenn Bewußtsein nicht mehr bedeutet als einen Lichtblick zwischen zwei Ewigkeiten der Dunkelheit, dann gibt es nichts Elenderes als die menschliche Existenz.

  4. #49
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von WeissNix
    Registriert seit
    Hansekontor Lübeck

    Patch Notes 2.8

    Vorab noch eine Stardock-Ankündigung fürs Frühjahr:

    v2.8 Changelog / Quelle:

    Required starbase spacing reduced from 4 to 3.
    Balance pass on defenses based on new combat update that makes defenses a lot more worthwhile.
    Updated AI ship blueprints to reflect the changes to the battle system.
    Pacing improvements for the Crusade tech tree.
    Industrial Sector maint reduced from 2 to 1
    Recruit Celebrity requires an Aurorus Arbortetum instead of Helios Ore because, uh, why would any celebrity be interested in raw ore? How does that even work? Hey, famous movie star, here's some metallic ore for you. Please do a USO tour. Because... you know, you'll get some ore! As the famous saying goes, you will attract more celebrities with flowers than...ore.
    Torians can once again increase their population cap (opt-in bug)
    Restored missing improvement and tech text that was missing from the opt-in.
    Commander ships are no longer stackable in a fleet
    Mega Resort -- changed the bonus from +25% bonus to a flat +4.
    Financial buildings now provide +1 to influence growth
    Major boost to defenses: Defenses are now reduced by the squareroot of damage rather than full damage making defenses much better.
    Base Research Lab returned to base game
    Cultural Festival now requires Cultural Influence
    Peacekeeper event won't trigger until at least turn 200 (instead of 100)
    Defenses on Peacekeepers reduced so that they can be worn down faster.
    "Go to" renamed to Auto Pilot.
    More AI research focus attention
    AI improvements to planetary improvement choosing.
    Cosmetic change to the FOW color.
    Cosmetic change to the size of ships on the main map.
    Cosmetic change to the starbox visuals.
    When receiving messages from a Civ, it names the Civ in the title bar.
    Added tooltips to the various "idle" button states.
    Added tooltip support for notifications.
    Clarified message for insufficient population to eject a colony ship.
    AI better at early game administration resource and late game invasion legions
    Upgrading to a ship to a colony ship class penalty increased.
    You can no longer colonize planets with empty colony ships. This also addresses a problem where the Yor AI could quickly colonize the entire galaxy.
    You can no longer launch colony ships from a starbase without population


    AI now will adjust how big its fleets need to be based on the assignment of the fleet. Thus, scouts and survey ships don't need escorts while mega fleets now need larger fleets.
    AI smarter at picking quality ship designs.
    AI much better at going after key technologies based on the conditions of the game
    Streamlined the base game tech tree.
    Tweaked the AI fleet governor to use defenders.
    Adjusted the culture tree to be more in line with the planetary improvements
    Set default colony ship population to 1.0
    Minimum population for colony ships increased from 0.5 to 1.
    Decreased the spacing between civilization starting positions and pirates
    Base game laser weapon now comes with Militarization tech.
    Nerfed several of the crazy Lost Treasures DLC rewards
    Navigation Center is now a Galactic Wonder
    Eliminated ship moves going up based on the level of certain planetary improvements
    Galactic Navigation Center global moves decreased from 3 to 1 (yeeesh!) ...and it now longer provides an additional 0.5 points per level! (double yeesh!)
    Galactic Navigator's Guild benefit reduced from providing 4 moves per turn to 1! ...and it no longer provides an additional 0.5 points per level in moves!
    Galactic Mainframe research bonus increased from 0.3 to 0.5
    Starport level benefit increased from 0.5 to 1
    Synthetic Race population increase Promethion cost reduced from 10 to 1
    Synthetic Race population increase Duranitum cost reduced from 5 to 1
    Synthetic Race population increase improvement increases by 0.5 instead of 1
    Changed default invasion from 1 legions to 2.


    Base Game: Custom factions with the "Raider Ship Style" will now get the proper ships awarded by events and anomalies.
    Fixed crash in battle tooltip if privateer is stationed by itself in a starbase or shipyard
    Fixed several improvements tooltips that were saying they were both "one per player" and "one per galaxy"
    Fixed typos and sTough
    Added dialog if the game fails to start because the graphics driver fails to initialize. This is usually caused by out-of-date drivers.
    Crash fix in the event that the AI can't negotiate with another AI for a tech trade.
    Fixed AI related multiplayer desync bug
    Fixed shipyard window to always show the military production generated by the sponsors regardless of if there's a ship in the build queue or not
    Fixed issue in influence system where it was displaying "Foreign ship in your ZOC" alerts for ships owned by allied players
    Fixed typo. Near bay Nearby ships.
    Geändert von WeissNix (08. Februar 2018 um 21:24 Uhr)
    Ignorance is strength.

  5. #50

  6. #51

  7. #52
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    ...bin mal gespannt..

  8. #53
    Ad Astra Avatar von Ronnar
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    *wischt die Spinnweben beiseite*

    Noch jemand hier? Hallo? Irgendjemand?

    Seite heute gibt es auf jeden Fall Patch 3.1 und ein DLC Heroes of Star Control: Origins mit neuen Rassen aus dem Star Control Universum.

    Ich hatte zwar eher auf Drath oder Korath gewartet, aber immerhin scheint GC3 auch nach über 3 Jahren noch gewartet zu werden

  9. #54
    Wishmaster Avatar von Sarellion
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    Ja, habs gesehen, als es ein neues Update gezogen hat. Muss sagen, hab net weit gespielt nach Intrigue und die Frage kam bisher nur in einem Spiel auf. Wie zerstört man denn arable tiles?
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  10. #55
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von WeissNix
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    Hansekontor Lübeck
    Mit dem neuen DLC soll es insgesamt etwas bunter und animierter geworden sein? Ich habe es jetzt noch nicht gekauft.

    Chef sagt...
    I'll be creating a new thread soon as we start ramping on for v4.0 which is going to have a loooottt of improvements in it that we think you'll like. Everything from UI to more options to better AI.

    Hopefully the new v3.1 we just released showed somewhat better AI already. But v4.0 will represent the longest I've been allowed to code on GalCiv since Crusade.
    Ignorance is strength.

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