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Thema: [Fallout: New Vegas] A Story

  1. #1
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von harry.dober
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    [Fallout: New Vegas] A Story

    So, da ich selber mal wieder New Vegas spielen wollte, diesmal als Bösewicht, werde ich meine Schreckenstaten hier niederschreiben. Und alle die mitlesen sind automatisch Mittäter

    Ich spiele mit der Ultimate Edition, dass heißt das alle DLCs mit dabei sind sowie die zwei kleineren, die wohl nur Waffen hinzufügen. Des weiteren spiele ich mit dem FOOK mod-pack, damit es nicht langweilig wird (habe das Spiel schon bestimmt 3 mal durch) Auch habe ich vor, die Story in Englisch zu führen, nur damit ichs nicht verlerne. Evtl. aber (oder auch) auf Deutsch, da bin ich mir noch nicht so sicher... das Spiel spiele ich aber auf jeden Fall in englisch. Kronkorken... pah

    I'm a courier. It's not a too glamorous job, but I was out of caps and, well, a man's gotta eat, right? It sounded like an easy enough job. Deliver some fancy poker chip to the Strip. Or so I thought. I got ambushed and knocked out by a bunch of rent-a-thugs halfway.

    Just looking at those douchebags gave me a headache, not to mention that Captain Chessboard there gave me quite literally one by shooting me in my face. After that.... I died...

    Or apparently not, as I slowly regain my conscience and get up. Some bald guy is talking to me and asking me stuff. I tell him my name, still a bit dizzy from returning from the dead...

    His immediate answer did not help the still present dizziness... tho wether it was due to the injury or because I really wanted to shut him up I don't know...

    Yes, that is my name. Deal with it. Jeez.

    He keeps asking me stuff, but since I'm still on the bed of a doctor who could've easily implanted some bomb in my head I decide to play it safe.

    He gives me a mirror with some buttons on it and...

    WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO BE!?! That doesn't look ANYTHING LIKE me! And what's with the gender option? I look down to check if I suddenly grew boobs, but find everything still in place. Phew, almost died of a heart-attack there. I push some buttons until something resembling me appears. As I'm still not satisfied, I let him magically grow me a beard. A goatee, hmm, nice After he finished planting the artificial hair (or maybe they were leftovers from a not-so-fortunate patient?) on my face, he tells me to take a SPECIAL test. My score below

    Well, looking good here. Strong intelligent guy with luck should serve me better than what I must've had previously. As they say, better luck next time, right?

    I finish the SPECIAL Test when he tells me to sit down and tell him from my childhood. Is it just me or is it a bit cold in here?

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  2. #2
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von harry.dober
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    I don't really see what dogs have to do with this, but I decide to humour his interrogation.

    Sounds simple enough. The first word is "house"

    The next one is bandit:

    The... you know what? I'm just going to skip those 20+ intimate questions here.

    The last word was Mother:

    *ahem* He then starts with some different test. The usual "do you agree with this statement" sort of thing. The first one, however caught me a bit off guard

    Sure it ain't. BWahahahahaha I'll leave my answer to the imagination of the reader

    He then asks me whether I oppose new things and change. Well, if I have the choice between using rocks as weapons or, I don't know, maybe a Orbital Laser cannon then my answer should be obvious

    At some point I just picked the answers randomly, as those answers didn't describe anything actually on the pictures.

    For example, in the following picture I see two bears high-fiving each other. But does that actual-sense making option appear as an answer?

    Of course not.

    In the end, he gave me a overview of what my abilities were apparently like:

    Energy weapons and unarmed? I don't think so, Doc. I politely pointed out his errors and the outcome looked like this:

    I'm a smart guy, so science is a given, but since this is a stupid world, I need guns to defend myself. As for the speech, well... eating isn't the only thing a man needs. If you know what I mean.

    I lastly state that besides my incredible wits, I am skilled as well. Although for some reason that makes me too stupid to learn from my experiences?

    As he gets up to finally release me into freedom, I get up as well. I then notice why I felt so cold the entire time: I was running around in my god-damn underwear! Now I'm open minded and all, but... no, let's not think about what might've happened while I was unconscious, defenceless.

    There walks the Doc. Like nothing happened....
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  3. #3
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  4. #4
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von harry.dober
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    As compensation, I decided to help myself to some of his supplies (in other words, I cleaned the entire place):

    After I made sure I didn't miss anything (like a Skill magazine or that submachine gun I found for which a doctor has no need and therefore was probably mine to begin with) I headed to the only exit of this death-trap of a house.

    Once there, Perv Mitchell gave me his smelly old Vault suit with suspicious liquids inside them and strapped some device on my arm without even bothering to ask me for permission first.

    A Pip-Boy huh. Probably equipped with a locator beacon and a camera so that he can watch me all the time.

    Lacking modesty? You'd be more believable if you wouldn't have such an obviously very satisfied grin on your face!

    Yes, you look overly concerned about my well-being there. Surely regretting that I ended up on your table... Nevertheless, I was finally able to leave his house:

    It was odd, though. The moment I sat eyes upon the land before me, images of great destruction appeared before me. Endless, brutal battles, fire raining from the skies, setting towns ablaze. It was glorious!

    The sound of a mono-wheeled robot brought me back to reality. I vaguely remembered Doc saying something about a guy named Victor who apparently found me, in the middle of nowhere, in a grave. Probably by chance no less.

    Right, Stroll. Robots apparently do such things. After pretending to be thankful, I head to the saloon where I should talk to a person named Sunny Smile.

    I became more and more the feeling that I ended up in a brothel-town. Before I entered the Saloon, I admired the view of the parked vehicles in front of it. I suddenly started humming a song from before the War that burned most of the world... what was it called again? Highway to Hell?

    As I enter the Saloon, a barking Dog greets me. Maybe this was what the Perv Doc was talking about?

    Right, right. Not giving a damn about her Dog, I ask her if there's anything (caps)worthwhile around. She tells me about some old safe in an abandoned school building. Before I could wonder why a school would need a safe, she gave me a couple bobby pins - hair pins, essentially.

    If I weren't so smart I probably would've made a lame joke about reading.

    or so I say. that safe better be worth it though. Not particularly thrilled about the safe, I ask her if there's anything else she can show me.

    Yes. Especially that Doctor.... they deserve to die.... they all deserve to die!

    Anyway, after that she showed me how to shoot some bottles:

    Followed by almost as hard to kill geckos. After clearing the second well, Sunny ran off to somewhere. I took a shovel with me. I have no idea what for, but whatever.

    After I had caught up to Sunny and her dog, I found her with the unmoving body of a woman next to her dog. After muttering an "I ain't seen nuthin'", she seemed satisfied and offered to teach me to create some weird potion. I assume it was some sort of Rape-drug, because what else could come from mixing random roots and flowers?

    And for some reason, some of those ingredients were growing right next to the school building. The harvest went mostly uneventful, with the short interruption (and attack) of some big mantises that, by the way, taste delicious when roasted.

    Deciding that I might as well take care of that safe while I was there, I entered an eerie, although not empty, school building

    The safe contained few caps, a handgun, some ammo and a stealth boy. I'd seen better stashes, but I guess small stuff still helps. The next ingredient, the Broc Flower, was located at the very same cemetery that would've become my final rest.

    It made me wonder about the nature of those flowers. Growing up in soil enriched by decomposing human bodies. And guarded by oversized flies, to boot!

    Deciding that, after collecting flowers containing dead people juice and being spit on by dead body eating oversized flies, I thought that I might just as well rob the damn graves. Graves of which there were plenty. Some of them probably because of the Valley of the Giant Scorpions just below it. I spotted 3 of them, and a 'normal' sized one just a few hundred meter away from me, glad that they couldn't see me.

    While there, I naturally also saw an open grave - my grave.

    I noticed some cigarette butts right next to it, and oddly Mr. remote camera Pipboy said that each was worth one cap. I wondered what kind of people would actually buy used cigarette butts, but after meeting the Doc I wasn't really surprised any more.

    Once I had finished my business there, I headed back to Sunny. She seemed very pleased about the amount of ingredients I brought.

    A strange smile appeared on her face. After I made one, she used the remaining ingredients to make her own potion, that seemed to be called a "Healing Powder"

    I assumed "Trail" to be a codeword here. Anyway, after our business had concluded, she told me to meet the local Saloon owner, Trudi.

    I immediately left for the saloon, leaving a strangely smiling Sunny behind that was looking at her powder with eager satisfaction. Or maybe the roasted mantis was bad and I began to see things. Like angry, bighorned creatures, staring at my very soul...

    Once I had reached the saloon, I came upon Trudy ,and some other guy that was wearing a Uniform, who were having a heated discussion.

    This Guy, I thought, has the right idea.
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  5. #5
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von harry.dober
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    Kritik, Lob und Verbesserungsvorschläge sind natürlich wilkommen (mit Ausnahme der Kritik )
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  6. #6
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Lichtfels
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    Kritik, Lob und Verbesserungsvorschläge sind natürlich wilkommen (mit Ausnahme der Kritik )
    Spiel mal bitte ´n richtig fieses A...loch , ich hab´s bei FO3 nie geschafft bös zu sein

    Ah sry, oben irgendwie überlesen

    Da freu ich mich Dir über die böse Schulter zu schaun

  7. #7
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    Das ist NV, das hat mit FO 3 nicht übermäßig viel zu tun. Und was immer alle gegen Laserwaffen haben. Das ist immerhin eine Retro-Zukunft, nur die Zukunft fällt meistens etwas flach.

    Und die Währung ist nun mal Kronkorken, weil so heißen nun mal die Verschlüße von Cola-Flaschen und Co.

    Und bei deinem Bärenbild da sehe ich zwei sich küssende Hunde und darüber Excalibur.

    @Lichtfels: Wie kann man in FO 3 nur gut sein? Auch die Atomanbeter in Megaton verdienen es, dass ihre Wünsche wahr werden und sie zu Milliarden neuen Galaxien werden. Davon abgesehen dass die Bude da auch Kacke ist, schon allein wegen der Aussicht lohnt sich der Tenpenny Tower oder wie der hieß.

  8. #8
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Lichtfels
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    Zitat Zitat von Yasmin D'Ahara Beitrag anzeigen
    @Lichtfels: Wie kann man in FO 3 nur gut sein? Auch die Atomanbeter in Megaton verdienen es, dass ihre Wünsche wahr werden und sie zu Milliarden neuen Galaxien werden. Davon abgesehen dass die Bude da auch Kacke ist, schon allein wegen der Aussicht lohnt sich der Tenpenny Tower oder wie der hieß.
    Jo recht haste, hab auch in dem einen oder anderen durchgespiele mal Megaton eingeäschert, aber spätestens als die Moira mit Pizzagesicht vor mir stand war´s wieder um mich geschehen

  9. #9
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von harry.dober
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    Zitat Zitat von Yasmin D'Ahara Beitrag anzeigen
    Das ist NV, das hat mit FO 3 nicht übermäßig viel zu tun. Und was immer alle gegen Laserwaffen haben. Das ist immerhin eine Retro-Zukunft, nur die Zukunft fällt meistens etwas flach.

    Und die Währung ist nun mal Kronkorken, weil so heißen nun mal die Verschlüße von Cola-Flaschen und Co.

    Und bei deinem Bärenbild da sehe ich zwei sich küssende Hunde und darüber Excalibur.

    @Lichtfels: Wie kann man in FO 3 nur gut sein? Auch die Atomanbeter in Megaton verdienen es, dass ihre Wünsche wahr werden und sie zu Milliarden neuen Galaxien werden. Davon abgesehen dass die Bude da auch Kacke ist, schon allein wegen der Aussicht lohnt sich der Tenpenny Tower oder wie der hieß.
    Ich hab nix gegen Laserwaffen. Ist eher eine Frage des Geschmacks (außerdem: .50 cal Anti-materiell-Rifle )

    Achja, ich hab Probleme mit photobucket, das lädt irgendwie langsam, was an den XSS einstellungen liegen könnte, welche ich aber blöderweise irgendwann weggeklickt habe. Weiß jemand, wo ich die wieder finde?

    Achja, nächster Beitrag kommt gleich
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  10. #10

  11. #11
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von harry.dober
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    After their little dispute, the person called Cobb leaves in quite a hurry. I head to the bar, to talk with the old woman who I assume to be Trudy.

    Lo and behold, it is indeed her. My am I smart. Heh. She tells me the story of how they took in some guy who apparently pissed off the wrong guys. He ran to this small shitty town asking for shelter. Naturally, they didn't expect this to backfire hilariously - needless to say, it did. Indeed a stupid world. Stupid people everywhere. Sigh.

    This Ringo guy sounds like he's smarter than the town combined. Although that isn't much of an achievement it would appear. Not giving a damn, I do some small-talk so she doesn't get stupid ideas like asking me to help Ringo or something.
    I ask her about the current state of affairs of the Mojave, since I obviously didn't give a damn before and now must act like I got amnesia or something.

    An evil smirk appears on my face, although - of course - only in my thoughts. Easy pickings
    But those double-headed douchebears are not the only major force in town... pardon, land. Something about an evil-neigh-unstoppable Empire called Caesars Legion.

    Wait a minute, did I somehow time-travel? Romans? The hell are these guys doing here? Fuck them!

    Although they do seem to have good points. Hoover dam becomes my second entry on my digital to-do list - the first being a goddamn Orbital Laser Cannon. Fuck yeah!

    Since explosives and high-tech weaponry doesn't come cheap these days, I ask for a job that actually pays some caps. Trudy pointed me to a seemingly broken radio, which I of course easily fix. She also mentioned that some Khan guy knocked it down.

    After making sure I get paid properly, I ask her about those fucking douchebags. Especially that guy with the Iroquois hair cut. If I see that face one more time...

    As soon as I finish talking to her, I suddenly level up.

    I magically become better at shooting things, and am now apparently also interested in guys, which somehow makes it easier for me to exploit them and stab them in the back. Huh.

    I wonder if that Cobb-guy has something to offer and decide to follow him. He is leaning like a smug bastard against a hose which is stupidly close to the town "centre" (read: Saloon).
    I ask him what his business in this shithole is:

    Then why don't you just wait until it's dark and kill him in his sleep? Is really everyone so damn stupid in this world? Getting annoyed about this town, and still not having forgotten the Perv Doc, I subtly point out the benefits of running a town to Joe, which is apparently his first name.

    Pffff yeah sure whatever Can't even off a single guy and... wait, a Prison? Interesting... I decide to help him. A Prison is an excellent source of information and entertainment. He asks me, of all people, to kill the hiding trader.
    I agree, and head right to were Trudy said he's hiding.

    Right, Caravan, sure... I said, pulling out my machete as he turns around to get his cards. A few moments and a plundered dead body later, I head back to Joe.

    Huh. Mr. Cobb is apparently not as stupid as he looks and acts. The next steps are apparently gathering supplies - from the very same town they are intended to be used against. Fun!

    After making a short visit to the Doc, I tell some fairy tale about a good looking guy who I want to stabilise so I can take him here.

    Naturally, the Doc takes the bait. This was surprisingly easy.

    Next I "convinced" the local business of the great opportunities a new management would provide.

    He was very enthusiastic to join the good cause! As I return to Joe (and fail to pretend that they didn't give me squat), we get ready. The raid begins. Oh boy am I excited!

    Boom legshot, you bastard! The fight was over quickly, but naturally those gangsters wouldn't have had a chance without me (and the supplies, I guess). A nice side effect of this raid:

    Just as planned. A good reputation can help significantly more often than you would believe.

    Joe continues to say smart things:

    Curious as to what a douch... fine gentleman such as himself did to end up in prison, I inquire.

    The answer fails to impress. Boy, listen good to that radio and you'll soon know how it's done.

    After selling the belongings of several people that died a mysterious death just in front of the saloon, I continue my journey to kill those Khans and Mr. Chessboard.

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  12. #12
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von harry.dober
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    I make my way to Primm, which is apparently only a few minutes walk away from Goodsprings. The roads seem relatively safe...

    Only a few radroaches and geckos are populating the Interstate. A few hundred meters before Primm I come across a sign:

    Los Angeles, eh. As soon as I'm done blowing up Hoover Damn I might as well head to the City of Angels. To destroy it and any angels it might have, of course.

    But first, I come across a flag fluttering in the wind. I made first contact with the NCR. Or at least with troops from the NCR.

    I quickly tell him to mind his own damn business and head for their 'Camp' which consists of some nameless Goons, a Sergeant and a Lieutenant, who promptly gives me a full introduction

    My business is my own. Besides, what the hell is YOUR business here, little NCR man? He even answers, stating that they are supposed to get rid of their escaped convicts that have taken over Primm.

    No shit, Sherlock. You guys are useless. Thanks to their incompetence I'll have to deal with a town full of bandits on my own, apparently. I quickly leave Lieutenant Nay and cross a bridge - of course, not before picking up some landmines someone apparently lost there.

    Some frag mines and two dead bandits later, I head for a small shack that apparently belonged to the former Sheriff of Primm, who is now laying dead in his bed, next to his wife. Talk about coitus interuptus. Heheh.

    After I looted the Sheriffs Place, I continue to secure the area.

    One threeway-firefight later, I enter the Vicky & Vance Casino.

    Not quite right, old man. I AM hell, which has come to Primm.
    He is apparently the Chief of the Mojave Express station here in Primm. He tells me that I was but one of many with such unusual packages. When I ask him about Chessboard & Douchebags, he tells me that they were seen not long ago, and that a Deputy Beagle would have more information for me. Unfortunately, he was even more incompetent than the sheriff and is now a captive of the gangers in the Bison Steve casino.

    Steve. What a stupid name. I used to have a 'friend' called Steve - until I stabbed him in the back. Good times.

    A few boring firefights later, I finally spot him, with a Bandit apparently bowing before me in his death, a feat that highly impresses me.

    If only all my victims had such good manners. Oh well. As I try to approach Beagle, I suddenly get attacked by two more bandits, one of which being the leader who has a Flamer but doesn't use it. Both die sudden deaths soon afterwards, giving me the chance to finally talk to Beagle.

    Of course, being a trustworthy Person, I immediately reward him with freedom from the captivity that is his life.

    I kill the rest of the bandits, which got much easier halfway through, as I find two fine rifles. Or at least they're better than the Varmint Rifle.

    Having finished my business in Primm, I head for Nipton.

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  13. #13
    bisschen schräg
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  14. #14

  15. #15
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von harry.dober
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    I decide to raid the police station that was on the right on the last picture.

    The door even featured an irresistible invitation:

    Three minutes (note the dead body in the background) and a style change later, Officer Harry reports for Duty.

    I also suddenly level up:

    My lockpick skills are still insufficient, sadly.

    As I'm smart, I decide to further educate myself:

    After leaving the Police (or Highway Patrol) Station, I stumble upon a "Bright Follower", which is weird. If he had been that bright, surely he'd not be dead, right?

    After, naturally, taking everything of worth from him, I head to the big statues I was able to see from a distance. It seemed important enough to check it out. It is apparently two giant douches, shaking their hands.

    Those two statues also mark the entrance to the NCR Ranger Mojave Outpost

    I head for the main building, mostly hoping for some quick caps. I find a Major Knight at the reception who tells me that most people coming in have to stay in, due to unsafe road conditions or something. As I soon find out, however is that merely asking one's name

    seems to essentially be like hitting on them (as in, flirting). Caps being my main goal right now, I head for the person in charge. Ranger Jackson. Although he seems to have several troops at hand, he's still unable to keep the damn roads clear of whatever. Almost not caring, I offer my help in hopes of reward.

    The NCR is apparently pretty stingy. After leaving the Main building, I notice a sniper lookout on the roof of the first building. I faintly recall someone saying that that person called Ghost may have a job.

    As I ask her about it, she wants me to check on Nipton, which seems to have been attacked by someone. When it comes to talk about the reward tho, I get a nasty surprise. No caps.

    I decide that some rep isn't that bad, and I might as well just do it - after clearing the road of whatever dangerous creatures.
    Those creatures turned out to be some ants that not even a single caravan escort should have had any problems with. Ranger Jackson gave me a nice reward tho, 100 caps, a Service Rifle (my current one needed repairs) and some supplies. Ammo, food, that kind of thing.

    Afterwards, I continue my journey to Nipton.

    One ambush:

    and two crazy people later

    (all of which were killed and looted), I finally arrive in Nipton, where ANOTHER crazy person shows up, mumbling about having won the lottery.

    Ignoring him, he runs away into the Scorpion-filled desert, never to be seen again.

    As it turns out, the Legion had attacked Nipton. I really liked their style:

    Yes... really liked their style.

    What a beautiful sight! As I approach the Town Hall, I meet Vulpes Inculta and some Legionaries. He politely asks me to spread the word about Nipton, to which I, of course, agree.

    I teleport myself back to the NCR Outpost (because walking is soooo 2077) and naturally spread the good news!

    I leveled up again in-between, but failed to record the details. It was a skillpoint-only level up (Perks can only be taken every second time), so I invested points into science and lockpick again.

    Remembering that I previously lacked the scientific skill to repair an Eyebot, I head back to Primm, repair it, and find myself with a new friend! Yay!

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