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Thema: [HoI3] Hearts of Iron 3 - Allgemein

  1. #196
    Altes Mann Avatar von goethe
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    da haben sie wohl endlich mal eine sinnvolle Funktion für die Radartürme gefunden. Da hoffe ich, dass stationäre Flaks auch realitätsnäher funktionieren werden.

    You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave

  2. #197
    für Freiheit +Grundrechte Avatar von Der Falke
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    Erlangen, Franken ---- _______ ‡‡ Muschelsucherehrenlegion ██ Civ4WL-DG1-Team: SU ████ Civ4BtS-DG2-Team: Junta ███████ Civ4BtS-DG3-Team: SU ████
    Nicht vergessen: 1118 Tage lang war die freiheitlich-demokratischen Grundordnung durch Regierung und Parlament in Bund und Ländern aufgehoben! Die Verantwortlichen müssen vor Gericht gestellt werden!

    Die Meldepflicht muss zudem noch immer aufgehoben werden.

    "Es ist die Schicksalsfrage Deutschlands: Wir stehen vor der Wahl zwischen Sklaverei und Freiheit. Wir wählen die Freiheit!" - Konrad Adenauer
    "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

  3. #198
    für Freiheit +Grundrechte Avatar von Der Falke
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    Erlangen, Franken ---- _______ ‡‡ Muschelsucherehrenlegion ██ Civ4WL-DG1-Team: SU ████ Civ4BtS-DG2-Team: Junta ███████ Civ4BtS-DG3-Team: SU ████
    Es soll möglich sein, dem Computer auf Wunsch bestimmte Operationen zu überlassen. So kann man sich dem vergleichsweise überschaubaren Afrikafeldzug widmen, während sich die KI um die unübersichtliche Ostfront kümmert,
    Ich lass das nicht die KI machen...

    etzt darf man eine Exilregierung bilden, die dann vom befreundeten Ausland den Widerstand koordiniert - Rückkehr nicht ausgeschlossen.
    Solange die Provinzen den Eigentumsstatus wechseln, von mir aus. Ich will nicht nur wegen den Exilregierungen keine Truppen in Besetzten Gebieten aufstellen können.
    Nicht vergessen: 1118 Tage lang war die freiheitlich-demokratischen Grundordnung durch Regierung und Parlament in Bund und Ländern aufgehoben! Die Verantwortlichen müssen vor Gericht gestellt werden!

    Die Meldepflicht muss zudem noch immer aufgehoben werden.

    "Es ist die Schicksalsfrage Deutschlands: Wir stehen vor der Wahl zwischen Sklaverei und Freiheit. Wir wählen die Freiheit!" - Konrad Adenauer
    "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

  4. #199
    I'M NOT A BIRD, YOU KNOW! Avatar von noxx-0
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    Development Diary #12 - 14th of January 2009

    Hello everybody and welcome to yet another issue of the Hearts of Iron 3 development diaries. The cold darkness of winter is still upon us, and we labour endlessly in front of our computers. This last week, our artists have been working on implementing more animated planes, and the Japanese Zero is now in the game. They’ve also worked quite a lot at improving the ingame interfaces. Our programmers have been busy working on the core of the AI, while wrapping up the logic for the final unit interfaces. Order of Battles are being adapted for the scenarios, while we still discuss exactly how certain functions will work. All in all, the project is going along nicely.

    If we cast our mind back to the distant past when this game call Hearts of Iron was released, some of you may of heard of this, there was this interesting problem in Multiplayer. Everyone knew that the Axis were pretty much doomed, so if you were a country like Italy or Japan you had no logical reason to join to Axis. As the Allies (or Comintern I guess) you had no logical reason to refuse either Italy or Japan if they decided to join you team. Although this was solved by the rather nifty solution that is the house rule. This problem persisted in Hearts of Iron 2 and to be honest we here at Paradox Towers felt that all in all this was unsatisfactory. So we put our collective heads together and began to think about what we could do. On the one hand we wanted a system that would deliver the historical result but at the same time we wanted to introduce an element of uncertainty and make sure that you could not take the historical outcome for granted. So we dreamed up the concept called alignment.

    Alignment feels the same way that the relations’ triangle did in Hearts of Iron. You have the three factions, Allies, Axis and Comintern, and how each country sees itself in relation to them. However the trick we have added is that Alignment influences which faction you can join. If you are neutrally aligned you cannot join any Faction, while if you are aligned towards the Axis then you can only consider joining the Axis. Now there are other factors in play than influence this, like relative threat and neutrality, but this is the basics. So through our starting set ups we can give countries a bent towards joining a particular alliance, Italy and Japan are aligned Axis while America is aligned towards the Allies.

    Now the interesting thing here is inside this triangle you start to drift. Part of this you can influence, there is a diplomatic action that influences your drift speed towards a faction. This doesn’t work the same way influencing a nation does in Hearts of Iron 2. This is a long term action that runs for a period time giving the country a small nudge in that direction. We did this for three reasons, first up is micromanagement, we did not want to make influencing countries a click fest. Secondly we wanted diplomacy to be a long-range strategic decision, not a spur of the moment choice. Thirdly realism, we felt it was more realistic for two reasons. A country doesn’t just suddenly like the Axis it is more of a gradual process and also if Germany is making a Diplomatic move towards say Hungary then other countries will be aware of this and can consider trying to make counters to this. Minister choice can also influence how a country drifts.

    However there are also other factors that influence drift. First off is ideology, you have an intrinsic drift towards the faction that shares your ideology, proximity also influences drift, the closer you are to faction members the more likely you are to cosy up to them instead of your natural ideology. It also prevents suicidal behavour by countries. Switzerland may be democratic, but if it surrounded on all sides by Axis countries it is going to take some persuading to even consider joining the Allies. Having cores on a faction member or you having cores on them will cause you to drift away from that ideology. So let’s just look at was these mean in practice. Let’s take 2 examples, first up is Italy. Italy has a natural Axis alignment and due to having a fascist government it has a natural drift towards the Axis camp. Its initial border with France will delay its drift into the Axis camp, but once Austria goes this will be cancelled out. Essentially if the Allies want to keep Italy out of the Axis camp they will have to move early and aggressively. Next up Finland. As a democratic state it is a small drift towards the Allies. However it has claims on the Soviet Union so it will drift away from Comintern (i.e. towards both the Axis and the Allies). Should Germany conquer Norway then Finland will drift even more towards the Axis causing Finland to align into the Axis camp and think about getting some revenge on the Soviet Union.

    So that is Alignment, we have aimed to strike a balance between the historical outcome and logical reasons that cause it diverge.

    And here’s a quick look at how it looks like in the game.


  5. #200
    für Freiheit +Grundrechte Avatar von Der Falke
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    Erlangen, Franken ---- _______ ‡‡ Muschelsucherehrenlegion ██ Civ4WL-DG1-Team: SU ████ Civ4BtS-DG2-Team: Junta ███████ Civ4BtS-DG3-Team: SU ████
    "Declare Limited War"
    Nicht vergessen: 1118 Tage lang war die freiheitlich-demokratischen Grundordnung durch Regierung und Parlament in Bund und Ländern aufgehoben! Die Verantwortlichen müssen vor Gericht gestellt werden!

    Die Meldepflicht muss zudem noch immer aufgehoben werden.

    "Es ist die Schicksalsfrage Deutschlands: Wir stehen vor der Wahl zwischen Sklaverei und Freiheit. Wir wählen die Freiheit!" - Konrad Adenauer
    "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

  6. #201

  7. #202
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von t@nkfrank
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    noxx-o: ich vermisse immer noch Deinen alten Ava. Der war der beste aller Zeiten. Dein neuer ist auch nicht schlecht, hat aber nicht die gleiche Strahlkraft. Meiner bescheidenen Meinung nach.

  8. #203
    I'M NOT A BIRD, YOU KNOW! Avatar von noxx-0
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    Zitat Zitat von t@nkfrank Beitrag anzeigen
    noxx-o: ich vermisse immer noch Deinen alten Ava. Der war der beste aller Zeiten. Dein neuer ist auch nicht schlecht, hat aber nicht die gleiche Strahlkraft. Meiner bescheidenen Meinung nach.


    Teil 1 und Teil 2 eines Interviews mit Johan (Pdox) geht auch um HoI 3

  9. #204
    für Freiheit +Grundrechte Avatar von Der Falke
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    Erlangen, Franken ---- _______ ‡‡ Muschelsucherehrenlegion ██ Civ4WL-DG1-Team: SU ████ Civ4BtS-DG2-Team: Junta ███████ Civ4BtS-DG3-Team: SU ████
    Er meint vermutlich Vivi .

    BtW, warum löschst du nicht?
    Nicht vergessen: 1118 Tage lang war die freiheitlich-demokratischen Grundordnung durch Regierung und Parlament in Bund und Ländern aufgehoben! Die Verantwortlichen müssen vor Gericht gestellt werden!

    Die Meldepflicht muss zudem noch immer aufgehoben werden.

    "Es ist die Schicksalsfrage Deutschlands: Wir stehen vor der Wahl zwischen Sklaverei und Freiheit. Wir wählen die Freiheit!" - Konrad Adenauer
    "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

  10. #205
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von t@nkfrank
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    Man ahnte nur das Gesicht. Zu sehen war nur ein Auge im Profil. Meine Vorstellung war, dass es sich um einen Robotermönch gehandelt hat.

    offtopic ende.

  11. #206
    für Freiheit +Grundrechte Avatar von Der Falke
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    Erlangen, Franken ---- _______ ‡‡ Muschelsucherehrenlegion ██ Civ4WL-DG1-Team: SU ████ Civ4BtS-DG2-Team: Junta ███████ Civ4BtS-DG3-Team: SU ████

    Nicht vergessen: 1118 Tage lang war die freiheitlich-demokratischen Grundordnung durch Regierung und Parlament in Bund und Ländern aufgehoben! Die Verantwortlichen müssen vor Gericht gestellt werden!

    Die Meldepflicht muss zudem noch immer aufgehoben werden.

    "Es ist die Schicksalsfrage Deutschlands: Wir stehen vor der Wahl zwischen Sklaverei und Freiheit. Wir wählen die Freiheit!" - Konrad Adenauer
    "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

  12. #207
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von t@nkfrank
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    Zitat Zitat von Der Falke Beitrag anzeigen

    JAAH. Das ist er. Der geilste AVA von allen.

  13. #208

  14. #209
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Skyreaver
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    Du bist doch Mod hier. Sorg mal wieder für Ordnung.
    step forward one last time, one last battle to hold the line against the night

  15. #210
    I'M NOT A BIRD, YOU KNOW! Avatar von noxx-0
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    Development Diary #13 - 21st of January 2009

    Hello, we are back with the lucky 13th episode of the Hearts of Iron 3 development diary. Progress has been going strong the last week, and we’re happy with the feature we will be presenting today.

    So we are back talking about politics. As mentioned in previous developer diaries, Hearts of Iron 3 is a grand strategy war game. Our main focus through out is on the war. However as some German guy once said, war is a continuation of politics by other means. So although we were never going to lavish a lot of attention on it, we felt that politics should at the very least get a little tender loving care. Our goal was to give the internal politics of a country have a little more depth and try to make it function more dynamically. The biggest restriction we placed upon our changes was that it should feel right for the era.

    Before we launch into this let’s recap briefly about party organisation, as seen a previous developer’s dairy. Each party has a value representing its relative organisation value inside the country. This number is listed between 0-100 and the total organisation value inside a country will also be 100. This is a 0 sum game where increases in organisation by one party hit the others. This in turn feeds into a party’s ability to mobilise support for things like elections and, for those more cloak and dagger types, coups.

    First off I suppose your are wondering what happens if you end up with someone like the National Socialists as the largest party but your country is a democracy. In this scenario your democracy is living on borrowed time. Sooner or later there will be a fire in the parliament building, a state of emergency and a dictatorship. Now I know what you are thinking, what are the odds? However as with all these things we work on the policy, well it could happen.

    Onto the cabinet, as with all the various incarnations of Hearts of Iron, there is a ten-man cabinet where each minister has a different type of effect. However with new toys we have to play with in Hearts of Iron 3 we have overhauled these effects. We personally felt that a lot of minister’s bonuses were independent of your current situation where we feel that the minister choice should reward long-term strategy. So let’s look at some of our new minister effects. Your choice of foreign minister will in the main affect your drift, thus who you pick will have a long term affect on which faction your country moves closest to. Same with your military staff positions they, in general, affect practical decay. So if you have Armoured Spearhead Doctrine Chief of the Army he will get you cheaper tanks and better tank technologies but to get the best out of him you are really going to need to build some tanks.

    Next, as you are no doubt aware the trusty sliders have gone, to be replaced by laws. We like laws a lot more, because unlike sliders who have a fixed time limit between changes, with laws we can make the switch context sensitive. So consider the situation where your neighbour has become just a little bit threatening, so you up your draft level to increase the size of your army. Then your neighbour attacks you, in Hearts of Iron 2 you would have to wait until the next slider change, with laws since you are at war you can immediately start to mobilise your country for war. It also adds in the effect that moving towards a greater war orientation is not a simple annual step, but an actual process that takes into account the global situation.

    Here’s a screenshot of Nazi Germany in 1936.


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