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Thema: Experiment: The duel of the Spy Twins

  1. #46
    Steine... Avatar von KingK
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    nice to have you here
    "Flieht, ihr Narren!"

    check it out:

    1. Darius mit HAMMA Startposi Darius, Bts, Fractal, König
    2. Ich bin der Gott Empire Earth2 mit The Art of Supermancy, freies Scharmützel + Die Deutsche Kampagne
    3. Mal hier, mal da, mal dort... Meine Story zum PB31. Nur für Nicht-Mitspieler!!

    Zitat Zitat von HeymlicH
    KingK wurde bisher in _jedem_ PB, das er gespielt hat, gerusht. Du willst doch nicht etwa mit dieser Tradition brechen?:lach:

    ein Fred, der nur für und über mich ist:troet:

  2. #47
    Say My Name Avatar von Zulan
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    Zitat Zitat von Obsolete Beitrag anzeigen
    I'm really sorry for the confusion about the wonders. I should have communicated this more clearly early on. At least I hope we all learn a lot during this game so we can eventually perfection it .

    The reason why I build the wall was this:

    I found masonry in a hut while reasearching for bronze working:


    Being philosophical the wall is "twice as powerful" for me, while you as Ind only get a small hammer discount. The oracle was for the religion. I need an own in order to use the religion bonus, sorry for not communicating this better.


    Actually the Oracle was a bit of a gamble because I built it two turns before the Great Spy popped in my capital. Still I got the Spy and now I have a 50% lottery for Spy/Prophet. I can also get some spies using CoL/courthouses now.

    I think will not build any more wonders except for the Kremlin or when I'm bored... well maybe the SoL (statue of liberty) .

    Now actually my most important goals are reached, I got a religion, the wall and a great spy. Now its up to Obsolete: Push your expansion and research to the maximum while reaching Currency. Do whatever you need to do so, if you think that a Wonder on the way helps you feel free. Just make sure you:
    1) Reach currency before you are broke.
    2) grab some decent land for the long turn.
    3) found a city near my capital where I can steal.

    I will go for Alphabet now and then switch off research to pay you. I'm pretty optimistic that you will be able to go near 100% research then.

    Sounds like a plan maybe?

    P.S. If all of you got some time spare today we could also play a few turns, otherwise we cont on Monday
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  3. #48
    Say My Name Avatar von Zulan
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    The only other Civ issue I’m debating on at now is to put in a Pre-Order for Civ5 on Amazon. I was going to do this a few nights ago, but decided against it. I’m a bit worried this package may come with DRM, or another terrible protection scheme. I’ve had enough problems with DRM in the past, and I wouldn’t want to wish that upon my worst enemy (well, maybe Montezuma!). I’ll probably wait till I hear more from others who test it first.
    I'll just wait until its ready and get it in a store - unless its totally DRM-contaminated.

  4. #49
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    @ obs:
    your the underdog in every game you play in the early stages. but since your special, it seems that beeing the underdog never prevented you from winning most games nevertheless in the end

    @ zulan:
    cant play today. have to finish some ugly work related stuff... ...can peek in here and there in the forums, but playing

  5. #50
    Say My Name Avatar von Zulan
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    Then tomorrow evening the adventure goes on

  6. #51
    * Ultra-möhrig * Avatar von simsahas
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    BT / FfM /AUC /
    Thank you for all that espionage information, Zulan

    Although I already knew most of the facts you mentioned, I´ve never put all these parts together Only now I begin to understand how powerful a EE really could be if done with a partner!

    Do you incidentally memorize what the max. bonus would be like (religious, cultural, traderoutes, min. distance, overall espionage-points). I´m quite sure you cobbled some typ of formula together
    PB-History: PB23 ● BF1 ● PB25 ● PB27 ● PB28 ● BF3 ● PB30 ● PB33 ● BF5 ● PB37 ● PB 38 ● BF7 ● PB44 ● BF9 ● PB47 ● PB48 ● PB 51 ● BF 15 ● PB 53 ● PB 54 ● PB 57 ● PB 60

    ~~~ W..........O..........M..........B..........A..........T ~~~

    Mitspieler sagen:
    Zitat Zitat von ElDuderino91 Beitrag anzeigen
    :woohoo: Ich spiele mit einem Genie zusammen :nana:

  7. #52
    schläft Avatar von Frozen
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    war da nichtmal irgendwo von ca. 9% die Rede
    Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose

  8. #53
    Say My Name Avatar von Zulan
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    Yes, the theoretical maximum is 9% ( = -91%). But you only reach the bonus of spending asymptotical. Also it does not count distance. So in reality if you're really good it will be around 10%.

  9. #54
    Legende Avatar von Auron
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    Oase des Friedens
    Concerning wonders:

    No early wonders planned. Great Library is very interesting.

    Concerning settling:

    I dont have a plan, but if snaaty agrees i will settle the following spots in this order:

    1. wheat, silver and horse spot; 2. the sheep spot; 3. a spot nortwest of the gold city and 4. finally the overpovered city south of my capital.

    But what about the spy city? Where should i settle?

    @snaaty: We might have a problem to get your economy up. Looking at the map I come to the conclusion its a long way to alphabet. Besides I think there might be another island northeast of your peninsula.

  10. #55
    Say My Name Avatar von Zulan
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    Auron you could either go for the Island, but then I you might have to found on the sheep in order to get it in to the second cultural expansion. An alternative mitght just be 4-4-1 of Theben - then your not stealing any good land from Snaaty, but it will be harder to keep up the trade route.

    @KingK or anyone else reading this with interest in map making: JUST IN CASE we totally mess it up today. Maybe it would be nice to have a backup map. But of course we are trying it to the end, don't we .

    - Continents or Big&Small
    - Somehow balanced starting positions and hinterland
    - Deity difficulty
    - 4 Humans: Ghandi, Ramses (Spies), Eli, Huyana (Researcher)
    - two pairs of researcher and spy near each other

  11. #56
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Zitat Zitat von Zulan Beitrag anzeigen
    Auron you could either go for the Island, but then I you might have to found on the sheep in order to get it in to the second cultural expansion. An alternative mitght just be 4-4-1 of Theben - then your not stealing any good land from Snaaty, but it will be harder to keep up the trade route.

    @KingK or anyone else reading this with interest in map making: JUST IN CASE we totally mess it up today. Maybe it would be nice to have a backup map. But of course we are trying it to the end, don't we .

    - Continents or Big&Small
    - Somehow balanced starting positions and hinterland
    - Deity difficulty
    - 4 Humans: Ghandi, Ramses (Spies), Eli, Huyana (Researcher)
    - two pairs of researcher and spy near each other

    + 6 AI on a big map (you keep forgetting that, dont you, zulan?)

    @ auron:
    we might need to bend the rules a little bit. see what topas posted some posts above (here summarized in short):
    you having the gold city will bring your culture into the spy city(ies). only way to avoid this would be not building any culture buildings in the gold city (no libs, unis etc...) which is totally stupid... it might be best that you gift the city to me and i give you the settler I have just build an near the sheeps... ...its not totally/really against the rules, because its no spy city we are gifting... ...zulan, obs is this ok for you?

    as for plans:
    i go for the cheap reli techs, to bulb theo... ...i can hire 2 priests due to my ub. then i go col first, to get some spies running. only after that its worth to go for alpha... go ironworking, to clear off my jungle, then sailing math, currency. we try to grab as many land as possible from surferman and try to get an islandcity up each, for better trade routes in parallel... ...then we try to find and kill obs... ...because we can
    Geändert von Snaaty (22. März 2010 um 21:21 Uhr)

  12. #57
    Steine... Avatar von KingK
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    na dann werd ich ma anfangen
    "Flieht, ihr Narren!"

    check it out:

    1. Darius mit HAMMA Startposi Darius, Bts, Fractal, König
    2. Ich bin der Gott Empire Earth2 mit The Art of Supermancy, freies Scharmützel + Die Deutsche Kampagne
    3. Mal hier, mal da, mal dort... Meine Story zum PB31. Nur für Nicht-Mitspieler!!

    Zitat Zitat von HeymlicH
    KingK wurde bisher in _jedem_ PB, das er gespielt hat, gerusht. Du willst doch nicht etwa mit dieser Tradition brechen?:lach:

    ein Fred, der nur für und über mich ist:troet:

  13. #58
    Legende Avatar von Auron
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    Oase des Friedens

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  14. #59
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    seems we dont have to change cities... ...topas got it wrong says zulan

    my lovely lands:
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  15. #60
    Steine... Avatar von KingK
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    falls ihr nochma wechseln wollt
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    "Flieht, ihr Narren!"

    check it out:

    1. Darius mit HAMMA Startposi Darius, Bts, Fractal, König
    2. Ich bin der Gott Empire Earth2 mit The Art of Supermancy, freies Scharmützel + Die Deutsche Kampagne
    3. Mal hier, mal da, mal dort... Meine Story zum PB31. Nur für Nicht-Mitspieler!!

    Zitat Zitat von HeymlicH
    KingK wurde bisher in _jedem_ PB, das er gespielt hat, gerusht. Du willst doch nicht etwa mit dieser Tradition brechen?:lach:

    ein Fred, der nur für und über mich ist:troet:

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