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Thema: [UFO: Extraterrestrials] - We're gonna kick some Alien butt!

  1. #1
    Puhuhu Avatar von Slaan
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    [UFO: Extraterrestrials] - We're gonna kick some Alien butt!

    Hey everyone

    Dies wird eine Story in Englisch. Sofern möglich wäre es mir lieb, wenn auch ihr hier in Englisch Posts verfassen würdet um die Story voran zu treiben und euren Characteren... nun... Character zu verpassen

    Let me first give a word out to the people that read my previous story, "[EU3 DW] Der Aufstieg der Sachsen". Maybe you're wondering why I'm starting two new Stories while the DW story isn't finished yet. The reason is simple: The 1000 AD games takes about 20 min per day and a mission in this game will take no more than 30min, 1h tops with all the story writing. If I were to continue my EU3 DW Story I'd have to play about 5 or more hours continuously to finish of those nasty Brits (I hate playing a war of that magnitude over several session) and I just don't have the time . Playing 1,5h per day is the maximum I can allow myself currently and as soon as this changes I'll finish the story, but until then, I prefer to write this one .

    Now, I've planned this story for quite some time now and I'm quite happy I'm able to start it now. I've given some thought to the characters im using in the RPG, their aims and history and I'm hoping you will help me devolop them the way the should

    While I'll be using the english language exclusivly, I do not expect you to do you. I would prefer it, but from what I've been told, there is quite a large German population on the planet we are aiming to protect and luckily the Commander of our main defence base knows some German

    Unfortunatly, this is the first game of the series I'm playing. So I'm not that familiar with the actual history that happend. I've read up on a few key points (1998 war i.e.) and I've played X-COM: Interceptor a few times, so hope this knowledge will help me to make this as good as it should be .

    By the way, my mother tounge isn't english, so it's quite possible I make some mistakes along the way. If you spot any, feel free to correct me . This is also a learning experience for myself

    Alright, now let's get it startet


    It's been quite a century. Almost exactly 100 years ago the alien scumbags attacted earth in what has now become known as the first xenon war. After we've somehow, with no small portion of luck, beaten the crap out of 'em and kicked them out of our Solar System with the destruction of their Marsbase. A couple of decades of peace followed, but it didn't take too long for us to recognise that the threat those ugly Xenos pose is alot larger than originally anticipated.

    And so it came, that the focus of the organisation X-COM, short for Extraterrestrial Combat Unit, originally created to protect earth, was redirected to the space. At first they werde ordered to protect our Solar System. With an ever increasing investment in privatly owned companys exploring the riches of our universe, it seemed duely necessary to increase Sol's defences.

    For a long time however, there was no further contact. Not a shred of evidence indicating the alien threat was still out there. Until 2067 at least.

    X-COM had just finished building its first space station when an alien scout drone entered it's sensor range. X-COM fighteres were of course immediatly dispatched to deal with the object, but it was to late. Originally they just viewed our puny little race as the bugs they were under the boots, but now they began to realise the threat WE were able to pose to them. Never were they able to realise just how quickly our technology advanced, the speed with which our economy allowed us to created battle ships, space stations and the curiosity of our explorers.

    A new war dawned on the horizon of our galaxy. The X-COM pilots fought bravely in outer space, managing to secure more and more solar systems to feed earth's economy and pushing those alien bastards further back.

    It was not too long after, that a new threat came to the attention of X-COM command: The aliens were building a Doomsday weapon... somewhere. A weapon so terrifing... it would've been able to destroy our beloved home planet in one shot. And that was their goal. Thanks to some intercepted messages detailing the construction efforts of the aliens and a retrofitted battleship a new destiniation for the courages pilots of X-COM was set: The home system of those Xenons were the weapon was stored. Or rather their home dimension.... as it turned out, they didn't even orginate in our dimension! But those suckers sure made it their home.

    The UGS Macarthur, the retrofitted battleship, was, thanks to some crafty engineering, able pass into their dimension. After a Squad of 6 Ships arrived in their dimension they didn't know what to expect. It was for sure the hardest battle the X-COM pilots ever fought. One Pilot, codenamed "Slaan" [Hell yeah, I did that! ], managed to launch the newly developed Nova bomb and protect it during its acceleration. This new bomb was special. The thinking was "They're trying to destroy our planet? Then we will destroy their sun! We'll turn it into a Super-Nova and the Nova will take care of their weapon".... and that's exactly what this bomb was for. As the bomb deceneded upon their star, it didn't do anything fancy. It just released alot of iron. Iron is drawing more power from the sun as fusing iron required more power than it produced. It set into motion the most frightening set of events one could imagine. The sun spontaneously collapsted, bevor exploding in a manner that could just be described as violent.

    Our hero pilots of X-COM just barely managed to return to the The UGS Macarthur before being the next meal of this super nova. Their job was done. Eyewitnesses described it as the most beautiful thing they've ever seen. The alien sun exploding, their Doomsday weapon caught up in it. A bright light.

    After this heroic victory we heard again nothing of our xenon "buddys". Mankind advanced further into space, colonising new planets, building new outposts. The Unified Planets Government (UPG) was sure: We beat them! We annihilated them. There is nore more obstacle in the way of humanity claiming the stars to themselfs. So they reduced the budget of X-COM operation, they were afraid of the power they once possessed.

    They couldn't have been more wrong in their assessment. The sol years went by (the unified way of time measurement, since each planet had its own sun) and the X-COM declined further and further of the strong anti-xenon military arm they once were. They still had bases on all the major planets, but they had no more focus. No more reason to fight.

    But in the year of 2108 Sol it happend, the unexpected. Xenon ships appeared in the vincinity of Humanplanets and from some it was the last message humankind heard. A new war broke out, a war noone was prepared for. A war that would shape our kind forever. A war for survival.

    It is a hectic day. By now, the news of alien attacks probably reached every planet in the verse.
    The old X-COMbase on Esperanza was in bad shape. Base, tch, it was more a retirement home for senior officers. Hardly equipped for a battle it had only three Hangars. Two Raptors that were most likely as old the commanding officer and a Raider which was mainly used for crowdcontrol when protests got too heated.

    Juan, a young officer on the base, was running around all day. Running looking for someone... looking for the commanding officer. He'd been on vacation for 4 days and didn't answer his cell. He didn't even respond to a gooface message! How old fashion was he?

    In the evening, finally, he found him. With a fishing rod in one hand a beer in the other he strolled down a hallway leading to nowhere. This 56 year old veteran sure knows how to take it easy. If you think about it, he looks odd himself. Apparently decended from Asia of old Earth, he has the clear the blue eyes and blonde hair of a Swede.

    Juan: Sir, I've been looking all over for you!
    Calm down, calm down! I know, you send me like a gazillion messages
    So you know were under attack? What are you orders?
    Attack? I've heard nothing of an attack . Everything seems quiet around here.... it's probably just you imagination, you youngsters always looking for fight *sigh*
    Uhm.... didn't you read my message?
    Hell no! I was on vacation! And what are you thinking anyway sending me 10 messages within the hour? I had to smash my cell into a rock to get it to stop. Don't you know the virtue of silence and relaxation? You youngsters, always looking for fight
    I'm terrible sorry for the disburbance and... wait, NO! This is not the time for idle talk, SIR. We really are under attack by for far unidentified Xenons!
    Xenons? We haven't seen any for 40 years! I was there, on the UGS Macarthur as a young recruit. Nothing could've survied the explosion. The instruments are probably just going haywire, this is a pretty old base y'know?
    Unfortunatly, Sir, this is not the case. We've received radio transmissions of simultanious attacks on several borderplanets and outposts. From what we've heard the attacking vessels pretty much match the old describtions in the X-COM database. But nothing is confirmed as of now. With all due respect, I urge you to increase our alarmstatus. Here are the reports that are available to us so far.
    *studying the reports* Haha, well that is indeed a very well planned practicle joke or we are in huge trouble
    Did you just snap at me? Don't ever snap to your superior officer, you could get court-marshalled for this
    *cough* Sorry Sir, it won't happen again. It's just....
    Yes yes, you aren't used to stress... and how could you get used to it? Nothing exciting ever happens here but this, hell, I'm all fired up now! But be aware, if this turns out to be some kind of hoax, I'll have your head for breakfast tomorrow
    No hoax, Sir, I promise
    Alright then, let us head to the communications centre to get some up to date information! And stop with that Sir crap, call me Jin
    Sir, yes Sir! I mean Jin, Sir! Sorry Sir, i mean Jin! I mean
    Nevermind, let's go

    After they've arrived at the command center Juan was shocked

    What do you mean you can't get any signal? Are we cut off? Are all the others dead? Are we the last humans?
    Calm down damnit, Juan! It just means we are being jammed or something. Esperanza is on the outskirts of the New Human Empire after all, if there really is an attack happening it would be odd if they didn't come here, right?
    Right. Wait what? How can you just say "just" and "jammed" in the same sentence without breaking a sweat old man?
    First off, i prefer Sir to old man shithead. And second: There is nothing we can do about it right now, correct? Have there been any sightings of UFOs in the area?

    The Communicationscrew shaked their head, everything seems silent.

    Alright then! Mind if I go back to my fishing?
    Hell YEAH! *cough* Sir! What is our next move? We hardly have any ressources to fight them in the air if the launch a fullscale attack. And if they land.... well lets just say we only have Papersoldiers. Nothing we could throw at them. There is an old tank in the armory but that's just about it.
    Well that's troublesome Emoticon: gaehn. How about we recruit some people then? I'm sure we have a couple of fighters among the population of this planet.
    Well yea.... rumours about the attacks are spreading quickly and alot of people want to join us know saying "We'd rather fight now than die later"... but most of them have hardly any qualification. Apparantly there is even an ex-pirat that wants to join us... can you believe people write "I've used to be a pirate" on their application?
    This fellow sounds like a winner! Alright, send out a recruitment order. Everyone willing is welcome to try... to become an X-COM Soldier in the most exciting time. It will be your job, Juan, to sort them out and present a short list to me. I want to have at least 10 usefull names on my desk in two hours.
    I'll try my best, Sir. Jin, Sir! But we won't have any time to train them...
    So? The Battlefield will be their Trainingground. Everyone that falls just wasn't X-COM material, it's as easy as that. Unless you have a better solution, Juan?
    Well.... I do not, Sir! What are you going to do in the meantime?
    Well...Lets just say I'm working on a plan for when this is all over. Don't you think those politicians these days have become way to weak to lead a country?
    Sir, Jin?
    Nevermind, dismissed

    Juan clearly saw a spark of excitement in Jin's eyes. But he doesn't have to time to think about this old geezers ambitions, the safty of this world hangs in the balance! Well, possible, since there have been no indications of an attack yet. But better prepared than being the sore loser.


    Alright, you heard him everyone! We need meat recruits! Don't be shy! Everyone can have their shot in the new Esperanza X-COM Elite Squad!

    Don't ask me though how I'm going to classify the soldiers. This will be my second game and the first one was just get some insight into the combat engine. So I'm a newbie at this game and will probably lead you into your death. But don't worry, I have very reliable sources that tell me, that its pretty nice in the afterlife!

    Any questions?


    General Jin
    Officer Juan
    Chief Operating Officer Slaan

    And here is an always up to date list of our current recruits and their rank:

    Fischkopp II [SERGEANT]
    Milan III [CORPORAL]
    Kolalan [SERGEANT]
    TJ Rock (Thalionrog) [CORPORAL]
    harry.dober [CORPORAL FIRST CLASS]
    Phex [CORPORAL]
    Ennos II [ROOKIE]
    Geändert von Slaan (30. Oktober 2011 um 02:59 Uhr)
    |學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆。 ~ 孔子|
    | Lernen ohne zu denken ist sinnlos, denken ohne zu lernen gefährlich. ~ Kong Zi |

    | During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act ~ George Orwell |

    SdM Dez16 - XCOM2 Make Humanity Great again

  2. #2
    im Exil
    Registriert seit
    wo der Rhein noch blau ist
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    Alright, you heard him everyone! We need meat recruits!
    I am in. My first name shall be meat shield.

    The genetic breeding program run by my parents is now paying off. Finally. There must have been a reason why I got no brain, but a tough skin and broad shoulders. Now I know why; my destiny unfolds. Being a bouncer for sure wasn't my final destiny, but kicking some alien asses certainly is. But wait! Do aliens have asses? Anyway. It doesn't matter. I am not here to ponder about alien anatomy but to send them home.

    Let's get armed and then

  3. #3
    Kaffee-Junkie Avatar von darkrayden
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    Sir, I'm ready for action!
    (and also ready to die as you had to be within my story that I'm going to continue soon)

  4. #4
    Puhuhu Avatar von Slaan
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    Great to have you guys on board! But are still gonna need more recruits! Don't be shy

    @darkrayden: You better continue your story
    |學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆。 ~ 孔子|
    | Lernen ohne zu denken ist sinnlos, denken ohne zu lernen gefährlich. ~ Kong Zi |

    | During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act ~ George Orwell |

    SdM Dez16 - XCOM2 Make Humanity Great again

  5. #5
    Zeitalter Avatar von Milan
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    Here I´m in too, Sir!
    Es ist soweit, die Neue Saison hat angefangen
    Blood Bowl Legendary Liga
    Neue Teams, Neue Spieler, alter Gewaltgrad!
    Zitat Zitat von Olannda Beitrag anzeigen
    Ich hab mal die Teams angeschaut und es haben verdammt viele Leute nur Rüstung 7. Diese Liga wird ein verdammtes Blutbad
    Die zweite Bloodbowl Liga:

  6. #6
    Puhuhu Avatar von Slaan
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    I've just realized: The Pink is just ugly , I'm gonna change it

    And welcome aboard, Milan
    |學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆。 ~ 孔子|
    | Lernen ohne zu denken ist sinnlos, denken ohne zu lernen gefährlich. ~ Kong Zi |

    | During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act ~ George Orwell |

    SdM Dez16 - XCOM2 Make Humanity Great again

  7. #7
    Asozialer Banger Avatar von The_Dude
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    Langsam habe ich das Gefühl, dass man dich gewissermaßen...anglophil nennen könnte

  8. #8
    Kaffee-Junkie Avatar von darkrayden
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    Zitat Zitat von The_Dude Beitrag anzeigen
    Langsam habe ich das Gefühl, dass man dich gewissermaßen...anglophil nennen könnte
    what is this guy talking bout?

  9. #9
    Puhuhu Avatar von Slaan
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    Zitat Zitat von The_Dude Beitrag anzeigen
    Langsam habe ich das Gefühl, dass man dich gewissermaßen...anglophil nennen könnte
    You are partly right. I love the Englisch language (at least more than the German), but I have no further appreciation of their culture. At least not more than for any other european culture .
    |學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆。 ~ 孔子|
    | Lernen ohne zu denken ist sinnlos, denken ohne zu lernen gefährlich. ~ Kong Zi |

    | During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act ~ George Orwell |

    SdM Dez16 - XCOM2 Make Humanity Great again

  10. #10
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Kolalan
    Registriert seit
    Hab ich
    wenn ihr drunter gleich noch die übersetzung hinschreiben würdet, dann könnten auch leute mitlesen, die kein englisch verstehen
    Zitat Zitat von Cutty Framm Beitrag anzeigen
    So Technologien, die für den Bau von Wundern notwendig sind, sollte man in der Regel vor dem Bau des Wunders erforschen. :D
    Zitat Zitat von Nahoimi Beitrag anzeigen
    Ich glaub aber, dass nur Frauen Königin werden dürfen...

  11. #11
    im Exil
    Registriert seit
    wo der Rhein noch blau ist
    Zitat Zitat von Slaan Beitrag anzeigen
    but I have no further appreciation of their culture.
    Why? What is so bad about putting towels on the deck chairs right at the pool when you return from the disco at 6 in the morning, then sleeping till early afternoon in order to get sober before going back to the pool with a beer in each hand only to find out that the bloody Krauts have taken away your towel. Difficult to tell then if it was too much sun that turned your bald head red or the anger about the Fritzes.

    Oder hat das etwa nichts mit Kultur zu tun, sondern ist ein blödes, dumpfes Vorurteil? Egal.

  12. #12
    der Gesegnete Avatar von Thalionrog
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    You can count me in Sir!

    Zitat Zitat von Kolalan Beitrag anzeigen
    wenn ihr drunter gleich noch die übersetzung hinschreiben würdet, dann könnten auch leute mitlesen, die kein englisch verstehen
    Hätte aber wenig Sinn wenn die Story selbst auf Englisch ist, gelle?

  13. #13
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Kolalan
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    Hab ich
    I hereby register for the service together with my buddy Google Translate.

    Zitat Zitat von Cutty Framm Beitrag anzeigen
    So Technologien, die für den Bau von Wundern notwendig sind, sollte man in der Regel vor dem Bau des Wunders erforschen. :D
    Zitat Zitat von Nahoimi Beitrag anzeigen
    Ich glaub aber, dass nur Frauen Königin werden dürfen...

  14. #14
    Je suis USA! Avatar von Ennos
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    I´m ready to be of service.
    Es grüßt euch der Kaiser der Vereinigten Staaten, Mansa von Mali, Samrat Chakravartin von Indien, König von Spanien, König von Baden, Sekretär des Deutschen Bundes, Sultan von Delhi, Sultan der Osmanen und Präsident der Vereinigten Arabischen Republik.

  15. #15
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von harry.dober
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    Planet Erde
    Wie genau läuft das dann? Schreibt man dann hier mit, oder schreibst du Charaktere anhand von dem, was man dir praktisch in die Hand gibt?
    - Platzhalter -

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