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Thema: Blake-Mod

  1. #1


    Der Downloadlink für den Blake-Mod, habe den eben etwas umständlich suchen müssen, aber ich denke, dass sich der Mod ja großer Beliebtheit erfreut und erfreuen wird, so dass eine Verlinkung angebracht ist:

  2. #2
    Replikant Avatar von Cloud
    Registriert seit
    Und für Interessierte der Original-Thread auf civfanatics und das eigens eingerichtete Unterforum.

  3. #3
    Macht Musik Avatar von Peregrin_Tooc
    Registriert seit
    St. Ingbert
    Eine (unvollständige) Übersetzung der Verbesserungen:

    [?] bedeutet, dass ich mir entweder bei der Übersetzung nicht sicher bin oder mir keine Einfällt. Bugfixes hab ich weggelassen, so sie nicht konkrete Verbeserungen am Gameplay verhießen.

    Zitat Zitat von Blake
    Normales Level an Kriegserklärungen (seit 24.1. sehr hoch gewesen)

    Änderungen 9.2.07
    Gouverneur, Wirtschaft:
    - die KI wird Anarchie vermeiden, wenn das wegen niedrigem Gold und negativem Aussenhadler zu Streik führen würde
    - Wert des Kommerzes erhöht
    - Reduzierter Effekt bei Fokus auf GPs
    - Wert von Nahrung angepasst (3N 3H 1K sollte 4N vorgezogen werden)
    - Fokus auf Produktion oder Kommerz sollte den Wert von Wachstum erhöhen
    - Exakte Umrechnung Nahrung <-> Hämmer per Sklaverei
    - Beim Bauen einer kornkammer werden Hämmer besser bewertet
    - In kleinen Städten wird künftige Größe bei der Gebäudeauswahl berücksichtigt.
    - Die KI sollte Siedler effektiver trainieren und nutzen und so schneller expandieren
    - Kleinere Änderungen bei anderen Produktionsauswahlen von Städten
    - Für Extremsituationen den Wert von Kommerz angepasst
    - 'Infinite' loop in governor fixed [?]

    - KI Verteidigungseinheiten sollten nun wesentlich öfter Ausfälle wagen
    - verteidigende Belagerungswaffen sollten nun sinnvoller benutzt werden
    - KI trainiert mehr Verteidigungseinheiten für Städte
    - Mehr UUs werden für einen frühen Rush als gut erachtet
    - Crush strategy[?] wird nicht länger verhindern, dass Boote gebaut werden
    - Bug gefixt, bei dem Stacks ihre Angriffe nciht vollendeten
    - Fogbusting Einheiten werden für Upgrades in eigenes Kulturgebiet reisen, wenn die verfügbar sind
    - Neue Vassalen werden noch nicht erklärte Kriege gegen jede Seite abbrechen

    - KI sollte richtig wählen, ob sie einen Siedler auf ein Schiff läd oder nicht.

    Gouverneur / Wirtschaft
    -Gouverneur sollte es besser hinbekommen, wenn er sich Gesundheits- oder Glücklichkeitsgrenzen nähert
    -KIs die eine Missionierungsstrategie verfolgen, sollten mehr Missionare bauen

    - Die KI sollte wertvolle Städte nun angemessen verteidigen
    - KI sollte geschickter mit dem abreißen von Städten umgehen
    - die KI sollte ihre Angreifer nicht so tröpfeln lassen

    Wirtschaft / Gouverneur
    - KI setzt mehr auf wichtige Wirtschaftsgebäude
    - KI baut mit geringerer Wkeit nutzlose Gebäude
    - Trade Routes on buildings properly valued.[?]
    - Gebäude die Erfahrungspkjt geben, werden (endlich!) richtig bewertet
    - Arbeitstrupps werden geschickter eingesetzt, wenn die Stadt Kultur o.Ä. baut
    - Der Gouverneut wird nun auch Arbeitstrupps bauen, wenn großer Mangel an ihnen herrscht

    KI Militär:
    - Extra warmongery leaders now "Dagger Harder".[?]
    - Barbaren werden weder die Peitsche schwingen noch zwangsrekrutieren

    - Erkennt den Wert von Nahrungsfeldern besser
    - Wird bei sklaverei wahrscheinlicher Nahrungsfelder bearbeiten lassen
    - Höherer Fokus auf Produktion in der Nähe der Glücklichkeitsgrenze

    - Mehr Flexibilität bei Training, Nutzung und Paltzierung von Verteidigern
    - Kleine Heere werden wahrwscheinlicher plündern
    - KI wird nicht auf großen Armeen sitzen, sondern Kriege erklären
    - KI wird früher Kriege führen
    - KI wird erst aufrüsten, wenn wirkliche Einheiten da sind, es sei denn, sie wird gezwungen

    - Balance zwischen Wundern, Militär und Gebäuden verändert
    - Kleinere veränderung bei der Bewertung von Gebäuen
    - Arbeitstrupps schließen sich zusammen, um strategische Ressourcen anzuschließen

    - AI more likely to Missionary in favor of Dagger. [?]
    - Die KI wird dir weniger wahrscheinlich in den Rücken fallen, v. a. bei "aggressive KI"
    - AI more likely to Crush and Vassals now handled consistently. [?]

    Erkundung / Fogbusting
    - Generelle Verbesserungen
    - Fogbusting[?] werden sich wahrscheinlcih nicht bewegen, wenn Gegner in der Nähe sind
    - KI kann mit Lufteinheiten erforschen
    - Visibility calculations should be faster (less lag) [?]
    - Alle erforschenden Einheiten werden, wenn die Chancen gut genug sind, Verteidiger auf Barbarendörfern angreifen

    8.1. 07
    Krieg und taktik
    - Zahl der verteidiger von Kernstädten erhöht
    - Increased the weighting on needed defenders in the presence of hostile units.[?]
    - Einschätzung der KI verbessert, ob es sicher ist, die Stadt zu verlassen, um Eindringlinge zu vernichten
    - Speerkämpfer werden weniger wahrscheinlich trainiert
    - Drill promotion line now synergizes strongly (protective should pursue it sometimes).[?]
    - Plünderer können sich Stadtbelagerungen anschließen
    - Stack of Doom verbessert
    - Die KI sollte flexibler mit Kriegserklärungen umgehen (aktiv)
    - "Wir haben gerade genug zu tun" ist die letzte benutze Ausrede

    Gouverneur und Bautrupps
    - Hütten werden vom Gouverneur besser bewertet, nämlich: town > village > hamlet > cottage
    - KI Bautrupps sollten, vor allem im Lategame, mehr Gewicht auf Produktion setzen.
    Je nach persönlichkeit wird die Ki mehr Gewicht auf Produktion setzen

    -- Wahrscheinlichkeit für den Versuch eines Kultursieges geringfügig verringert
    -- Kulturelle KIs nutzen eine verbesserte Routine, um zu entscheiden, wann die Forschung ausgestellt wird
    -- Kulturelle KI kann besser mit Krieg umgehen

    - Späher verbessert (KI und automatisert)

    Start Points:
    - Keine sehr nahen Starts mehr
    - Weniger wahrscheinlich, im ewigen Eis zu starten

    KI Imperiums-Management
    - Ki unterscheidet zwischen Gebäuden und Wundern
    - Brandneue, menschenähnlichere Wunderbaulogik
    - Neue Logik für Wirtschaftsgebäude
    - Leicht verbesserte Logik für Siedler und Arbeitstrupps
    - KI nutzt die "Fokus auf..." Knöpfe besser und nicht mehr zum eigenen Schaden
    - Situationsabhängige Änderungen der Gewichtung von Produktion <-> Kommerz
    - Geschickteres Roden - weniger Wahrscheinlich, wenn die Gesundheit gebraucht wird

    Startegie und Taktik:
    - Beförderungsreihen werden nun stärker verfolgt
    - Weniger unpassende Beförderungen
    - KI wird früher Kasernen bauen
    - Ki wird mehr Plünderer bauen und einsetzen, hoffentlich mit größerem Effekt
    - Rudimentäre Kenntnis von der Bedrohungsstufe einer Stadt
    - KI wird in bedrohten städten mehr Verteidiger einsetzen
    - Ki wird mehr verteidiger produzieren
    - KI wird in Verteidigungskriegen sogar noch mehr Veteidiger produzieren
    - Besserer Mix von verteidigern
    - Intelligente Nutzung von Verteidigern, wird Ausfälle machen, um schwache Eindringlinge zu vernichten

    -Die Ki zieht nun Entfernungen besserr in Betracht
    -Eine KI mit Vasallen wird aggressiver
    -Ein geplanter Krieg wird nun mit höherer Wahrscheinlcihkeit tatsächlich durchgezogen
    Im Falle eines Dolchstoßes, werden Kriegsplanungen wahrscheinlicher abgebrochen

    Changes 2006-12-21
    Sea Assault changes:
    - cities build transports and escorts more often when in a sea war, also building units to load onto the transports when they are empty
    - fleets are generally created larger, with proper escort ships
    - target city for a sea assault should be slightly more random
    - transport fleets will now stop to bombard after they have dropped off their units, prior to returning home for more troops
    - dagger AIs should not build sea units when in a land war

    Governor Changes:
    - if any specialists are forced, then all future specialists will attempt to be assigned at the same ratio as the forced specialists
    - emphasize buttons should never stagnate a city that wants to grow to its happy cap except under the most extreme conditions
    - changed the way non-starving food is forced, more likely to work lower food plots if they are good plots and sufficient to prevent starvation (eg: three 1f3h plots will be worked rather than two 2f0h0c plots and a specialist)
    - multipliers returned, cities with high relative multipliers (production, etc), should again prefer these
    - commerce value slightly increased in comparison to hammers, this is offset by situational increases to production value.
    - governor understands building gold/research/culture (to recongnize when a mine or specialist is best)
    - merchants are no longer discriminated against compared with scientists

    City Changes:
    - true AI city specialization implemented
    - workers use city specializtion to decide which improvement to make
    - cities in serious danger will panic and abuse population to build defenders
    - Wonders should be built more frequently
    - Dagger AIs will build settlers more often
    - tweaks in the AI city production choices
    - AI worker training changes
    - Build governor tweaks
    - AI uses emphasize buttons less, using new city specialization functions which provide greater precision.
    - cultural victory AIs should be less likely to stagnate when expansion-limited.
    - city production choices utilize specialization
    - limited wonders should be built in the correct specialized city

    Misc Changes:
    - AI values gold more in trade (known issue with rounding to 10g broken)
    - Fixed crash bug, as seen with some mods combined with BetterAI
    - Misc Crash bug fixed (as reported on apolyton)
    - land units will not bombard a city with zero defenders or when they have attack odds over 95%
    - AI will upgrade units more smartly.
    - AIs should build more defenders for cities, particularly in wartime
    - The AI is more flexible in breaking up large stacks (such as to defend cities).
    - Starting point refinement (both placement and normalization), close starts should REALLY be gone.
    - Workboat automation changed, so they will camp a presently-unconnectable bonus they are automated near.
    - The AI should build more mines and enjoy stronger production
    - under chipotle, ctrl mouseover units gives grouping information
    - under chipotle, now displaying detailed (declare) war/peace status

    Changes 2006-12-12
    Starting Point Changes:
    - Rewrite of minimum distance stuff to make it more flexible.
    - Players should not start very close together.
    - Players should not be jammed into unusual spots.
    - Changed the food bonus normalizer to be fairer on very dry starts.

    AI Production Changes:
    - The AI will train workers much more readily on Prince and lower difficulties.
    - The AI will attempt to grow to a sensible size before stalling growth for workers/settlers.
    - The AI will be less likely to build useless lighthouses.
    - AI wonder building madness toned down - the AI will still build wonders early but not so obsessively.
    - The AI will be more sensible when it comes to whipping (or not whipping) wonders.
    - the AI will build less cultural items in the top city, saving it for the
    weaker cities when pursing cultural victory

    AI Research Selection Changes:
    - Worker techs valued much more sensibly, the AI takes food into account.
    - The AI recognizes bonuses which will soon be included within their borders.
    - Fishing value is more context-sensitive, much less valuable inland.
    - Founding a religion is valued more if it's the next tech rather than 2 techs away.
    - The value boost from wonders/buildings is somewhat capped to reduce "Masonry Obsession"
    - Techs which give a civic may be valued more (particulary Bronze Working and Monarchy)
    - The AI will pursue strategic resources (ie weighting Iron Working more if it fails to get Copper or Horses).

    War Changes:
    - AIs will prefer going to war with neighbors, they will be very unlikely
    to go to war with a target that is very far away

    Strategic Changes:
    - AIs with favorite civic preventing religion spread will be less likely to
    pursue cultural victory

    Misc Changes:
    - Autoworker now improves food resources with higher priority.
    - Autoworker should do a better job of roading things up.
    - AI are more flexible and will attack with smaller stacks in the earlier eras.
    - Fixed a bug with Coal trade value.

    Changes 2006-12-09
    - crash fixed related to AI_stealPlots (caused with cities of different civs sharing a fat cross)
    - fixed Emancipation bug, AIs will once again use Emancipation
    - starting location tweaks, the 'greenland effect' toned down (ie Furs wont be upgraded to Grassland)

    Changes 2006-12-07
    - automated build governor for human player cities totally reworked to be useful. It will never build units unless there is no other choice, including processes. (It will prefer building gold/research/culture to building a unit). It whips buildings when appropriate.
    - Drama tech should be higher priority for cultural victory AIs
    - stack attack setting should work for human player
    - AI stacks should now correctly completely attack, no matter the user settings on stack attack
    - rare religions will spread better under cultural victory
    - AI research choices changed, including wonders that are already built are not counted in value of a tech, scaling with game speed better, better at picking cheap techs, and more
    - big changes to working plots: plots that are valued on their overall usefullness
    - AI will turn off science when in the late stages of cultural victory
    - AI will grow its cities properly when under cultural victory
    - city governor no longer takes into account any multipliers (production/commerce), some other changes, significant change
    - starting points changed to fix problems with city founding, including mad seafood starts, starts too close together, and more
    - bug in 2.08 pop rush code where a building does not finish the next turn, but requires 2 more turns
    - BetterAI tag now has the build date in it
    - chipotle war info now displays even if you have not met a civ (ctrl-z case)

    Changes 2006-12-02
    - fix end war values, several checks were backwards, wars should end when appropriate now

    Changes 2006-12-01

    - financial wars! warlike leaders will now consider starting wars to solve their financial problems. When a warlike leader is in war, if his finances are bad or he has chosen dagger strat, he will be more reluctant to accept peace.
    - major bug that caused city attack stacks to not merge, which prevented war declarations prior to seige weapons
    - if there is danger, wonder builds will be canceled when queue is made dirty
    - in the high production cities, leaderhead wonder preferences for wonders is doubled, this should increase wonder builds overall
    - the city governor will now grow cities faster all the way to the target level, and to 85% full in that level, before slowing down
    - the city governor emphasize food case emphasizes food even more
    - the city governor will always let a city go one over the happy cap when in slavery
    - once it reaches its target level and 85% full, the city governor may work lower food tiles in order to stop growth
    - AI cities will only let them starve to 80% rather than 50%
    - found value used to found cities updated: bonus resources in the outer ring will be correctly valued now, blocked bonuses will now be counted against city found locations, high opponent culture in the founding site will all be taken into account now
    - granaries get even higher building priority
    - in high water maps, dagger strat will build ships
    - "plot danger" changes, when workers decide to stop working changed
    - for cultural victory, AIs will not settle artists in cities that have not popped borders at least once
    - for cultural victory, AIs will try even harder to found a religion if they have zero holy cities
    - units that are given the mission of defending cities will not get city raider promotions
    - a lot more info under chipotle cheat code, particularly war info

    Changes 2006-11-26
    - Governor bugfixes. All known bugs are fixed in the city governor:
    * bug that removed a good high food tile, and added a good
    low food tile
    * bug that caused player cities to starve
    * bug that caused AI cities to starve extensively
    * emphasize commerce specialist behavior changed: it now looks
    at slider settings, rather than just picking merchants. This
    means if you are at 100% culture, the governor will
    auotmatically select artists if you click emphasize commerce
    * generic citizens are given 60% value, you should not get them
    when another specialist is available (except possibly when
    emphasizing production)
    * even if at or over happy cap, if two tiles are equal except
    for food, the higher food tile will still be chosen.
    * if in slavery, cities are encouraged to go one over happy cap
    * 4 commerce tiles are now slightly prefered over 1 production
    * emphasize buttons have a stronger effect
    - building a cheap building frequency lowered
    - cultural victory tweaks, including tech choices and city builds
    - once music discovered, cities will build culture to pop borders
    - captured cities will choose a building first, not a unit
    - national and world wonders should be built in an appropriate city
    - buildings that increase great people rate are more likely to be built in cities that already have a high great people rate
    - monastaries are more likely to be built
    - once a civ gets far enough along a cultural victory, it will stop doing dagger if it was previously
    - bug that prevented a war declaration when the attack stack
    was inside friendly borders and next to the attack target
    - AIs re-evaluate their city builds if they enter financial trouble or learn a new tech (wonders in progress are continued however)
    - some chipotle cheat mode fixes, particularly with trade messages
    - promotion choice fixes
    - theocracy use in cultural victory strat adjusted
    - improved boat building logic
    - tweaked strategies (isn't that descriptive!)

    Changes 2006-11-22

    - AIs should build wonders more frequently
    - tactical changes, AIs should stack attack properly now
    - AIs more likely to build barracks, and give other AIs more military respect
    - AIs should attack with more focus
    - AIs in financial trouble are much more likely to pick buildings and techs to solve it
    - AI missionary strategy improved
    - bug where AIs would run 90% research and run out of gold always fixed
    - holding down ALT when mousing over the active player will show "=== Better AI ==="
    - AIs will emphasize the right things for city plots
    - minor bugfix with healing units rejoining groups early
    - possible crash with stack attack fixed (when every unit is very damaged)
    - crash with air units fixed

    Changes 2006-11-18

    - neverending 'waiting for other civilizations' bug fixed

    Changes 2006-11-17

    Overall Strategy:
    - Cultural Victory: the AI now may decide to try for this victory type
    - Dagger: sometimes, the AI make make a big military effort somewhat early

    Military Strategy:
    - larger stacks should be more likely
    - units are split off to heal while the main stack moves on
    - quite a few minor changes

    Military Tactics:
    - when attacking, with low odds, sacrifice units are sent first
    - The AI will pillage a lot less.
    - When sieging cities, the AI will attack with all of it's units if it thinks it can win.
    - AIs use promotions more sensibly, they will try to make a medic in large stacks and are less likely to use "conflicting" counter-promotions (ie Shock+Cover)

    AI Tech Preferences
    - Techs that give buildings should be valued more highly than before
    - Meditation and Polytheism are closer in value, which one an AI chooses to do first will be more random
    - AIs will prefer techs that give them their UUs and UBs

    Worker AI:
    - automated workers correctly will improve over city ruins
    - all known bugs with city ruins and 'leave old improvements' fixed
    - other minor tweaks

    - AIs will be less likely to accept peace when they have a large advantage in land area

    City AI:
    - AIs will try to spawn a prophet in their holy city if they do not have a shrine yet

    Governor changes:
    - the default case of the governor should now be one you usually use
    - food has a higher priority when cities need to grow
    - if you pick emphasize, it will be more likely to do what you wanted
    - in general, emphasize nothing is a better choice than emp food/prod/commerce
    - emph commerce will also emphasize gold (also pick emphasize research if thats why you want commerce)
    - emph great people rate should actually do what you expect
    - emph research should work commerce+food tiles when appropriate
    - the governor knows how close you are to the happy cap of the city

    Cheat mode: (= chipotle, to enable)
    - messages are sent for all trades, trivializing tracking how often (or rarely) the AIs trade techs, resources, etc with each other
    - city founding values shown for neutral plots when alt key down
    - plots in city radius show their plot value with alt-shift keys down
    - city plots show the value of all possible plots and specialists with alt-shift keys down
    - stack values are displayed with the alt key down
    - combat odds also show the stack comparison values
    - shift key down shows extra info about units
    - cultural pressure and strategies shown with alt key down

    Changes 2006-11-07:

    - Workers and other non-combatant units will now respect borders of hostile players as dangerous places to be, even if no units are visible. It should now be pretty darn hard to catch a worker in wartime.
    - No more worker gangs, the AI will avoid forming large gangs on one tile and will also distribute it's workers better on a per-city basis.
    - Workers should now build railroads on mines/lumber mills as super high priority, since it's a very cost effective build.
    - Saner post-biology terraforming, the AI will no longer be obsessed with biology farms. In particular it should aim for only enough food for size 20-21 cities.
    - The AI now properly values Coal as providing Railroads. It should be worth about 2 luxuries and maybe a little chumps change.
    - The AI will be far more reluctant to use the Woodsman and Guerilla promotions for non-scout units. In particular they'll only choose one of those promotions if they are actually standing on the terrain type when they earn the exp.
    - Fixed a problem where an AI stack will wait to heal in hostile territory with no medic, wasting upwards of a dozen turns. Bandaid fix only.
    - Slightly reduced the AI's tendency to pillage. If you ask the AI to attack a city, it shouldn't pillage that city.

    - The AI will put more emphasis on priests in holy cities.
    - Improved AI missionary usage. The AI should do a better job of getting some monastries and spreading it's religion around to those who would join them (while recognizing lost causes).
    - AI's without a holy city will now build missionaries for their adopted state religion, although with somewhat less enthusiasm and they wont spread it to others.
    - Added understanding of cultural pressure. The AI should now border push much more efficiently, especially when resources are at stake.
    - No more daft placement of Hermitage / Cathedrals / Great Artists. The AI will be far more inclined to build these in culturally pressured cities.
    - AI will use Artist Bombs defensively to push back enroaching culture, especially to steal resources. They will respect Friendly relationships to a large degree and recognize that the bombs are not effective against established culture.

    Changes 2006-11-04:

    - AI's will no longer pillage barbarian cities.
    - The AI will now chop wonders and will chop stuff to assist a war effort.
    - Improved AI city placing. The AI has a much better understanding of tiles being made workable by existing culture and a bug has been fixed which caused the AI excessive resource-obsession, which could lead to founding on resources and such.
    - Added variety in AI city placement, creative leaders are greedy and go for big cities which claim a maximum number of resources. Organized leaders are willing to found more cities to claim the same number of resources (to get more resources adjacant to the city). This is experimental but looks promising.

    Changes 2006-11-02:

    - Fix to irrigation chaining bugs (the old code was one big bug).
    - General worker unit AI improvements to make them more flexible.
    - Autoworker now comes back and routes up resources which had been built before routes were available.
    - Workers are now less fearful of enemy units - needs serious testing.
    - Auto Workers will now stack.
    - Tweaks to CvCity BestBuild to better balance food/hammers
    - Code to add awareness of jungle chopping when choosing research.
    - Great People Golden Age usage improved - needs testing.
    - Great Prophet Shrines valued a little more accurately.
    - Great Merchant cash bomb logic added.
    - AI's will now spend gold to perform deficit (100%) research and will decline to trade gold reserved for research.
    - AI Missionary code adjusted - both when choosing destination and when determining the number needed.
    - Awareness of freebie promotions when choosing which unit to train.
    - Probably more things were fine-tuned...
    Zitat Zitat von Leonard Bernstein
    This will be our reply to violence:
    to make music more intensely,
    more beautifully,
    more devotedly than ever before.
    Meine Stories:
    Civ VI aus der Sicht von Civ IV BTS, englischer Weltraumsieg auf König
    Der Erste Kaiser wieder aufgenommen

  4. #4
    Macht Musik Avatar von Peregrin_Tooc
    Registriert seit
    St. Ingbert
    Der "Krüppelmod" macht folgendes:
    Neue Handicaps für größere Fairnis und Steigerungen ähnlich dem Original


    Kampfbonus der KI gegen Tiere von 70% auf 40% gesenkt (alle Stufen)
    Kampfbonus der KI gegen Barbaren von 40% auf 25% gesenkt (alle Stufen)

    Auf allen Leveln zahlt die KI 50% der Upgradekosten (im Gegensatz zur Abnahme auf 5% bei Gottheit)
    Auf allen Leveln zahlt die KI 50% der Unterhaltskosten (im Gegensatz zur Abnahme auf 10% bei Gottheit)
    KI zahlt 80% der Inflation auf allen Stufen (im Gegensatz zur Abnahme auf 20% auf Gottheit)
    Kriegsunzufreidenheit erhöht (auf Gottheit nun 50% Kriegsunzufreidenheit statt 20%).
    Wachstumsboni reduziert (Auf Gottheit nun 80% statt 60% benötigt).

    Prinz: Freie Erkundungseinheit entfernt
    König: Freier Arbeitstrupp entfernt
    Kaiser: Freier Arbeitstrupp entfernt
    Unsterblicher: Ein freier Arbeitstrupp weniger
    Gottheit: Ein freier Arbeitstrupp weniger
    Wer eine ausfürhliche Tabelle mit Gegenüberstellung alter und neuer Boni machen will, ist herzlich eingeladen
    Zitat Zitat von Leonard Bernstein
    This will be our reply to violence:
    to make music more intensely,
    more beautifully,
    more devotedly than ever before.
    Meine Stories:
    Civ VI aus der Sicht von Civ IV BTS, englischer Weltraumsieg auf König
    Der Erste Kaiser wieder aufgenommen


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