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Thema: 2metraninja plays PB87

  1. #16
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Suite
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    Player's strengths: As far as I know, nobody of your opponents has won a PB yet, with the exception of Dude, who was a very strong player....10 years ago or such. It's hard for me to rate them against each other because as klops said, everyone knows how to play properly. I do know Flunkys style quite well because I played Portugal with him in the 75. He crunches numbers...often and can optimize the yields very good. Empirate and Mr.X can do (and will do, probably) as well. What is a very good indicator though: The more or less frequent story updates. This is allowed metainformation for you which is a technical necessity.

    Rather than checking what led to Empirate's comments, I can say for myself, that you were not necessarily claimed as "bad player"...the map of 81 was very special. You proved in 83 your skill which is overall - I think - on par with the other players here. However, there is a vast variety of time spent in the game, the story, the optimization, even in the very beginning. Therefore some civs will exploit their advantages much better than others which are more "casually" led.

    Klops wrote the guideline regarding comments in the stories. Please trust this more liberal and interactive approach. We have a meta thread for the crowd in which we discuss all things you players aren't allowed to see. That diminishes the urge to spoil something in a player's story because you can cheer, facepalm, be super mad or whatnot just in the next room. Rocking this many PBs in the forum, actual spoilers are very rare now (and generally immediately called out with a virtual slap for the responsible person).
    Geändert von Suite (10. Oktober 2019 um 12:24 Uhr)

  2. #17
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von dvametraNINJA
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    You fight the civ, not the player.
    True, I fight the civ, but the civ is usually a mirror to it's creator and ruler, or at least his current mood. If I can make a parallel, civ and player are like body and mind of a man. The connection and influence goes both ways. If someone had invested in his body to be strong and agile, he most likely have the mindset of a winner. And if someone is naturally strong, he will most likely have a strong will. But the opposite is also true - even if one have body which is by nature strong, it is the mind that leads him to success. The system is limited by it's weakest part. Strong will and wit in a weaker body will most likely win over weaker mind in strong body. Sometimes the mids wants, but the body simply cannot, while other times the body can, but the mind is hesitating.

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    Player's strengths: As far as I know, nobody of your opponents has won a PB yet, with the exception of Dude, which was a very strong player....10 years ago or such. It's hard for me to rate them against each other because as klops said, everyone knows how to play properly. I do know Flunkys style quite well because I played Portugal with him in the 75. He crunches numbers...often and can optimize the yields very good. Empirate and Mr.X can do (and will do, probably) as well.
    The information about Dude is very nice. Mr.X's play I know personally from PB83, where he proved quite good. I must admit I underestimated him a bit based on what I was seeing on his civ/body and this had costed me much. Empirate played solid in my first pitboss, so he is a player to be considered in my book too. Speaking of crunching numbers, this is something which I myself do not do really. Well, I know the mechanisms and how all it works, I just do not have the time and will to create sandboxes, try over and over to see what is the best outcome and so on, so most of the time I do play on gut feeling. I've seen players crunch numbers like crazy and generally they are hard nuts to crack, because crunching numbers does not guarantee you are good, it just gives you the opportunity to recognize a solid outcome when you see it. You said it very well with "exploit their advantages much better than others which are more "casually" led."

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    afaik, the basic rule is "advice is allowed but based only on information from this story".
    I will rely on everyone following this, as otherwise would be sad thing.

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    Generally, readers like to read about war. So, we might be biased if we tell you: this is a great opportunity!!! You are the leader of your civ and we just give ideas... but some lurkers are good players themselves and it might indeed be a great opportunity
    That is totally fine to give advices and indeed the player is the one who must choose wise and resist the urge to make some show for the sake of it, if it does not gives him victory. On the other hand, dull overly-calculating players are not extremely popular amongst fans, while bold, despite sometimes reckless players have this charm aura and are loved by the crowd

    I have non-official kind of occasional lurkers, which are amongst the best civvers in the world in my opinion, who are just online friends of mine as we had played a lot of games together and against each-other and we sometimes ask each-other for advices, and outsider's point of view can be very helpful at times, because being for so long and so deep in to the game can lead to perspective distortion.

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    There is a fine line between "genius general" and "poor boy" if you lose your first two 80% fights
    Yeah. In my pb81 game, I had a 34% chance to finish Persia by taking their capitol but alas... In pb83 against Mr.X I had streak of bad combats too - lost few 75-85% battles in the very beginning of our first war and this slowed me a lot. For a good general, luck is important. On the other hand, you must not bet what cannot afford to lose. On third side, if you come to rely on a single combat luck, your plan is not great... So yeah...

  3. #18
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Suite
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    On the other hand, dull overly-calculating players are not extremely popular amongst fans, while bold, despite sometimes reckless players have this charm aura and are loved by the crowd
    I think it is safe to say that this is how PB and the mutiplayer scene around here became that popular with an enormous longevity. Responsible for that is Sauron44 with his PB18 story Hannibal auf Welteroberungstour Being a bit unpredictable is generally a good thing but if you overdo it, you are called out for.

    I actually thought Mr.X wouldn't hold the defense together in 83. But as I saw you completing Maussollos...well I think you went to greedy there and yes, it seemed to me that you underestimated Mr.X a bit. But it could've worked nonetheless if Kaffeesatzleser decided to support you for a chunk of Aztekia. Kaffeesatzleser himself now is one of the true masters here in the forum.

    If Heymlich on the other hand gives you "advice", it's usually with a pinch of salt, because he is famous around here for proclaiming aggression (the terminus "heymlicher Kultursieg" - "sneaky culture victory" means you extinct all other cultures in the game...). Considered a very good player (although he never proved in multiplayer), some guys heed the words and get stuck in wars which would be seen as...debatable in retrospective.

  4. #19
    Avatar von Lord of the Civ
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    If Heymlich on the other hand gives you "advice", it's usually with a pinch of salt
    Oh, the blasphemy!

  5. #20
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von ThomasBX
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    Exactly the salt the Romans used in Carthago... Regarding his age it is likely they listened to Heymlich first

  6. #21
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Suite
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    Emoticon: snicker

  7. #22
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von TeeRohr
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    Münchner Outskirts
    War is always a solution!

  8. #23
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von dvametraNINJA
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    I actually thought Mr.X wouldn't hold the defense together in 83.
    Same with me

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    But as I saw you completing Maussollos...well I think you went to greedy there
    Nope, Maussollos was integral part of my mid- and long-term strategy. I needed a way to keep massing units and that was the drafting route, and I needed badly some boost to my economics and that were 2 consequtive MoM empowered golden ages.

  9. #24
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Suite
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    I understand, but I think it would only have paid off as a consolidation move, which requires you eliminating Mr.X.

    That being said, how about your short term strategy here (and maybe pictures )?

  10. #25
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von dvametraNINJA
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    Sooo, just as you guys wished - a war there is!

    Sadly it is Hubabl who declares war to me and not me declaring on him, but it's something

    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken

  11. #26
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von dvametraNINJA
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    Quick question regarding the rules. Until when the initial archer with the anti-tank promotion must stay in the capitol?

  12. #27

  13. #28
    Avatar von Lord of the Civ
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    Turn 100.
    Now you can find this piece of information in my initial PM, the first post of the PB87-thread and in your story. The third time is the charm, I guess.

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    it is Hubabl who declares war to me
    He just realized what happened.

  14. #29
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von klops
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    Whoo, something happened! That was fast

  15. #30

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