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Thema: Endless Space 2

  1. #61
    ...dankt für den Fisch! Avatar von luxi68
    Registriert seit
    SG - Burg
    Amplitude arbeitet hart an einem neuen Patch, der die gröbsten technischen Probleme ausmerzen soll. Näheres zu den Problemen, die derzeit in Arbeit sind, findet ihr hier:

    Im Betas-Tab der Steam-Eigenschaften von ES2 ist eine Testversion des neuen Patches bereits verfügbar. Welche Verbesserungen er enthält und eine Anleitung für die Installation findet ihr hier:

    Unter anderem werden mit dem neuen Patch wohl die "Hänger" beim Runde beenden gefixt und die Desyncs im Multiplayer reduziert.

    Wer nicht auf den obigen Link klicken will, der findet das vorläufige Patchlog hier im Spoiler:
    Achtung Spoiler:
    CHANGE LOG 1.0.11

    - Added more accurate handling of ship design and strategic resources for hulls and advanced slots
    - Unfallen will not detect your system as theirs in regards to trespassing anymore when they have rooted it
    - Added a failsafe to allow the AI to keep making decisions if it enters a stuck state
    - Removed lifeforce compensation for easier AIs
    - Quest armies no longer try to roam outside of the assigned constellation, causing them to get stuck (Pb was visible in Cravers Quest Of Our Own Brood - Part 1). Now the Quest armies continue to roam in their own constellation
    - The AI no longer spams mood messages
    - The AI now retreats less frequently
    - Fixed AI refusing map sharing after having hinted at it with a mood message
    - The AI will now check it is not at war with the player before going for an opportunistic war

    - The technology helper is now active only for human players making the end turn less long

    - Fixed an issue where events and Academy quests had missing texts
    - Fixed a problem in some broken saves due to outpost migration
    - Fixed issues where the depletion was broken depending of game speed
    - Fixed an issue on the victory stats screen where the stats displayed were broken
    - Fixed Rebellion value not being saved when a Vodyani ark detaches/reattaches
    - Fixed an issue where the pacific Conversion icon didn't appear on the colonized systems after the Unfallen entwine them
    - Fixed the faction displayed in the save files list
    - Fixed an issue where it was possible to queue multiple terraformation actions for the same planet
    - Fixed an issue where the "Probe instructions" were still active after opening a Game Menu sub screen
    - Fixed some bleeding text
    - Fixed tooltip for science, economic and wonder victories
    - Fixed empire swap in diplomacy screen when in alliance (sometimes, the sector shows the Unknown (?) state instead of the correct diplomatic state between the inspected empire and your alliance)
    - Fixed infinite buildings auto replacement causing issues
    - Fixed Vodyani system capture causing errors in rare cases
    - Fixed issue with metaplot achievement, they now work as intended
    - Fixed Unique Planets not getting the destroyed planet visual
    - Fixed Game Creation Screen messed up in some resolution
    - Fixed new game Multiplayer Join button missing translation
    - Fixed ground battle infinite turn
    - Fixed 'Blockade Breakers' trait not working
    - Fixed Guardian curiosities being triggered on Vodyani systems
    - Fixed siege status not updating when the diplomatic relation with the node influence owner changed
    - Fixed Vodyani leechers behaving incorrectly on systems with low population
    - Fixed an error with RiftBorn Carriers stuck warping into battle
    - Fixed the victory progression feedbacks for Wonder victory in the Empire screen and take into account alliances
    - Fixed anarchy duration estimation in Government Selection screen
    - Fixed Unfallen systems becoming unentwined after a successful invasion
    - Fixed the 'Implant Beacon' action canceling itself on Lost star systems
    - Fixed a bug where the button for loading the last mods were enabled even if it contained missing mods, causing the game to crash if the user used the feature
    - Fixed a infinite turn caused by fleets which couldn't be sold by the baillif when in orbit
    - Effects of the starting technologies are now displayed in their tooltips
    - Loading a save game while the Client is in the space battle loading screen no longer results in a stuck state
    - The minor faction influence bar is no longer inconsistent with the current diplomatic relation after using the Cease Fire action
    - Arrow keys are now functional in the "System management" or "Planet" scan views
    - The user is now able to use the Destroy Planet action in his own influence area
    - Laws can no longer be abolished on the same turn they were passed
    - Exiting to Desktop menu option no longer takes the user to the title screen instead of the Desktop
    - User cannot take over Unfallen systems using Pacific Conversion
    - Dust, Influence and Manpower now display accurate values in there tooltip
    - United Empire Chapter 3. No Turning Back Icons are no longer cut off at the top in the Quest panel
    - Fixed the war exhaustion trend which was not working with game speed
    - Fixed an issue where activatated a mod and try to change the victories option wasn't working
    - Fixed several flow problems at the end of the game in multiplayer:
    - The client now handles the host disconnection better
    - The end game videos are launched after the game is done unloading (to avoid odd behaviors like the video being launched twice)

    - Fixed Ace/Lousy Senator traits effect on Election Actions costs
    - Fixed Optimal Defense I, II and Sub-Optimal Defense traits not affecting ships' maximum health
    - Fixed the missing lava colonization for custom timelords
    - now the system with the academy will at least have 2 planets in order to be colonized
    - Fixed an issue where the Stage 2 Science & Exploration deed was giving a stage 5 Luxury reward
    - Fixed a weapon short range issue
    - Fixed Endless Research Park happiness bonus displayed as coming from Obelisk of All Space-Time
    - Cravers' third population collection bonus is now functional
    - Fixed "Deadly Intent Bill" Law not increasing Weapon modules damage correctly
    - Fixed "Mine's Bigger Decree" Law not increasing Weapon modules damage correctly
    - Gargantuan Populations now impact System Growth rather than Net System Growth for a more consistent behavior
    - Changed cost of the Blockade Breakers faction trait from 25 to 15
    - Scrapping now gives a very small amount of Dust (1% of Industry cost)
    - Reduced base value for ship sales
    - Fixed feedback of the Cravers Hero skill "Endless Consumption"
    - Fixed approval level of Empire not affecting Empire Dust & Science
    - "Endless Research Parks and Endless World" now applies bonuses to Empire
    - Fixed prerequisite for Map Sharing now properly available in Cold War & Peace
    - FIxed an issue where the hero prices sometimes fall to 0
    - Deposits are now forbidden on Destroyed planets
    - Fixed Wonder quantity based on galaxy size
    - Dense atmosphere are now forbidden on Barren planets
    - Refined the experience threshold to fit with the name associated to the experience level
    - Updated constraints for neutral laws to fit with the new experience threshold
    - Minor factions on their home systems will now grow twice as slowly
    - Increased resource cost of the System Modernization
    - Fixed the primary trait Extreme Foremen not working in certain custom faction cases
    - Fixed custom faction with Lumeris visual affinity being unable to build or create Colonizer ships
    - Fixed Ship Bound custom factions with Lumeris visual affinity not being able to produce more Arks
    - Fixed Ship Bound factions starting with no colonizable planets
    - Starting on a planet now allows the player to colonize all planets of this type

    - Synchronized the AI states for clients in order to update correctly the end turn tooltip in multiplayer games
    - Added a non-blocking message window, used when the host leaves or returns to lobby, so that the client starts returning to the lobby without waiting for the player to validate
    - Fixed the objective tooltip in Notifications Deeds
    - Fixed some tooltips in the Custom Faction screen
    - Fixed tooltips in Empire Screen for Science, Economic and Wonder victories

    - The Quest Flight of Prototype (Minor Faction Quest) displayed a placeholder name
    - Vodyani are now able to achieve the competitive quest Founders Keepers
    - Added effects feedbacks on Unfallen last Rewards Fireforming and Heart's Embrace
    - Inverted the two rewards of the Chapter 2 of the Riftborn Faction > A Rebuke From High
    - Objective of Chapter 4. Who are we ? (Time Lord Faction Quest) was too difficult. Its new objective is "pass X Ecologist laws" instead of a required amount of support of the ecologist ideology in the Senate
    - Lumeris Main Quest Chapter 2. A Matter of Influence Part 1 > the objective wasn't well communicated. New Objective: C1: reach 20% Industrialist score in X Systems / C2: reach 20% Ecologist score in X Systems
    - In the Vodyani Chapter 4. Hope in Heresy Part 1, destroying 3 planets was too difficult. The player must now destroy 2 planets
    - A hidden quest track if the player find Sykagoja planet. If they finds it, the quest Cartographer request will not be triggered
    - If the player finds the planet Sykagoja while doing the Cartographer Request Quest, then the quest fails

    - Improved guard action so it is more reliable and causes less desyncs
    - Fixed a desync related to prime senator during hot join
    - Fixed a Fleet visibility desync
    - Desync Population Collection Bonus : Population Collection Bonus is now being applied
    - Fixed rare desync on guard
    - Fixed guard being canceled when there is only one fleet doing it and it attacks an enemy
    - Fixed automated ships being able to drop even if they were attacked
    - Fixed Dust global production computation
    - Fixed desyncs due to the outpost

    - Updated the tutorial to allow to build the Wonder Victory
    - Fixed Academy discovery not working in beginner tutorial

    - Added an initial random rotation to each planet in the system management view
    - Players (not only the host) in a multiplayer session can now save the game
    - Added two Minor Faction notifications (Suzerain Changed and Under Influence)
    - Added feedback in the report notification and advance report screens
    - The user was not informed about the resources won in a space battle
    - Added a feedback when the opponent retreats

    - Added constraints on deposit / anomaly placement to avoid duplicate elements on the same planets and more than 2 of an element
    - Added a constraint to have at least 1 quantity of lux / strat deposits

    - Updated credits
    Somewhere over the rainbow...
    ...there's no place like home.

    Judy Garland, The Wizard Of OZ

    Ci[Wii]lization @ 1292 6114 9198 7307

  2. #62
    Die KI Avatar von AIL
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    Ich hab's mir jetzt auch geholt und ganz ehrlich... das Pacing killt mich.
    Ich hab' jetzt 6 Stunden gespielt bin in Runde 102 vom ersten Spiel und es passiert einfach nichts Interessantes. Es gibt eine Fülle von Zufallsevents und Quests und so'n Zeug aber die relativen Auswirkungen davon sind total gering. Ich muss Milliarden von unwichtigen Entscheidungen fällen.
    Dass ich ewig lang keine Schiffe hatte, hat die KI auch nicht wirklich interessiert. Die bekriegen sich lieber gegenseitig. Sophon und Horatio sind schon sehr lange im Krieg aber es tut sich auch nichts bei denen. Der Sophon meint er verliert aber ich sehe keine Grenzverschiebungen.
    Mir wurde oft gedroht ich soll da nicht siedeln, hab's trotzdem gemacht und Konsequenzen draus hat keiner gezogen.
    Meine KI für "Remnants of the Precurors" (Master of Orion Remake) =>
    Meine KI für "UFO: Enemy Unknown" =>

  3. #63
    ...dankt für den Fisch! Avatar von luxi68
    Registriert seit
    SG - Burg
    Patch 1.0.11. ging heute live, Patchnotes hier:
    Somewhere over the rainbow...
    ...there's no place like home.

    Judy Garland, The Wizard Of OZ

    Ci[Wii]lization @ 1292 6114 9198 7307

  4. #64
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Klausiminator
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    Jap die Probleme, die du beschreibst, hatte ich auch. Sie sollen allerdings durch den Patch ausgemerzt worden sein. Wenn Du mehr Action willst, erkläre einfach einer Fraktion den Krieg. Das es aber ganz ohne Schiffe geht, glaube ich nicht, gerade die Piraten sind schon sehr nervig am Anfang. Und ich meine grundsätzlich ist es halt so, dass der Eroberungssieg nur einer unter vielen ist und eigentlich verfolgen, den ja auch nicht alle Rassen aufgrund ihrer jeweiligen Philosophie.

  5. #65
    belgische Holzlackfirma Avatar von v33l3dn3M
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    Das Problem hatte ich bei ES 1 ebenfalls. Mein Schema F war irgendwie immer REX -> alles zugesiedelt -> tja, baue ich wohl mal 'en Flotte. Oder manchmal hat die KI auch gegen Ende der Rex-Phase angegriffen und mich so zum Flottenbau gezwungen... Irgendwie wurde es fast jedes Mal der 75%-Land-Sieg.

  6. #66
    Nomade Avatar von Maunierson
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    Wie bekomme ich denn diese "schöne Zeitmanipulation" wieder weg?
    Das System von den gegnerischen Schiffen die dafür verantwortlichen sind zu befreien reicht leider nicht.

  7. #67
    ...dankt für den Fisch! Avatar von luxi68
    Registriert seit
    SG - Burg
    Die verschwindet nach einigen Runden von selbst. Wie lange das dauert weiß ich allerdings auch nicht.
    Somewhere over the rainbow...
    ...there's no place like home.

    Judy Garland, The Wizard Of OZ

    Ci[Wii]lization @ 1292 6114 9198 7307

  8. #68
    Die KI Avatar von AIL
    Registriert seit
    10 Runden auf Standard - Speed.
    Weiß ich zufällig weil ich in meinem ersten Spiel die Fraktion gewürfelt habe, die die machen kann.

    Die Schiffe sind nicht dafür verantwortlich. Das ist ein Spell, den man bauen und dann casten kann. Man kann immer nur maximal 3 davon gleichzeitig haben, was es relativ gesehen auf kleineren Karten stärker macht.
    Meine KI für "Remnants of the Precurors" (Master of Orion Remake) =>
    Meine KI für "UFO: Enemy Unknown" =>

  9. #69
    For the Glory of Mankind Avatar von Phex
    Registriert seit
    Der neue Patch hat Multiplayer echt angenehmer gemacht, hatten im Schnitt alle 10 Runden ein Sycn, vorher war es schlimmer
    I only want you happiness, knowing
    I can never be yours to share it. .

    In Erinnerung an Lady Ellaira Welrose.

    "Who decides limits? And base on what?"
    You said you worked hard? Well, maybe you need to work a little harder.
    Is that really the limits of your strength?
    Could the you of tomorrow beat you today?

  10. #70
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Klausiminator
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    Hat jemand die Patchnotes des heutigen Patches in deutscher Sprache?

  11. #71
    ...dankt für den Fisch! Avatar von luxi68
    Registriert seit
    SG - Burg
    Nein, aber in englischer Sprache.

    Neuer Patch 1.0.18, Patchnotes im Spoiler.

    Achtung Spoiler:
    Update 1.0.18 -- The Stellar Prisoner

    This update comes with a bit of free content on the side, because who doesn't like free stuff? The new things include a new special node, two unique planets, unique anomalies on Auriga & Bilgeli, and a hero and the quest to rescue it! Also a truckload of performance improvements. Read on for more detail...


    Added Neutron Star special node
    Added 2 new unique planets, Veil & Teonha
    Added hero Koros Apogee
    Added hero Tiaych Zhilleaq
    Added the quest Invisible Chains (look for the neutron star!)
    Added a unique Anomaly on Auriga & Bilgeli (2 total)
    Reduced Auriga base science as it is now given by Husk of Knowledge anomaly
    Fixed the quest improvement "Craver Dark Ops" being available to be built multiple times
    Fixed custom faction feedback on planet FIDSI tooltips
    Fixed Unfallen home system not having a bonus of 1000 System Manpower
    Fixed cooldown timer for changing battle tactics set not being affected by game speed
    Added Enhanced Astronavigation as a starting skill (tier 0) for Tiaych Zhilleaq
    Fixed incorrect feedback of Sophon Free Move movement points (showed +2, when it gave +4)
    Sophons Free Move now gives +2 Vision Range instead of +1.5
    Sophons Free Move now gives +2 Movement Points instead of +4
    Disabled Apathetic/Fervent Colonists Traits for Factions with Shipbound (since it’s irrelevant to them)
    Disabled Guardians Trait for Factions with Shipbound (since it’s irrelevant to them)
    Fixed some political traits not affecting politics properly/being wrongly feedbacked
    Merchants (Industrialist events support Pacifist political opinion)
    Monumentalists (Industrial events support Religious political opinion)
    Aggressive (Industrial events support Militaristic political opinion)
    Investors (Pacifist events support Industrialist political opinion)
    Conservationists (Pacifist events support Ecologist political opinion)
    Automatists (Scientists events support Industrialist political opinion)
    Sociologists (Scientists events support Pacifists political opinion)
    Biologists (Scientists events support Ecologists political opinion)
    Dutiful (Religious events support Industrialists political opinion)
    Virtuous (Religious events support Pacifists political opinion)
    Skeptics (Religious events support Scientists political opinion)
    Fanatical (Religious events support Militarists political opinion)
    Sanctuarists (Religious events support Ecologists political opinion)
    Pragmatic (Militarists events support Scientists political opinion)
    Preservationists (Militarists events support Ecologists political opinion)
    Harvesters (Ecological events support Industrialists political opinion)
    Druids (Ecologists events support Religious political opinion)
    Territorial (Ecologists events support Militarists political opinion)
    Exploration quest Mysterious Plague ship is now disabled for the Vodyani Faction
    Horatio Carrier now has 13200 HP instead of 5500 HP
    War exhaustion trend computation will now depend on game speed
    Added Distributed Energy and Gamma Analysis tooltips
    Lumeris refund for outposts is now equal to the Dust spent to colonize
    Updated Gas FIDSI to differentiate the planets
    Populations Collections for Custom Factions are now dissociated from the vanilla factions’. This allows for clearer feedback (we don’t show a vanilla faction icon for a population collection bonus applied to a custom faction)
    Fixed a bug where the Horatio population collection bonus level 3 had overpowered, unintended industry effects
    Fixed an issue of Influence provided by Outposts
    “First contact” action with Minor Factions is now free
    The "New Colony Rule" Industrialist law only applies its effect on the newly acquired colony
    Fixed tooltip of the "Explore Binaries" anomaly reduction displaying debug text
    Fixed The Quest Babies not Booms sending population on outpost. Now, it will add population only on Colonies.
    The Quest “The Good Life” is now disabled for custom factions with the Affinity Shipbound
    The Quest “Babies Not Booms” and “An Unexpected Visitor” are now disabled for custom Factions with the Affinity Shipbound
    Relationship trend of Minor Faction now depends on game speed
    Having Pacifists in the senate does not remove the “Eternal War” effect over minor factions
    Fixed Shipbound Custom Factions based on Cravers Visual Affinity being able to create multiple Ark designs


    Improved influence computation
    Ships designs are not automatically preloaded at the beginning of the game anymore
    Optimize end turn resource collection pass
    Optimized fleet & political events
    Better filtering of onscreen rendering
    Optimized hero assignation and fleet modification
    Reworked retrofit process to reduce CPU consumption and memory allocations


    Fixed the intro cinematic for custom factions
    When the end turn is computing, it is no longer possible to send orders
    Prevented Election actions from all being disabled
    Empire met notification only appears when both empires know each other
    Alliance Victory now properly awards victory to all the members of an alliance
    In multiplayer, players are no longer displayed as having achieved elimination victory when another empire wins
    The "Reset" button did not properly reset the Diplomatic Demand Screen
    The minor population effects are now displayed in their tooltips inside the custom faction
    Fixed Trade company HQ/subsidiary being queueable at the same time on the same system
    Fixed Ground battle notification auto popup setting not working
    Fixed Influence feedback being too large on outposts and Unfallen systems
    Added an icon on fleet labels to feedback the existence of a Planet Destruction module within the fleet
    Fixed the on-click behaviour of merged fleet labels; all fleets represented by the label are visible in the fleets list at the bottom of the screen
    Fixed the dragged population icon for custom populations
    Allowed the trait level reduction in custom faction screen; removing a level n trait will automatically add back the level n-1 of that same trait
    Greyed out the ship design slots that are incompatible with the selected module category in ship design screen
    Users can’t join or be invited in multiplayer sessions without the latest game version installed
    User no longer remain stuck on "Ending Turn" after the election in turn 120
    Fixed the creation and edition of Ship designs with the Unfallen medium hulls
    Disabled Multiplayer (Join Game) features if Steam is not running
    Space battles are now correctly resolved when a player enters a session in which another player is attacked by pirates.
    The peaceful conversion icon is no longer redundantly displayed on your own Unfallen systems
    The Seventeen thousand islands bridge" anomaly name no longer overlaps with nearby planets
    Icons of unavailable curiosities are now shown correctly when there is no ship orbiting the system
    Fixed the tooltip on “Colonize” button in Star system management; now properly tells the planet colonization is queued and not already colonized
    Added AMD Radeon HD 6550D (sep 2011) to the compatibility card; it should now be able to launch the game in compatibility mode
    Changed wording in planet tooltips to avoid confusion regarding base output modifiers
    Fixed text in the "Population Boost Ended" notification when using custom factions
    Fixed the background of in-game screen with "-novideo" command in Steam set launch options
    Fixed issue with moon exploration & anomaly improvement GUI
    Fixed a few tutorial highlights
    Fixed an error when displaying the tooltip of the Evacuate System improvement when playing Unfallen
    Fixed hero recruitment notification having issues with custom textures.
    Fixed an error when hovering the mouse cursor over the "Colonize" button of a destroyed planet in the System Management Screen
    Fixed multiple issues with in-game text fields and added a few quality of life enhancements on these
    Changed the "K" into "M" when reaching millions units for resources
    Fixed the technologies remaining turns count in the technology queue
    The cursor location is reset to the end of the text when clicking on the bottom side of the chat bar


    The AI should ask for alliances out of perceived necessity less often
    The AI should evaluate truce better when other player is winning the war
    Fixed an issue where the synchronization of game events was failing while the user was saving the game resulting in a crash and an infinite turn
    Fixed an issue in battle situations computing resulting in a crash
    Fixed an issue with Ark handling that was generating an error message
    Fixed an issue where the AI was stopping colonizing systems at some point
    The AI dll now loads correctly when the game is installed in a path that contains accented characters
    Fixed an issue where a mood message was sent multiple times during truce
    The AI should now respond to diplomatic demands based on the odds of winning wars and the value of bribes
    Fixed an issue where AI only took in account war end when a force truce was declared
    Fixed an issue where ship designs were not synchronized correctly
    Fixed an issue where AI would ask for help even if it was not at war
    Fixed an error generated when the Vodyani AI chooses the "Conscription" defensive battle plan
    Fixed an error generated when starting the Beginner Tutorial


    The desync report message box is now only displayed once
    Fixed a desync related to fleet actions
    Fixed a desync related to population migration and political events
    Fixed a desync related to "The Good Life" exploration quest
    Fixed a desync related to manpower


    In the modding screen, added filters for mod location (Local or Workshop)
    Fixed the scroll wheel functionality in the mod selection menu
    Added a warning when the player enables a mod
    Added display of error messages and feedbacks in Modding Screen
    Fixed modding screen auto-selection and interaction issues
    Added an option to automatically download and enable Missing Mods of a game (both in the Load Game and the Join Game screens)
    Added GUI modding (image replacement)
    Fixed ship reskins not being shown in ship design editor
    Somewhere over the rainbow...
    ...there's no place like home.

    Judy Garland, The Wizard Of OZ

    Ci[Wii]lization @ 1292 6114 9198 7307

  12. #72
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Klausiminator
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    DAnke DAnke, ich muss mal testen, was das Ganze mit der künstlichen Intelligenz macht. Bugs hatte ich bisher glücklicherweise nicht aber an der KI kann geschraubt werdne.

  13. #73
    ...dankt für den Fisch! Avatar von luxi68
    Registriert seit
    SG - Burg
    Und direkt noch ein Hotfix hinterher.

    Change log 1.0.19

    Fixed players not being able to join a game which is almost full
    Fixed saves that use a CustomFaction that is no longer valid because of it has too many traits or uses too many points

    Fixed desync on minor empire met
    Fixed rare desync on terraformation + automated ship delivery
    Somewhere over the rainbow...
    ...there's no place like home.

    Judy Garland, The Wizard Of OZ

    Ci[Wii]lization @ 1292 6114 9198 7307

  14. #74
    For the Glory of Mankind Avatar von Phex
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    Frage: welche Siegbedingungen gibt es eigentlich und wo kann man die ingame sehen?

    Edit: Habs
    I only want you happiness, knowing
    I can never be yours to share it. .

    In Erinnerung an Lady Ellaira Welrose.

    "Who decides limits? And base on what?"
    You said you worked hard? Well, maybe you need to work a little harder.
    Is that really the limits of your strength?
    Could the you of tomorrow beat you today?

  15. #75
    For the Glory of Mankind Avatar von Phex
    Registriert seit
    Heute ordentliche Sitzung Endless Space 2 gezockt im MP, kaum Desync, also richtig Laune gemacht. 3 Runde vor Forschungssieg Desync-> Lobby-> Geht nicht. Alle 5 letzten Autosaves ausprobiert, hängt sich jedesmal bei "Daten werden heruntergeladen" auf.

    I only want you happiness, knowing
    I can never be yours to share it. .

    In Erinnerung an Lady Ellaira Welrose.

    "Who decides limits? And base on what?"
    You said you worked hard? Well, maybe you need to work a little harder.
    Is that really the limits of your strength?
    Could the you of tomorrow beat you today?

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