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Thema: PBEM doch mal wieder

  1. #136
    Ingenieur des Pharao Avatar von ComCitCat
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    We did "agree" in allowing cash in crawlers, just upgrading befor is still forbidden - or at least i think so.

    Some things should be obviuos. In case someone starts picking my workers through F4-Manager i will simply quit playing. Well, but thats not very likely.

    There are open questions though and stockpile Energy may be one. I dont know anything about trading without having met.

  2. #137
    Heiliger Krieger Avatar von Hagen0
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    We did "agree" in allowing cash in crawlers, just upgrading befor is still forbidden - or at least i think so.
    Right, I remember that.

    I would like to clarify the other points too. Both give large advantages if you can them and others do not. Regarding the trading, I had contact to all human factions from the first turn. To my knowledge, that's a common bug in Smax multiplay. Don't you have contact to the other human factions as well?

  3. #138
    Ingenieur des Pharao Avatar von ComCitCat
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    I am quite shure that i don't...

  4. #139
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    About Stockpile Energy and other bugs I would prefer not to allow them, as they are not intended in the game and get the game off balance. Also, I do not know this bugs as I always played fair single games, and just learned about the bugs in the Internet forums here and have to read about them (and often don't understand their use or effects at all).

  5. #140
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    Boa der Zufallsgenerator verarscht mich gerade wieder ... ich darf nix erforschen nur müll was ich gerade nicht brauchen kann.

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    Wir sind Borg, Wiederstand ist Spannung durch Stromstärke!!

  6. #141
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Wenn's nur der Zufallsgenerator wäre
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  7. #142
    Heiliger Krieger Avatar von Hagen0
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    Boa der Zufallsgenerator verarscht mich gerade wieder ... ich darf nix erforschen nur müll was ich gerade nicht brauchen kann.
    Ich wollte damit eigentlich warten, bis dass andere Pbem durch ist :

    Die Techauswahl von Smac ist nicht zufällig und sie lässt sich manipulieren. Die angebotenen Techs hängen im wesentlichen davon ab, wie viele man schon hat.

    Sei n die Anzahl der bereits bekannten Techs ist und m die Position der gewünschten Tech in der alphax.txt. So kann man die Technologie nicht erforschen, falls n+o=m mod 3 ist, anderenfalls schon. Dabei hängt o von der Anzahl der Starttechnologien und Position der eigenen Fraktion (1-7) ab. Müsste ich nachsehen, wie o genau aussieht.

  8. #143
    Ingenieur des Pharao Avatar von ComCitCat
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    Musst du das jetzt sagen???

    Achtung Spoiler:

  9. #144
    Ingenieur des Pharao Avatar von ComCitCat
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    Zitat Zitat von Armageddon Beitrag anzeigen
    About Stockpile Energy and other bugs I would prefer not to allow them, as they are not intended in the game and get the game off balance. Also, I do not know this bugs as I always played fair single games, and just learned about the bugs in the Internet forums here and have to read about them (and often don't understand their use or effects at all).
    One important aspect is that u cant rly tell all the time wether its bug or feature. Sensors on bases for example. They are quite common but being invincible (without destroying the base) is probably not intended. Probably.
    And even if so it's just a minor bug, and a nice feature else...

    Can we agree on this list as forbidden?
    Zitat Zitat von Lord_of_Shadow Beitrag anzeigen
    Verboten ist:
    - Das Vergrößern von Basen über die momentane Grenze hinaus unter Verwendung von Koloniekapseln.
    - Die Manipulation von Basen eines Gegners, der ausspioniert wurde.
    - Einheiten eine Basis eines Paktbruders als Heimatbasis zuzuordnen.
    - Das mehrfache Abwerfen von Luftlandetruppen über das Rechtsklick-Menü (bei Verwendung des "i" Befehls wird dies automatisch befolgt)
    - Der Einsatz von Raketen über das Rechtsklick-Menü
    - Der Einsatz von Artillerie auf Transportern über das Rechtsklick-Menü
    - Das Einfügen von "Energie Speichern" in der Bauliste nach dem Bau von Einheiten.
    - Das Erzeugen von Elite-Einheiten durch Setzen von Patroullien mit 3 Wegpunkten
    - Mehrfache Sozialtechnik-Wechsel in der selben Kategorie in einer Runde.
    Ausnahme: wenn zwischen dem Umschalten auf eine Einstellung und dem erneuten Umschalten KEINE Aktion durchgeführt wird ist dies erlaubt (um die Effekte eines Wechsels zu sehen).
    - Sollten die Spieler das Beschleunigen von Geheimprojekten mit Wundern erlauben, so ist es verboten Transportraupen vor dem Einlösen aufzurüsten. Sonst gilt dies nur für Prototypen.
    And this one as allowed?
    Zitat Zitat von Lord_of_Shadow Beitrag anzeigen
    Erlaubt ist:
    - Die Verwendung von Teilen von Einheiten die nicht erforscht, sondern durch einen kontrollierten Prototypen o.ä. ermöglicht werden (retroengineering).
    - Die Zuteilung von Transportraupen, die keinen Bewegungspunkt mehr besitzen.
    - Das Aufrüsten von Einheiten mit dem Einheitenworkshop während dem ganzen Zug
    That would be a start.
    In addition i would put contacting Factions one did not met yet on the first list.

    Anyway here is the save...
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  10. #145
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    I would agree.

  11. #146
    Heiliger Krieger Avatar von Hagen0
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    I'm fine with this.

  12. #147
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    Ill ask Darkside to help me translate the rules, but from the first glance at it I'd say its ok.

    I would like to clarify the other points too. Both give large advantages if you can them and others do not. Regarding the trading, I had contact to all human factions from the first turn. To my knowledge, that's a common bug in Smax multiplay. Don't you have contact to the other human factions as well?
    Never have heard of that bug before, also I sure as hell do not have contact to all. And I didnt have contact to u until I found u either. So ure Contacts are singel directions. I would say u are forbidden to use them until u actually found someone. (Espechially since otherwise Rose will benefit extremly from that since she will get basically all early techs for free immideately)
    If Rose has the same Bug I vote for restart ...

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    Geändert von Eric-tRed (11. August 2011 um 10:19 Uhr)

  13. #148
    Heiliger Krieger Avatar von Hagen0
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    2118 to Morgan

    Some more questions/comments about rules:
    Is reverse engineering of probe teams allowed? Ussually people don't allow this.
    I would strongly urge to forbid workshop upgrades of units and then attacking with them in the same turn.

    (Sorry, that I'm so insistent about this. But it is better to clarify any issues now, instead of arguing about them when it's too late.)

  14. #149
    Ingenieur des Pharao Avatar von ComCitCat
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    Is reverse engineering of probe teams allowed? Ussually people don't allow this.
    I simply don't understand this one. How can one use probeteams for retroengineering. One cannot buy them. And even if so, where is the difference to normal units?

    I would strongly urge to forbid workshop upgrades of units and then attacking with them in the same turn.

    Sorry about not translating the rules. That was a bit mindless.
    Here my personal translation. Be warned it's not literally. Therefor it cannot hurt to discuss the translation with darkside anyway.

    forbidden is:
    - raising a base by using colonypods over the current hablimit
    - manipulating bases of another faction via datalinks
    - relocating the homebase of units to a base of an ally
    - multiple airdrops via right-click menue
    (one can never achieve multiple airdrops while using "i" as order)
    - using rockets via right-click menue
    - using artillerie from transports via righ-click menue
    - adding "save energy" in the assambly list after building units
    (note this is a bug which creates energy as if one did nothing else than saving energy although one did use the minerals for something else. Also additional minerals will be moved to the next project although they helped to create energy. This bug is not really serious but requires a lot of micromanagement with little knowlegde. Agreeing in not using this would save me quite some time in the first place.
    On the other hand u should know that this happens after building basefacilities or secret projects wether one did add "save energy" to the assamblyline or not, but it does NOT happen if one puts anything else there. So it's a bad idea to add something after building recreation centers, rectanks or whatever.
    We could avoid this just by adding something to the list after building facilities. But it tends to be a lot extra work for everyone.)
    - creating elite units by setting 3 waypoints
    - multiple changes of SE in the same category and turn
    exception: its allowed if one does not do any changes in between but wants to see what they would do.
    - upgrading crawlers when hurrying a prototype or secret project
    I'ld tend to interprete this that it is generally forbidden using crawlers in that way which have been upgraded already. But it should be allowed to build more expensive crawlers and use them.

    allowed is:
    - using modules or chassis that one did not researched but cotrols only via some unit (both buyed or presented by an ally) (this is called retroengineering)
    - giving crawlers the harvest order although they don't have any movement left
    - upgrading units anytime via workshop

  15. #150
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Bin dafür das mit den normalen Ligaregeln spielen und nur das pushen von Projecten per Crawler erlauben (die nicht aufgerüstet werden dürfen). Danke übrigens mit dem tip und der Alphax.txt leider ist es jetzt eh schon zu spät.

    @Hagen0 du hast schon mit allen Kontakt? Ich kenn keinen, hab auch noch nie von soeinem bug gehört. Haben noch mehr leute diesen Bug? Ich schließe mich Eric an, wenn Roze den Bug auch hat sollten wir neu starten. Ansonsten alle die den Bug haben dürfen nur verbindungen nutzen die sie auch wirklich gefunden haben.

    Jag tänker at vi ska spelar med den Ligaregeln. (Den regelna CCC har översätter för dig). Du få tar "Crawler" för at bygg "Wonders" snabbare, men du inte få "upgrade" den framför.
    Jag tror samma som du om det problem med fehl Hagen0 har.
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    Wir sind Borg, Wiederstand ist Spannung durch Stromstärke!!

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