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  1. #1
    lol Avatar von Tehulotl
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    I am a HUGE FAN of Curt Siblings legendary and beloved Bitterfrost series, with Bitterfrost VI Battle of Zarklaw, and then Battle of Zarklaw 2, the "latest" installment, back in 2013. I am very sure he currently works on Battle of Zarklaw 3 for TOTPP, but I couldnt wait any longer.

    In fact, when I started to mod Civ2 Test of Time, back in 2009, for me, Battle of Zarklaw, I think from 2011, and two years later, Battle of Zarklaw 2, I think from 2013, were THE fantasy scenarios for Test of Time, and super fun to play - and you can just witness the scenario and art and fantasy development Curt Sibling went through, over the years, throughout early Bitterfrost Civ2 MGE to late Battle of Zarklaw 2 Civ2 TOT. I am sure we will see a Battle of Zarklaw 3 Civ2 TOTPP, I just dont know when, and I want to play a fully loaded thing finally.

    Well... I currently create my own version of a Zarklaw sequel, I began, as always, in a sudden strike to create it, September 30, and today, ran into the usual TOT error, and I will introduce the problem and the solution:

    It is known, that, when you load up for a new scenario, that the "can use teleport" and "owns own teleport" options in Rules.txt Units_Advanced section, are hard written into the .sav, at least, from what I know. So, if you load up an Original game to implement and build up your scenario, that is not relevant, cause just a 1 map game. If you load up a 2 map game you use Extended Original, and for a 4 map game you can load up SciFi or Fantasy. The thing is, that the vanilla Rules.txt Units_Advanced section will be partly hard written into the .sav, so that all these 80 units will have the Rules.txt loaded "can use teleport" and "owns own teleport" functions - and all above are basically FKed up, chaos, mess, unlogical, weird, BS, no chance.

    Since my Zarklaw sequel is a 2 map game I used Extended Original, within that just 5 units own own teleport to switch maps out of their own, these slots you COULD possibly handle - the messed up other duuds being able to use teleport or not are basically doomed, a total mess, you just are a victim to.

    Well, my solution is so simple, that it is hilarious, a golden grinner. Since TNO created the option to load own MODs - I just took my whole Zarklaw folder and copied it into the main folder Test of Time, pasted into my Zarklaw Rules.txt the Mod letterhead and the Secondary Map Characteristics with a 2 map function, loaded that as a regular Mod, and had ALL 189 units perfect, at least, from what I saw. You just need the favored basic teleport functions input to load ONCE, and that is basically a copy and paste job of one minute. Just do your Units_Advanced, do your copy and paste job and load it - done.

    That I would have to do the whole .sav and .scn again is no problem since I just placed the 220 cities for seven factions and tweaked terrain, nothing else - and since I will place underneath every town a unique terrain slot by TNO hotkey and since my City names list is in good order, it is basically a place settlers and just b double enter - 220 times. Basically, cities placement is simple in good order, plus names of factions and faction leaders.

    The current stage of my modding 6th of October:

    The current stage of my modding 16th of October:

    > I increased the map size from 75 x 150 Battle of Zarklaw Vanilla to 100 x 180. To see the lands of the west, west of Kargraad, the lands and towns of the Stavark, Zaar and Skeer, is worth my while already, to see these walled huge brute temple towns is awesome! Plus, a nice touch is the small northern island edge of the map called "Bitterfrost".

    > While I had to re-load my scenario, see above the problem, sheer luck suggested a round world, and I accepted my wise decision to follow the suggestion. Now the world is round, that means, you just can sail west east, that means, the Stavark lands are a threat all over, all sides, all seas. The Barbs/Stavark people got 250 towns, so, that will be a threat.

    > And yes, still two maps. I dont want to show the second map, cause that is just too good, I dont want to spoiler that punch in the face (hard). Kehehe. The decision to make the land light brown as a contrast makes the second map actually beautiful, in its own rough manner, kind of a brute beauty with lava, volcanos, and towns looking like brute dark temples.

    > I still have a hard hard hard time to compare version1 terrain and version2 terrain - these silver white mountains and light brown hills looked great, and these brown mountains and dark green brown hills fit great into the terrain, it still is a 50:50. I still dont know what to take, the thing is, that these brown mountains fit map1 AND map2 and that is easy to work with.

    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken
    Geändert von Tehulotl (16. Oktober 2022 um 11:17 Uhr)

  2. #2
    lol Avatar von Tehulotl
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    I found out a "funny" thing about Battle of Zarklaw!

    The five Bitterfrost series scenarios, I - V, are still on Scenario League Wiki site, still to download, still all fine. But if you try, on the same site, to download Battle of Zarklaw 1 and 2, it links to the Civ Fanatics download section, which got lost some years ago, so, these two links are dead, and basically Battle of Zarklaw 1 and 2 are not available anymore for download!!! WTF!!! I really searched the internet for these two jewels of Fantasy Civ2 TOT modding.

    I still could provide the original Battle of Zarklaw 2 zip.

  3. #3
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Tohuwabohu
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    There is a guy around called Blake00 on this site and on Civfanatics, too. His lifetime project is to preserve ALL scenarios ever made. Maybe he can help you.

  4. #4
    lol Avatar von Tehulotl
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    Hahaha, yes, am in contact with him anyway.

    But wanted to see if I get some reaction out of this forum. You won! Have a nice weekend!
    But yes. I should ask him, and then provide these two jewels here.

    One "problem" is, that Curt Siblings sounds are that many, that the zip or rar exceed the allowed 4 MB, and that huge amount of problem hindered me to upload my Battle of Zarklaw 2 here.

  5. #5
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Tohuwabohu
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    Actually you can split it up in several smaller files and upload it then.

    Yep, this section of the forum is deserted. There aren't many left of us.

  6. #6
    lol Avatar von Tehulotl
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    Yes, on the Scenario League Wiki site these ancient duuds did that all the time. Split into main data, sound data, readme data, I could split my Battle of Zarklaw 2 copy into main data and sound data to provide it here.

    Even IF this german Civ2 section is deserted, just to provide SOMEWHERE Battle of Zarklaw would be a nice touch. And yes! Human kind has a quality problem, there are ALWAYS not many left of us - anywhere. Hahaha!

    Oooooh, very good news for all fans of Battle of Zarklaw (BOZ)! Blake shared a link:

    Curt Sibling re-worked his unit roster for a BRANDNEW BOZ sequel scenario called "Invasion of Zarklaw" (IOZ)!

    Marvellous unit roster! Marvellous new riding animals!!!!!!!!!!
    Geändert von Tehulotl (08. Oktober 2022 um 14:00 Uhr)

  7. #7
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Tohuwabohu
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    Not only that there are only a few of us left, but this is also a German-speaking forum. So I guess both of you, Blake00 and you make the same mistake: your posts (especially the introduction) are far too long for regular users here. No problem for me, though - for I'm an English teacher, but the others aren't.

  8. #8
    lol Avatar von Tehulotl
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    Oh, no, no mistake done!

    The rest of the Civ2 community shall be international. I am a German, and my German is kind of neat, for a poet, but the thing is: If a Civ2 fanatic searches for some stuff, Doctor Google will bring it up anyway, no matter "german forum" or "english forum", and the easiest access, to either a thread, or even a scenario, would be english, not german.

    So, I do ALL of my modding stuff in english anyway, I download the english version, and mod in english, no matter the game, for the easiest possible, non-excluding access, and that is an international, so, english, access - no matter the thread or the scenario, the easiest and best way to create it/do it, is english!

    If a duud anywhere on earth would search for a Zarklaw scenario, cause it seems, both BOZ1 and BOZ2 are down, even on purpose, no attempts to re-upload it again by the author himself, Curt Sibling, if a duud would search for a Zarklaw scenario, a Zarklaw sequel, no matter the forum, he will get english easiest possible access, from my side.

    For example, if you would mod Civ3, ALL of the unit links would be broken, cause the unit folders have different names, and so, the "solution" would be to load german or english packs, whole unit packs, otherwise these broken links would crash the game immediately. The best way to mod for ALL people is english version and english mod - or you would get limited audience and desasters all over!

    Have a nice sunday!

    Chaben Sie eine schöne Suntag Herr Tohuwabohu!
    Geändert von Tehulotl (09. Oktober 2022 um 13:48 Uhr)

  9. #9
    Altes Mann Avatar von goethe
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    Oooooh, very good news for all fans of Battle of Zarklaw (BOZ)! Blake shared a link:

    so do you still need storage space for your mods or not? Maybe we can reserve some mbytes for you on our server.

    You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave

  10. #10
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Tohuwabohu
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    Chaben Sie eine schöne Suntag Herr Tohuwabohu!

  11. #11
    lol Avatar von Tehulotl
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    Zitat Zitat von goethe Beitrag anzeigen
    so do you still need storage space for your mods or not? Maybe we can reserve some mbytes for you on our server.
    Always appreciated, but no, dont think so. The BOZ1 and BOZ2 .zips would be 5,5 mb, but like Tohuwabohu said earlier, I could split both data and sound into two - thing is, if the author/creator Curt Sibling did not upload on purpose, that is not up to ME - but his choice. So I should not upload BOZ1 and BOZ2 if Curt Sibling himself doesnt want to.

    My Zarklaw fan fiction sequel, and that is a funny part, has MORE data, bmps, but LESS sound, wavs, so, my folder is huger, but my .rar is smaller - and these 2,8 mb .rar I am allowed to upload here in a whole thing! So, all good from my side, very thank you, have a nice sunday!

  12. #12
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Tohuwabohu
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    Ah, come on. Simply upload stuff and inform Curt about it. If he doesn't like it, he will tell you, I guess. Or provide Blake's links to the download.

  13. #13
    lol Avatar von Tehulotl
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    Why? Do you want to play BOZ1 or BOZ2?

    The Scenario League wiki sites of these two scenarios lead to Civ Fanatics and an "Ooops, here is nothing". I got no links or download sections, these two scenarios are just down and gone. If Curt Sibling wanted them to be available, he would have made sure I think.

  14. #14
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Tohuwabohu
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    Why should anyone withdraw his masterpieces?

  15. #15
    lol Avatar von Tehulotl
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    No no! Curt Siblings Bitterfrost I - V are uploaded to Scenario League Wiki directly, and are still available. His later scenarios like Battle of Zarklaw 1 & 2, and for example Dalek Tyranny or American Kingdoms are all uploaded to Civ Fanatics, and just have links on their Scenario League Wiki site - and if you open that, "Oooops", CAUSE, I think, Civ Fanatics had some years ago a data base crash losing all of this data, and Curt Sibling should know that, that all his later Civ Fanatics related scenarios are all down down down. I mean, even I know that. But if he didnt re-upload his stuff, that was perhaps his decision, his choice? Dont know.

    I struggled with myself if I should upload my own Zarklaw fan fiction sequel scenario or not, still thinking.

    EDIT two weeks later:

    Yeah, but seems, that nobody cares. Always the case in my life! Once I learned to take care and give credit and accept and be nice - I could have been anything I want cause nobody cares, OR, I stay arrogant axehole and all cry babies go wild. So, basically, it seems, that I could upload whatever I want! Good.

    EDIT three months later:

    I did my Zarklaw fan fiction sequel from 30. September til 18. October and was overworked and went into Real Life again, since, I had my fun I guess. Now I have to de-poison myself, cause my dopamine level cracked my brain, or, like I tend to say it, cwacked my bwain, so, I should finish Zarklaw up and be a nice little worker/modder for that.

    And Curt Sibling withdrew all his Civ2 scenarios from Scenario League Wiki! Major bummer!

    His later scenarios all were hosted on Civ Fanatics and got lost by data base crash some years ago, never re-uploaded, and now, his earlier scenarios like Bitterfrost I - V were removed from Scenario League Wiki so basically none of his scenarios is available currently! Major bummer! Bitterfrost I - V, Battle of Zarklaw 1 & 2, Dalek Tyranny, American Kingdoms, Extermination, and some more! Freakin major bummer!!!

    He wants to keep all his creations "semi-private", whatever that means. In internet stuff is either not available OR freakin public, there is no "semi-private" or "semi-public" - there is just an upload, or just no upload, so, perhaps a cryptic divas choice, who knows! Perhaps that just some friends will receive via email Sibling stuff under permission and to NOT share it.
    Weird choice, but the same like to not upload lost scenarios again.

    The fun fact is, that IF I would upload my Zarklaw fan fiction sequel scenario, Zffss, kahaha, it would be the only available one, so, basically, the one and true and only! A nice touch. Once again a fan fiction modder has to rescue the day.
    Geändert von Tehulotl (16. Januar 2023 um 10:57 Uhr)


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