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Thema: Hearts of Iron 4

  1. #46

  2. #47
    Blue Heeler Genießer Avatar von Baldri
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    Brisbane im Traum
    Das kann ich nicht. Hast du einen Vorschlag für mich für eine Kaiserreichnation? Wie spielt sich Mittelafrika? Ach, ich glaub das test ich einfach mal.

  3. #48

  4. #49
    Blue Heeler Genießer Avatar von Baldri
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    Brisbane im Traum
    Neben den üblichen Verdächtigen .

  5. #50

  6. #51
    Blue Heeler Genießer Avatar von Baldri
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    Brisbane im Traum

  7. #52

  8. #53
    Blue Heeler Genießer Avatar von Baldri
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    Brisbane im Traum
    Hab ich schon, ich spiel das gerade ne Weile . Japan ist mäh in KR. Austral(asien) hab ich aber in noch keinem HoI gespielt. Das ist gut.

  9. #54
    I'M NOT A BIRD, YOU KNOW! Avatar von noxx-0
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    Neues DD:

    Zitat Zitat von Darkrenown Beitrag anzeigen
    Once again it is time for a Hearts of Iron Dev Diary! This time I'm going to talk about how Air Combat has changed, and boy, it sure has changed! In earlier HoI games, air units were all "wings", a grouping of a non-specific amount (but notionally around 100) planes which you could order to carry out missions in an area or targeting a specific province. In HoI4 we no longer use only wings; each plane is an individual piece of equipment, and rather than give each one orders, you give orders to your air bases to send a certain number of planes on missions to a given Strategic Region.

    I'll go into more detail in a moment, but in previous diaries there have been questions about how our design and development process works, so I thought I'd share a little info about that first. Before working on HoI4, both Podcat and myself worked on the For The [s]Mothland[/s]Motherland and Their Finest Hour expansions for HoI3, so we already had a lot of ideas about what we wanted to be different in the next game. One of our main ambitions was reducing the micromanagement needed for Air units and making the Air game more about your overall campaign goals. You shouldn't have to manage every sortie. So after seeking inspiration and doing some research, we held a brain-storming session which resulted in these concrete details being nailed down:

    Now, to those of you without years of game development experience, that may look like a jumbled mess of nonsense scribbles, but rest assured that Podcat, as he says, "doesn't even see the code" at this point and can make perfect sense of it (perhaps one day I will develop this skill too!). After that we write up a proper design based on our notes from the meeting and start turning that design into code and actual bits of a game. For example, here is an early debug screenshot showing a stream of German fighters and bombers attacking Britain:

    We often do visual aids like the above when developing new graphical systems. The red lines show possible generated attack paths for planes as they attack, while the blue lines show their return paths. Which attack/return path they take varies so not all missions follow the same path and things look nice. Of course, we do not show every dogfight in real time on the map. The planes on-screen represent the average goings-on in an area, so if there are fighter battles going on in a region you will see a dogfight happening, with whoever is getting the worst of the battle being shot down.

    And here is how air combat currently looks, although it is still in development:

    We've made various other changes to how planes work in HoI4:
    • Rather than artificial stacking limits, Air Combat is limited to 1v1 or 2v1 fights within larger battles. Overall numbers still matter, but only so many planes can effectively engage another at one time. We felt this reflected real historical battles much more closely.
    • No more Interceptors or Multirole Aircraft. Instead, we have Fighters and Heavy Fighters, the latter being twin engine planes which are faster and more heavily armed but less agile. Historically, not many planes perfectly fit a specific role, so it will be up to the player to decide in what direction to steer plane development. In general, Heavy Fighters are good at shooting down Bombers, but have trouble against more agile Fighters. Fighters can shoot down Bombers too, of course, but being less heavily armed they take longer to do so.
    • Speed now affects targeting order in combat. Faster planes get to pick their targets first. Because of this, speed and firepower will be the most important attributes for planes you intend to intercept bombers.
    • Agility is a new stat. When two planes meet in combat, the more agile plane will be able to use a greater percentage of its Air Attack value.
    • Coverage is more a concept than a stat, and is based on a plane's Range stat compared to the distance to the center of the Strategic Region it is operating in. Planes which can just barely reach the target have a poor Coverage value compared to a plane that can fly laps around the area.
    • While individual planes do not gain experience, combat/missions have the possibility of generating Aces. Aces can be assigned to Air wings and improve the efficiency the planes. We'll talk more about them in a later dev diary.
    Now, getting back to how air missions work: HoI4's map is divided into large areas which we call Strategic Regions. These are the targets for Air Missions. To give you an idea of the size, mainland France is divided into just two Strategic Regions. You can give orders to any air base within range of the region to send however many planes you want, set mission priorities, and can then largely leave the planes alone to fight it out until you want to change orders or just monitor their progress. The balance of forces in a given Strategic Region affects the Air Superiority value within it, and when Air Superiority is lopsided it will affect how often the weaker side can carry out missions. This will also, of course, negatively affect the operation of ground forces in the Region.

    Actual missions (and let's assume a Strategic Bombing mission for this example), barring bad weather or enemy air dominance, are flown twice a day - a daytime and nighttime flight - and will either follow priorities set by the player or be split up logically if the player has set no priorities. When a mission flies, it has a chance of being detected by the enemy based on weather, Day/Night, RADAR coverage, enemy Air Superiority, etc. If it is detected, the enemy's defending planes may intercept it. Enemy planes will prioritize attacking bombers, but the mission's escorts have a chance to catch intercepting aircraft. After the air battle is concluded, the mission continues with available aircraft. The damage done will be affected by not just the number of planes sent, but also a Disruption Penalty, calculated based on the proportion of bombers sent that were engaged or destroyed while on the way to their target.

    Overall we hope the Air War in HoI4 will be more a matter of Planning and Production than micromanaging Air Wings. It is intended to be something that will require you to wear down an enemy's air force with campaigns of attrition before your own air force can really cause major damage to their country with strategic bombing. As you can guess, many of these changes also affect how Carriers work, but that's another subject of a future DD.

  10. #55
    Mönchswochenmitmacher Avatar von goethe
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    da bin ich mal gespannt. Die Luftkämpfe haben sicherlich Verbesserungen nötig.

    You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave

  11. #56
    Held der Arbeiterklasse Avatar von Simato
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    Das hört sich sehr gut an Bislang hab ich die Luftwaffe eigentlich nur bei Beginn eines Feldzuges eingesetzt oder wenn ich wo anlanden wollte, einfach weil es viel zu fummelig war Das neue System hört sich da schon nach sehr viel Verbesserung an!
    Zitat Zitat von Bassewitz Beitrag anzeigen
    Von Simato lernen heißt Siegen lernen!

  12. #57
    ich habe am Anfang des Feldzuges meien Luftwaffe meist auf Air Priority über meinen Truppen gesetzt und die Bomber halt hassling the enemy, aber das sieht echt nach guter Verbesserung aus.

  13. #58
    Mönchswochenmitmacher Avatar von goethe
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    Neues Developer Diary, Original von podcat hier:

    Hi! This week is going to be a pretty short diary because we are all super busy preparing for Gamescom and Paradox Fan Gathering in Cologne, but because [s]we are physically addicted to stress hormones at this point[/s] we love our fans we decided to squeeze one in anyway.

    A big problem when doing historical games is player hindsight. They will know what works and what doesn't and tech rush to those points. For Hearts of Iron IV we want players to have to play through the war to gain the experiences that historically may have been required to make the technological choices. To accomplish this we have split up the tech system in a theoretical part which is just your plain old research, which will unlock new equipment, like for example a P-51 Mustang that can then be produced etc. The other part relies on actual field experience in war and lets you tweak and modify any of your models to create new models (which you may name as well).

    Let's talk about Ship Variants for a moment. Much like with the Division Designer, the key resource here is XP, although in this case we use Naval XP. Using your NXP you can make changes to any model of ship you can currently produce. Each ship can be upgraded in four areas, although this is not the same four areas for each ship type.

    In the example here we can see a Carrier, and that it's four possible upgrades are:
    Armor - Increases protection, primarily from air attacks, but reduces Speed and Deckspace.
    Deckspace - Increases number of Aircraft carried.
    Engine - Increases speed.
    Reliability - This stat is a little more complicated than the others. The other 3 upgrades all reduce Reliability a little while this upgrade counters the effect. Could also be thought of as "systematology" or "ship-shapedness", it's basically how well put together the ship is. A low Reliability makes the ship more vulnerable to critical hits in combat.

    You can choose to upgrade all four areas of the ship, of course, and get an all-round better ship at a high cost, or you can only upgrade a few stats and have a more specialized ship. Oh, and an interesting thing about ships is that you can change their variant during production, although this will impose increased production time depending on how far along in the build process they were when you changed them, so if you decide your battleship simply must have 18" guns or a better engine you don't need to build it from scratch - although you cannot make large refits to ships once they are built.

    Most of the HOI4 team will be at the fan gathering so you can argue about panthers with Darkrenown, and say hi to me and Tomasz and Guraan. I will also be showing off HOI4 on a big screen during the fan gathering, so you'll get to be the first non-press people to see it in action.

    You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave

  14. #59
    Rebellenschreck Avatar von Großadmiral Thrawn
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    Interessante kleine HOI4-Kampagne:
    PBEM[296]Der letzte Kaiser
    PBEM[295] Im Osten nichts Neues

    PBEM[294] Ich einfach unerschrecklich

    Hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen!

    Achtung Spoiler:
    Oder auch nicht

  15. #60
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von AmrodAegnor
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    Muss man da schon wieder nen extra Account machen? Der aus dem Forum funktioniert nämlich nicht.

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