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Thema: Krisenchat mit Elu heute Abend

  1. #16
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Sipahi
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    Es liest sich so als ob Elu nichts zu befürchten hätte. Merkwürdig. Um 20:00 uhr findet der chat aber statt oder? Nicht lois sich verabschiedet
    Is there anybody out there ...

  2. #17
    freier Beerensalat Avatar von Nephisto
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    im bunten Beerenland!
    Zitat Zitat von Sipahi
    Es liest sich so als ob Elu nichts zu befürchten hätte. Merkwürdig. Um 20:00 uhr findet der chat aber statt oder? Nicht lois sich verabschiedet
    jo merkwürdig...

    bischop, gib uns bitte mal eine Gesamtzusammenfassung
    Offizieller Beerenbeauftragter der UNO

    Civ3-Story: Nephi spielt Halbgott - Eine Beere stürmt das Vorzimmer des Olymp! - Vorherrschaft

  3. #18
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Sipahi
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    Zuerst auf antwort von Apo abwarten. Da ist etwas faul
    Is there anybody out there ...

  4. #19
    Geschichtenerzähler Avatar von bischop
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    ich hab noch mal nachgeftragt ob er auch um 20:00 im chat ist aber er scheint immer nur mal kurz vom rechner weg zumüßen

  5. #20
    Geschichtenerzähler Avatar von bischop
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    Bischop sagt:
    louis my team ask if you will be in the chatt this evenig 20:00 german time
    Louis XXIV sagt:
    How many hours from now is that?
    Bischop sagt:
    40 minutes
    Louis XXIV sagt:
    I should be here. I'm going to go eat something and I'll be back
    Bischop sagt:
    siphari ask if you can switch on your chat server

  6. #21
    freier Beerensalat Avatar von Nephisto
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    im bunten Beerenland!
    wenn deren Server down ist, könnten wir uns auch im IRC treffen...
    Offizieller Beerenbeauftragter der UNO

    Civ3-Story: Nephi spielt Halbgott - Eine Beere stürmt das Vorzimmer des Olymp! - Vorherrschaft

  7. #22
    Geschichtenerzähler Avatar von bischop
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    Louis XXIV sagt:
    The chat should work. I will see if I can get a password to protect the room, but I don't have the ability to do this myself.
    Louis XXIV sagt:
    I might have the link wrong in the e-mail I sent. It should be
    Louis XXIV sagt:
    I will see you in 40 minutes
    Louis XXIV sagt:
    I will let you know about a password, if I can get one.
    Bischop sagt:

  8. #23
    freier Beerensalat Avatar von Nephisto
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    im bunten Beerenland!
    ich bin schonmal im Chat
    Offizieller Beerenbeauftragter der UNO

    Civ3-Story: Nephi spielt Halbgott - Eine Beere stürmt das Vorzimmer des Olymp! - Vorherrschaft

  9. #24
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Sipahi
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    mist es kommt gleich episode 1 merke ich gerade. ich hatte es verpasst. stelle schnell vcr ein
    Is there anybody out there ...

  10. #25
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Sipahi
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    na super java bringt meinen rechner zum abstürzen
    Is there anybody out there ...

  11. #26
    Tanzt Avatar von zerialienguru
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    Im schönen Oldenburg
    wird jetzt gechattet oder nicht?
    Der Server ist auf jeden Fall offline

  12. #27
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Sipahi
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    es sollte gechattet werden versuch hiermit. er wollte einen passwordschutzaktivieren lassen
    Is there anybody out there ...

  13. #28
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Sipahi
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    zeri es funzt die letzte
    Is there anybody out there ...

  14. #29
    Tanzt Avatar von zerialienguru
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    Im schönen Oldenburg
    20:07 zeri has joined the chat.
    20:07 [Nephisto] hi zeri
    20:07 [Louis_XXIV] *welcome*
    20:07 [Sipahi] Simple and short
    20:07 [Sipahi] hi zeri
    20:07 [bischop] *hallo*
    20:07 [zeri] it works *g*
    20:07 [Sipahi] we are 5 teams
    20:07 [Sipahi] 2 must out
    20:08 [Sipahi] we had the chance as we were 3 with bat
    20:08 [Sipahi] but only you an dus as Ally is it immpossible to reach the final
    20:09 [Sipahi] we have to find a way to manage his
    20:09 [Louis_XXIV] What are the chances of winning against BAT?
    20:09 [Sipahi] Bat will not be alone and we have a tech leek?
    20:09 [Sipahi] what means rückstand
    20:10 [Nephisto] Bat has more Techs then GTW
    20:10 [Nephisto] nimm das...
    20:10 [Nephisto] Feudalsim and Monotheism
    20:10 [Louis_XXIV] Feudalism?
    20:11 [Nephisto] if PAL and APO are neutral, he would have a realistic chance
    20:11 [Nephisto] he=we
    20:11 [Sipahi] But they wont be. Think i.
    20:11 [Louis_XXIV] I think that is very likely.
    20:12 [Sipahi] We have 3 eventualities
    20:12 [Louis_XXIV] But it is possible that you might be able to change their mind
    20:12 [bischop] that is what we have to do !!! we have to talk with pal if they want a team in the final which act like bat !! like a snake
    20:12 [Sipahi] ELU and GWT fights together to the very End and loose
    20:12 [Nephisto] when they hear, what BAT has done, perhaps
    20:12 [bischop] and they should give us a chance to take their blood
    20:13 [bischop] louis this i want to tell you that gwd+elu can play the final together
    20:13 [Sipahi] 2.) we try ti "win" Pal and Apo for "us" to destroy these then you an us play as one team in finals
    20:14 [Louis_XXIV] I will mention this idea to my team, but I don't know what we will do.
    20:15 [Sipahi] but this means you have tu give up the game as Elu after BAT destroyed. I don't know if your people exept that
    20:15 [Louis_XXIV] You should try and get either PAL or Apolyton on your side, though
    20:15 [Louis_XXIV] I don't know what we will do either. It is possible that we will accept that.
    20:16 [Sipahi] we will try both. We wanted first talk toYOU (what BAT did not) .
    20:16 [Louis_XXIV] OK
    20:17 [Sipahi] If you wish it so will we fight with you together to the very end.
    20:17 [Sipahi] We need an OK from you to talk with APo and PAL
    20:17 [Sipahi] otherwise
    20:17 [Louis_XXIV] Talk to PAL and Apolyton, get their help if you can
    20:18 [Sipahi] then will (BAT) believe on it
    20:18 [Louis_XXIV] But try and avoid mentioning us
    20:18 [Sipahi] Is this official?
    20:19 [Sipahi] this means you will NOT exist as ELU after this GAME
    20:19 [Louis_XXIV] Give me a second to think.
    20:20 [Sipahi] You can think so long you want
    20:21 [Louis_XXIV] At this moment, I think you should talk to PAL and Apolyton to see if they can help you...
    20:22 [Louis_XXIV] If their support depends on something that involves us, I can't give an answer right now
    20:22 [Louis_XXIV] I am not sure how determined we are to fight until we can't fight any more.
    20:23 [Louis_XXIV] I will have to ask my team for more information.
    20:23 [bischop] ok
    20:24 [Sipahi] we do not want to leave you alone in this game and wont do this.
    20:24 [Sipahi] but we need something to offer to Apo and PAl
    20:25 [Sipahi] apo+pal+Elu+gwt=4
    20:25 [Louis_XXIV] I understand. I will have to ask my team and get back to you.
    20:25 [Sipahi] thats the problem
    20:26 [Louis_XXIV] That is not a decision I can make in this chat.
    20:26 [Sipahi] We understand
    20:27 [Sipahi] an 4'er allince means in finals we'll be one team
    20:27 [Louis_XXIV] I will make sure my team knows your offer.
    20:28 [Sipahi] Any questions?
    20:28 [Sipahi] from us?
    20:28 [Sipahi] zeri? bishop? neph
    20:28 [Louis_XXIV] I don't think there is anything to ask at this time. I will let you know if anyone from my team has questions
    20:28 [zeri] ja?
    20:29 [bischop] no questions from my site
    20:29 [zeri] achso, ne keine Fragen
    20:29 [Sipahi] ob fragen gibt? was ich vergass
    20:29 [Louis_XXIV] I have to go
    20:29 [Sipahi] Ok than. Have we a log?
    20:30 [Louis_XXIV] The button on the bottom that looks like papers will give you a log
    20:30 [zeri] yes
    20:30 [Louis_XXIV] next to the sound button and the "+" button
    20:31 [Louis_XXIV] bye

  15. #30
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Sipahi
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    Danke Zeri warst schneller. Gott sei dank. Ich hatte aus versehen das ding weggeklickt gehabt. Siehst Du es war gut dass Du dabei warst.
    Is there anybody out there ...

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