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Thema: Trip-Thread

  1. #1
    Eidgenosse Avatar von mav_son
    Registriert seit


    To Trip:
    Welcome to the colonies of Neu Demogyptica. Feel free to make your history research. If you have a question, remark to make or a draft of your written game-history (to give your OK), please post here!

    (An Trip: Herzlich Willkommen in den Kolonien von ND. Bitte poste hier, wenn du eine Frage hast, Bemerkung machen oder den Entwurf der Spielgeschichte absegnen lassen möchtest)

  2. #2
    Consul of Apolytonia Avatar von Trip
    Registriert seit
    Hello everyone. Thank you all for allowing me access into your forum. I hope that all is well with ND.

    (My poor German:

    Hallo alle. Danke für das Erlauben ich in Ihr Forum. Ich hoffe, daß alle gut mit ND füehlt.)
    'Til lata... ~Trip

    "The Eye" of the Apolyton PTW DG
    Consul of Apolytonia in the PTW ISDG
    Overseer of Catagonia in the C3C ISDG

  3. #3
    der viertel vor Achte... Avatar von Darekill
    Registriert seit
    Zweebrigge (DS 9)
    Hello Trip, i'm using english just to make you feel more at home here.

    We all have one great wish. Could you please ask us if you find anything here that you do not understand because it is written in german. I know that you understand our language better than you do speak it. But there is always a great chance that you can misunderstand or misinterpet some sentences here. So if you have any doubt about the meaning of posts please ask before you let them influence your history. We are evil and we are mean as you can read here but we don't want to look worse then we already are.

    Ich habe Trip gebeten falls er irgendwo mit unserer Sprache nicht klarkommt nachzufragen. Wir sind gemein und bösartig aber wir wollen nicht, dass wir schlimmer rüberkommen als wir tatsächlich sind. Deshalb soll er nachfragen wenn er an irgendeiner Stelle Zweifel hat den Sinn unserer Aussagen zu verstehen.

    Die Zeit verging, das Lied verklang, ich dachte es gäbe mehr zu sagen.

  4. #4
    Consul of Apolytonia Avatar von Trip
    Registriert seit
    I never thought you were evil or mean...

    A couple questions:

    What is ND's view of the Vox situation now?

    Does ND plan to assist Vox in any way?

    When does ND plan on attacking the RP team?

    And anything else you would want to inform me of.
    'Til lata... ~Trip

    "The Eye" of the Apolyton PTW DG
    Consul of Apolytonia in the PTW ISDG
    Overseer of Catagonia in the C3C ISDG

  5. #5
    der viertel vor Achte... Avatar von Darekill
    Registriert seit
    Zweebrigge (DS 9)
    What is ND's view of the Vox situation now?

    I don't think that there are many if any troops of vox on Borconia right now. they are trying to get GS in an early and thus not realy good prepered war.

    Does ND plan to assist Vox in any way?

    Vox has suport from RP and GoW. We plan on avoiding any influence to those plans. We will probably not attack them if we are not atacked but we will also do not much to suport them either.

    When does ND plan on attacking the RP team?

    We are planing to atack short after our NAP runs out in about 10 to 20 turns.

    And anything else you would want to inform me of.

    A good overview of our history can be found in the Threads Named "Zusammenfassung....."

    Thats my personel point of view. A more official version can come from Mav-Son.

    Die Zeit verging, das Lied verklang, ich dachte es gäbe mehr zu sagen.

  6. #6
    Eidgenosse Avatar von mav_son
    Registriert seit
    Original geschrieben von Darekill

    Thats my personel point of view. A more official version can come from Mav-Son.
    Minister Darekill has my full support.

    The beginn of the operation "freedom" is not decided yet, but it will start very soon.

    As far as the opinion of Minister Darekill diverges from the official position and his statmentes had damaged our relationships to other countries, he will be fired at once.....

  7. #7
    Consul of Apolytonia Avatar von Trip
    Registriert seit
    Thanks to you both.

    I'll get to reading now.
    'Til lata... ~Trip

    "The Eye" of the Apolyton PTW DG
    Consul of Apolytonia in the PTW ISDG
    Overseer of Catagonia in the C3C ISDG


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