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Thema: Persische Botschaft

  1. #76
    Civ V Spieler Avatar von borc
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    Civ5 DG Hansestadt Brügge

    310 Borc an Beta

    Hello Beta,
    At the moment i try to coordinate the diplomatic efforts for our team. Please can you tell me a bit how your war is going on? will you be able to sign a peace treaty with GS or to tell us what future vox will have on estonia? is there still anything we can do for you?
    Good luck

    Ich frage Vox nach Infos zum Krieg, würde gerne wissen wie schlimm es wirklich um sie steht. Und da GS den NAP mit uns abgelehnt hat, hätte ich auch nichts dagegen, irgendwann Pferde an Vox zu liefern. gefragt habe ich Beta aber vorerst nur, ob sie Hilfe brauchen.

  2. #77
    Civ V Spieler Avatar von borc
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    Civ5 DG Hansestadt Brügge

    230 BC Beta an Borc

    Greetings Borc. It was good to hear from you, but somewhat of a surprise. In fact, we have delayed responding because truthfully, we don't know how to respond. .

    Thank you for your offer of assistance but it is much too late. Financial aid, as some provided, or military aid as others provided would have been helpful. We had asked for horses and got no response. You knew we were researching engineering, and instead of buying it from us for a reasonable price as we asked and researching something else - you researched it yourself. That would have helped.

    We do thank you for helping maintain the deception prior to the war, but after that, you provided no support either substantially or publicly to our efforts.

    A peace deal has been reached with Gathering Storm. They are generous enough to let us dismantle our cities before we move out. But we will be gone from Estonia.

    And as one member of Vox put it:

    "I think that what we should say is basically that a peace plan with GS is being worked out with GS claiming ALL of Estonia. Let ND think that one over - if ND thought that Vox was a threat, just wait until the gathering storm breaks upon their shores! "

    I am afraid he is right. We had a small window of opportunity, we took it, came close, and maybe could have done it with a bit more of a push from all concerned. As it is now - GS will be a force to contend with.

    I appreciate that NeuD is in a precarious position on the continent, but Vox's effort had the united support of all. I cannot see where the risk to NeuD would have been. And I am not sure your neutral position will help you in the end, but that is just my opinion.

    So - I apologize if my note sounds bitter. It is not intended to be, nor are we bitter. These are just the facts as we see them. Vox has entered a new stage of its existance, one with both challenges and opportunities. We would like to maintain positive relations with the people of NeuDemogyptica, but our past dealings does not provide much of a base to build on. Maybe this can change. Time will tell.

    If you can think of ways to help our exodus from Estonia, it WOULD be welcome. You had offered spices, but with a quickly shrinkng population, happiness is not an issue at this time. In the future we may be able to consider such a trade. Cash assistance would be very helpful - as we will be in a period where we will be maintaining a large numer of workers and settlers and a small army but with only one or two cities until we can get settled again. If you would like to help in this regard - please let me know. Even minor contributions would be welcome, including gpt.

    We wish you and the members of NeuD well.

    Regards .... Beta.

    - Also Vox muss tatsächlich Estonia verlassen
    - Mit etwas bitterem Unterton bedanken sie sich für die Hilfe, die wir ihnen nicht gegeben haben.
    - Aber in Zukunft würden Sie wieder Unterstützung brauchen

  3. #78
    Civ V Spieler Avatar von borc
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    Civ5 DG Hansestadt Brügge
    Hat jemand eine Idee, wir wir Beta mal antworten könnten

  4. #79
    der viertel vor Achte... Avatar von Darekill
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    Zweebrigge (DS 9)
    Wir bedauern, das sie den Krieg verloren haben.

    Weisen nochmals darauf hin, dass wir einfach nicht wirklich helfen konnten.

    Bieten für den Neustart an, Pferde zu liefern, wenn dieser Neustart nicht auf Borconischem Boden stattfinden soll.

    Hinweis das ein weiteres Volk auf Borconia von ND in keinem Fall tolleriert wird.

    Die Zeit verging, das Lied verklang, ich dachte es gäbe mehr zu sagen.

  5. #80
    der viertel vor Achte... Avatar von Darekill
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    Zweebrigge (DS 9)
    Nach Monaten der Ruhe habe ich folgendes an Beta geschickt:

    Hello Beta,
    I'm here with some greetings from ND.
    I know our relations have seen better days and the last time we wrote notes to each other they were filled with something I'd call bitterness. Something I can well understand since you just lost a war where you hoped that ND could help you more than it did.
    Let me tell you once more, we really couldn't assist you more than we did. Not at that time where we had to gather all our resources for the forthcomming war with RP which was planned longe time before your war even started. I hope you can understand now.

    But that is not the reason I took this quilt to write you.
    The point is, we have knowledge that you research the same thing like we do, it is called Printing Press and it seem s to be a fine thing to have.

    Since we are at war we can't efford many resources on Research and belive that you may be better off. Are you interested in a trade? And if you are what would be your conditions?

    Greetings from
    (Ex-Governor Ex-Consul and Ex-Dictator of ND now beeing a simple Ambassador)

    Die Zeit verging, das Lied verklang, ich dachte es gäbe mehr zu sagen.

  6. #81
    der viertel vor Achte... Avatar von Darekill
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    Das kam bisher aus meinen Kontaktversuchen heraus....

    Beta wrote on 24-10-2003 14:36:
    Greetings Darekill.

    It is good to hear from you again. Yes we are researching printing press, and I believe we can agree to a deal of some sort. We will get back to you shortly.

    Darekill wrote on 02-11-2003 06:00:
    We are waiting..... patiently.... still.

    Beta wrote on 02-11-2003 17:15:
    Re: News from ND

    Darekill. My apologies. Yes - we can wrok out a deal for printing press. Cash is preferred. But it does not have to be immediate payment and the cost will be modest. We may also be able to consider a luxury as part payment - but that will have to be delayed for many turns until we have sufficient population for it to be of use. I will get back to you in a couple hours with some proposals.

    Again - sorry - the slow pace of play sort of puts our team to sleep.

    As to the past - well it is now the past. But you are indeed fighting GS on your shores and not theirs. I had to get that in.


    Die Zeit verging, das Lied verklang, ich dachte es gäbe mehr zu sagen.

  7. #82
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Zayxus
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    Luxus güter hat ND in Fülle.

    Ja. Der 4 Tage - Turnus muss ja wirklich einschläfernd sein.

  8. #83
    der viertel vor Achte... Avatar von Darekill
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    Zweebrigge (DS 9)
    Re: News from ND

    Darekill - again sorry about the delay.

    We are happy to trade printing press to you. It will come with a no-trade clause, but a modest price. 200 gold as 10 gold per turn, or 160 gold as 8 gold per turn plus a luxury for 20 turns to commence at a date to be decide upon by Vox. I think you will see this as very reasonable.

    We will be finished the technology of the printing press no later than 18 turns from now. The gold per turn payment will commence on the turn after delivery.

    Looking forward to hearing from you. Regards ...Beta.

    Diese Angebot ist.... nun ja....
    18 Runden! Der Preis!!
    Also entweder wir bleiben da drauf, und haben PP dann 5 Runden später ohne Exportstopklausel und weitere Kosten oder wir wechseln die Tech und forschen selbst ein wenig und nehmen das an. Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob das den Preis wert ist.

    Die Zeit verging, das Lied verklang, ich dachte es gäbe mehr zu sagen.

  9. #84
    Barbar Avatar von Candrian
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    5 Runden weniger ist für Printing Press mMn den Preis absolut nicht wert.

  10. #85
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    wir machen es selbst.
    Ich erkenne-> Ich spreche es an-> Ich handle -> das schafft Klarheit

    Wer auf seinen Worten keine Handlungen folgen läst, ist schlicht...
    Der Mensch verfügt über einen freien Willen, somit muß das was IST ja gewollt sein - egal was ist ..denn alles was ist, wird toleriert und ist somit akzeptiert !??

  11. #86
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Zayxus
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    Das Gold braucht das Militär dringend für upgrade, walls und hurried build, erst recht, wenn GS im Norden da ist.

  12. #87
    der viertel vor Achte... Avatar von Darekill
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    Zweebrigge (DS 9)
    So ich habe Beta unsere Absage zugestellt:

    Printing Press

    I'm sorry but I think your offer is not the kind of deal that the Demogyptians would like to have.
    The point is it will take another 18 turns for you to complete the research. We are researching the same thin and will be ready in 22 turns. So the difference is only 4 turns. We have a single scientist research it and so we do not spend money for the research. the next thing is that we lack of other goals to research that would make this deal profitable.

    So maybe you could switch your research to another field which could be ready at about the same time 22 turns and we would give you PP and pay the difference for the tech that you'd research?

    If you want some luxurys I'm sure that we are willing to give it away for a symbolic price like 20 g for 20 turns. As soon as you can get it.

    I hope you see our point. You are right we fight GS at our shores but there was really no way for us to support you at the time you fought them.

    Ich denke ich lege mich mit dem Luxury angebot nicht zu weit aus dem Fenster aber ich denke das wäre eine gutes Werbeangebot. wir brauchen Freunde! Womöglich schwenken sie mit ihrer Forschung ja um....

    Die Zeit verging, das Lied verklang, ich dachte es gäbe mehr zu sagen.

  13. #88
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Zayxus
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    Es erscheint mir erstaunlich, dass die Vox so weit beim Forschen sind, nachdem diese von vorne angefangen haben.

  14. #89
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Zayxus
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    Voxtavia Opens It's Borders

    Angebot, Nachfrage?

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