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Thema: Greece Wars

  1. #1
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Greece Wars

    I was planning of doing a last civ 4 SG since quite some time, but i was lacking somehow motivation or better put, the right game or map for it. When I stumbled about this map of greece, which was originally designed as a multiplayer map, I gave it a shot because it seemed interesting. But a normal game turned out to be to easy, an AW game to hard.

    After finding out about a mod that turns AW into real AW (all AI are at war also) I gave the map another shot with this mod. It played out amazingly well. In my testgame I also found out that some civs got stronger and stronger and killed their neighbours one after the other and sooner or later turnde into uber civs. I then tried to reproduce this by editing the starting boni of the various AI and found out it worked amazingly well. So I tried to set up the following szenario for a SG:

    We are an island civ in the middle of the cyclade islands:
    we rule over Delos, our leader is Astrajos: fin/agg, (wickinger)

    Our goal is to unite the greece tribes again (conquer all)

    1. it´s real aw, meaning all ai´s are also at war
    2. it´s a handmade map (geece world and islands, including bosporus) with defined passages for ships and such, so the aggression and settling behaviour of the ai´s are directed to certain points
    3. it´s 18 greece tribes stuffed on a small map with historical leaders, starting cities and locations
    4. most ai´s have manually edited starting boni, so who will dominate what part of the map and also when should be defined from the start
    5. this also results in some defined dates when some ai will start attacking the hi (in the beginning, it playes out more or less like a game without aw, then some ai´s will attack, and finally, later in the game, you will have bigger enemies, so it wont be like the usual aw games that are incredible hard in the beginning but are clearly won at a certain point, usually with rifles)
    6. Although beeing a "standard game" without any fixed events, it hopefully will play like a scenario

    Settings in detail:

    18 civs, small map, but with lots of land tiles, map is flat
    deity, real AW

    We are:
    The city state of Delos, ruled by Astrajos, based in the central of the cyclades islands: fin/agg, starts with a scout (viking civ)

    The rivalling tribes:

    Deity Starting Boni:
    Sparta: agg/spi,
    Troy: Thetys, agg/char
    Lindus: Perikles: phil/cre

    Immortal Starting Boni:
    Cnossus: Leto phil/fin

    Only 2 archers and archery as Starting Boni:
    Argos: Arlas fin/cre
    Corinth: Epimetheus: spi/cha
    Athen, Menojtios, fin/cha
    Olympia: Kojos, spi/imp
    Patrae: Mnemosyne, spi/cre
    Histiaea: Pallas, ind/imp
    Delphi: Febe, spi/exp
    Miletus: Eurinome, cre/imp
    Ephesus: Hyperion, org/imp
    Pergamon: Japtos, phil/agg
    Chios: Prometheus, spi/phi
    Halikarnassus: Okeanos exp/imp
    Mytilene: Rea, imp/fin

    And the map of greece:

    After zooming in a little, we see this lovely set of islands:

    And may I proudly present our mighty ruler and leader:

    The game settings:

    And finally, a flying horse bringes us a starting save:

    Bevore flying off again, not forgetting to mention a mod that you need to install to make it work:

    real aw mod

    team so far

    mister maggi

    updated team roaster (again)
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    Geändert von Snaaty (03. September 2010 um 18:29 Uhr)

  2. #2
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Ventrue43
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    Now you made me really curious how this game will develop ....
    And as we have never played such a huge map as a SG it will take some time to finish it and also be kind of a nightmare later once you have a sizeable amount of the map under your control ( if we get there )

  3. #3
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Now you made me really curious how this game will develop ....
    And as we have never played such a huge map as a SG it will take some time to finish it and also be kind of a nightmare later once you have a sizeable amount of the map under your control ( if we get there )
    the map size is small, exactly to reduce/eliminate the problems you pointed out

    a bigger problem I see in the production our capital will have... ...which is mighty 2 hammers after the 2 woods went into something usefull. and with no visible happy stuff, we can only hope to find some while scouting the nearby area or whipping might become a problem fast

  4. #4
    schläft Avatar von Frozen
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    heute Abend schaue ich mal, dass ich alles zum Laufen bekomme, dann wird das bestimmt spaßig

    Looks like fun, hope it will work, when I'll try it these evening
    Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose

  5. #5
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Ventrue43
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    how do we get 18 AIs on a small map ? Does it mean every AI has only space for 3-4 citities ? Is it allowed to view the map in the worldbuilder to get some idea about the map ?

  6. #6
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Meister Maggi
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    how do we get 18 AIs on a small map ? Does it mean every AI has only space for 3-4 citities ? Is it allowed to view the map in the worldbuilder to get some idea about the map ?
    found it...

    right, what are the rules for that SG?

  7. #7
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    how do we get 18 AIs on a small map ? Does it mean every AI has only space for 3-4 citities ? Is it allowed to view the map in the worldbuilder to get some idea about the map ?
    not allowed

    i posted the map of greece, for orientation. the civ map looks like the mpa posted. you can find our island region on said map (i have forgotten the name). if you want to invest some time, you can google the historical placemet of the city states mentioned in the first post, there they start (more or less)

    i havent made the map, like already mentioned, i only reworked it a little because orgingally it was a mp map

    you can look at the map in the replay, after we have won

    and dont worry about the 18 AIs, about 10 of them we will never meet because they will fall long before that
    Geändert von Snaaty (02. September 2010 um 13:40 Uhr)

  8. #8
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    found it...

    right, what are the rules for that SG?
    survive, fight, live

    only 1 special rule:
    no city razing is allowed (we want to unite greece, not burn it down). exception of the rule: incredible bad placed island cities, that have no food resource in bfc due to placement can be razed

    -> i dont want to spoiler more, because the scenario is more fun if you dont know all about it and some surprises come up

    -> like I said in the beginning: it will definitively play different from any game you will have played before (you cant compare it to a classical aw game. its more a normal game with more warfare and better promoted and stronger enemies... ...yes, some ai will grow BIG)

    -> dont be frightened by the number of AIs, most are only in the game to "feed" some key ai´s with promotions and cities (and to direct their attention a bit away from us in the beginning, so we have all options in the beginning and dont have to fear of a stack of doom 1000 BC)

  9. #9
    Dr.Brain 2.0

    Warum auf englisch?
    Mich persönloch stört es nicht, aber gibt es da einen besonderen Grund?

    Ich empfand "real" AW als leichter, der Anfang war meiner Meinung nach schwerer, kommt man aber erstmal ins Mittelspiel wurde es relativ einfach, evtl. wird das hier durch die Insellage aufgwogen, was den Start auf der einen Seite leichter macht, da kein direkter Angriff, aber auch komplizierter, wie Snaaty es schon sagte.

  10. #10
    * Ultra-möhrig * Avatar von simsahas
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    BT / FfM /AUC /
    obsolete does not speak our beloved mother language

    @topic: from previous games i also got the impression that the "real aw" is slighty easier than the common aw. but with a production-monster capital and the tiny cylcades islands around like this .....
    PB-History: PB23 ● BF1 ● PB25 ● PB27 ● PB28 ● BF3 ● PB30 ● PB33 ● BF5 ● PB37 ● PB 38 ● BF7 ● PB44 ● BF9 ● PB47 ● PB48 ● PB 51 ● BF 15 ● PB 53 ● PB 54 ● PB 57 ● PB 60

    ~~~ W..........O..........M..........B..........A..........T ~~~

    Mitspieler sagen:
    Zitat Zitat von ElDuderino91 Beitrag anzeigen
    :woohoo: Ich spiele mit einem Genie zusammen :nana:

  11. #11
    Dr.Brain 2.0
    Zitat Zitat von simsahas Beitrag anzeigen
    obsolete does not speak our beloved mother language
    Hätte Snaaty ja schreiben können
    Außerdem habe ich die Sprache ja von Obs auch gelernt, da kann er sich jetzt ja auch mal die Mühe machen

    Aber nicht vergessen, Inseln sind viel leichter zu verteidigen, kommt halt immer aufs Umland und die Gegner an, dann euch mal viel Spass.

  12. #12
    schläft Avatar von Frozen
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    Simsahas and Yuufo

    Avatarbattle three point one
    Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose

  13. #13
    2nd Runner
    Zitat Zitat von Frozen Beitrag anzeigen
    Simsahas and Yuufo

    Avatarbattle three point one

    The ava of Yuufo rocks but I like The Simpsons

    @Topic: Sounds nice
    I will read here too

  14. #14
    Love and Peace...or else Avatar von Der Graf
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    obsolete does not speak our beloved mother language
    He doesn't have to speak, writing in German would be absolutely sufficient

    Grafengeschichten im Forum: Hier

  15. #15
    2nd Runner
    Zitat Zitat von Der Graf Beitrag anzeigen
    He doesn't have to speak, writing in German would be absolutely sufficient
    Hey! Dont you speak while you write?

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