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Thema: Endless Legend

  1. #46
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Vergesst meinen Post, ich war im Kopf gerade bei Beyond Earth!
    Darf gelöscht werden

    E.L. ist aber vom Konzept her super. Denke aber, im Hinblick aufs Balancing kommt da sicher noch etwas. Wobei ich noch net alle Fraktionen gespielt habe und einige nur als Gegner kenne.
    Hatte mich schon über die Satelliten gewundert.
    Hab bei EL jetzt die Fraktionen halbwegs durch - die Unterschiede machen echt Sinn, auch wenn sie sich in vielen Dingen durchaus ähnlich spielen. Was mich immer wieder fasziniert, sind die Aha-Effekte, wenn ich wieder auf nen für mich neuen Spielmechanismus stoße - wie etwa die Option, das Einheitensetting ständig nach eigenem Bedarf umzukonfigurieren. Das Spiel entwickelt einen riesigen Charme, wenn man sich ne Weile drauf einlässt. Mag zwar auch Geschmackssache sein, aber Civ BE habe ich inzwischen schon wieder weggelegt. Erst mal spiele ich EL, bis es mir über ist.

  2. #47
    aka Skarbog Avatar von Bomm3l
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    Keine Ahnung was da los war mit dem "Volle Kanne daneben" post zuvor Hatte ein paar Tabs aufgemacht und war zuvor im BE Forenteil gucken ob es was neues gibt. Naja, ich schieb es mal aufs mürbe Hirn

    Ja, hab wie gesagt ja Civ BE mal anspielen dürfen und es steht nicht mehr auf der Liste "Will ich auf jeden Fall" Da kommt bei mir kein "flow" auf, sprich langweilig. Denke aber nach ein paar Patches wird das besser.

    Bei EL finde ich die Kämpfe gewöhnungsbedürftig. Wenn man damit halbwegs zurechtkommt passt es meiner Meinung nach. Was die Mechaniken angeht stimme ich dir zu, der Verein der einen Malus auf Futter hat kann sich gar nicht wie der Rest spielen etc. Ist auf jeden Fall ein riesen Unterschied zu Civ.
    Barcelona 5 : 3 [Ansammlung krimmineller Subjekte]

    "Ich weiß, dass das doof ist. Aber ich zahle volle Steuern." Wurstuli
    "Ach die waren noch nicht 18?" Franky
    "Das ist meine Uhr!!!" KHR
    "Ich bin Feuer&Flamme" Breno

  3. #48
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Klausiminator
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    Habe mir EL gestern geholt. Die Entdeckerlust ist bisher ungebrochen. Es gibt ja soviel Möglichkeiten zu entdecken. Gerade die Forschung ist schon spannend. Bisher hatte ich zwar nur kleinere Gefechte aber da fand ich das Kampfsystem eigentlich ganz interessant, weil wohltuend anders. Ansonsten eine Frage zur K.I.. In den ersten Tests stand ja, dass diese häufig Aussetzer hätte und die Gegner so auch gar nicht gewinnen können. Wurde das behoben? Oder verhält sich die K.I gegen Ende des Spiels immernoch passiv? Ich mein irgendwann sehe ich es ja selber. Und wo bekommt man eigentlich Mods her?

  4. #49
    Talking Bull Avatar von Writing Bull
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    Ansonsten eine Frage zur K.I.. In den ersten Tests stand ja, dass diese häufig Aussetzer hätte und die Gegner so auch gar nicht gewinnen können. Wurde das behoben? Oder verhält sich die K.I gegen Ende des Spiels immernoch passiv?
    Zur KI findest du hier viele Hintergrundinfos.

  5. #50
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Klausiminator
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    Danke, die Videos hatte ich mir noch nicht angeschaut. Mache ich gleich mal.

  6. #51
    Die KI Avatar von AIL
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    Zur Zeit gibt es viele VIP-Builds mit KI-Verbesserungen. Sie sind also gerade massiv an dem Thema dran.
    Meine KI für "Remnants of the Precurors" (Master of Orion Remake) =>
    Meine KI für "UFO: Enemy Unknown" =>

  7. #52
    ...dankt für den Fisch! Avatar von luxi68
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    SG - Burg
    Es gibt ein neues Update.

    Achtung Spoiler:
    [1.0.21] Release Notes - Visions of the Unseen

    Added a new minor faction: the Eyeless Ones.
    Added new 10 side quests.
    Added Faction-related diplomatic interactions.
    Added loading tips.
    Added the Vaulters' outgame view.
    Added VFX to the unique quest weapons.
    Added more data to the save files, in order to allow parsing for league/stats database.

    Allowed garrisons of AI empires to handle a siege on their own.
    Improved the battle targeting of AI units.
    Reduced the Dust and Food stresses, and increased the Industry stress for the AI empires.
    Increased the importance of Industry when the AI chooses a city spot for its next city.
    Added the use of the retrofit feature for the AI empires.
    Improved the way AI empires manage their Empire plan.
    Improved the way AI empires manage their construction queues.
    Changed the way AI empires manage their researches: must-have technologies begin with a low heuristic value but increase a lot at each completed research.
    Added an "after battle" analysis in order to adapt the unit designs of AI empires.
    Refactored the unit design system used by the AI empires.
    Improved the management of the "Slayer" abilities by the AI empires in their unit designs.
    Increased the weights of resources marketplace technology and the assimilation technology for the AI empires.
    Feedback have prerequisites to avoid strange messages from AI empires (for example: "We appreciate your peaceful behaviour" during a war).
    Open/Close Borders and Map Exchange/Embargo are now used by AI empires.

    Drakkens' Force status declarations increase their costs when they are used.
    Removed the constraints upon land mass from Large and Huge map sizes (issues with too many regions are handled another way by the World generator).
    Added Morale penalty (-1) to Ranged and Support units when there are enemies around.
    Decreased by 30% Damage and by 10% Attack values of Ranged units and heroes.
    Other unit tweaks: WW-Forest Spirit, BL-Infantry, BL-Ryder, AM-Battle Mage, RC-Berzerk, D-Drakkenling, Giant Ogre, Justicere, Ice Warg.
    Unit capacities: Dark Proof added to Ice Warg, Slightly increased BL-Ryder Life Drain, reduced a bit power of Fire Rain AoE for Witches.
    Hero default capacities: downgraded from Lv.3 to Lv.2 Industry and Damage boost capacities.
    Tweaked Luxury Effects: switched Emerald and Grassilk effects, changed Hydromiel effects for Hero Upkeep reduction, slightly reduced Dust Orchid effect.
    Increased the military technologies' weights of the 4th Era.
    Tweaked the cost of some custom faction traits.
    The "We are legion" faction trait requires the Conversion faction trait. Rage wizards technologies are now linked to a faction trait instead of the faction affinity.
    Added prerequisites on terrain tag water for the shipyard.
    Changed the descriptions of 4 Luxury Resources (according to their gameplay changes).
    Changed the position of the "Mindless Slaughter" technology (Necrophages quest reward, Era 4).

    Added an attack odds panel in battle.
    Added the possibility to swap the units' positions in battle deployment.
    Improved the battle targeting rules (decreased cases where units do nothing).
    Added the battle deployment zone size in the Registry file.
    The coloured area of the life bar is more visible in battle.
    The life bar in battle is removed when de-zooming.
    Reachable and attack tiles are now more visible in the Winter season.
    Improved the targeting highlight in battle.
    Clamped min and max Morale bonus from -6 to +6.

    The colour palette can now be selected as a game options of the User Interface tab; includes a colour-blind mode that can be edited through the palette.xml file.
    Added a custom tooltip on the terms' prices that explains what modifiers influence it, in the notification of diplomatic interactions.
    When a notification is about a warning or a compliment, the contract is displayed for clarification.
    Added the number of assimilated villages on each minor faction slot.
    The real number of available assimilation slots is now displayed in the Empire screen (was capped by the number of assimilable minor factions).
    Added tooltips on the "Army in battle" and "Army locked by other battle" icons.
    Added a section in the districts tooltips to explain how to level them up.
    Added the Battle Movement icon in the Unit battle tooltip.
    Display of the World Seed value in the bottom left corner of the Options screen.
    Sorted out the pillar faction trait (no arcana use when there are no pillars and set the right pillar price for Ardent Mage).
    Improved the large version of the spells' icons.

    Added Mastery Strategic Resource Cost Bonus system: the more you unlock item technologies, the more you get discounts on item strategic resource costs.
    Increased by 50% strategic cost of items (to improve strategic resources rarity and to partially compensate the new Mastery system that can potentially decrease by 60% the strategic resources costs of items).
    Increased by 20% Industry and Dust costs of items made of Iron or Dust.

    Improved the stock management in the marketplace.
    Added a feature of auto-supply of stockpiles in the marketplace.
    Reduced a bit the impact of the level up of units on the marketplace.
    Changed the value of the Sellout Market Tax.
    Changed values of the marketplace reference prices of stockpiles and heroes.

    Downgraded Industry Efficient and Damage Boost capacities (Hero default capacities).
    Unit instant heal can now be modded to choose the used resource.
    Renamed the "Low Damage" ability: now "Warrior Apprentice".
    Removed Low Damage (Warrior Apprentice) ability of Support units but reduced their base attack values.
    Sorted abilities to have Range ability on top of the abilities list.

    Fixed an issue where an assert can be raised by the Trade Routes system (some region was not correctly excluded).
    Fixed an issue where an assert can be raised when the Roving Clans lose their main city and have some roaming privateers.
    Fixed an issue where a crash can occur when displaying info about an annihilated army which was a privateer army.
    Fixed an issue where a crash can occur when loading a save where a unit is mistaken for a hero.
    Fixed an issue where an unskippable assert is received by the host during gameplay.
    Fixed an issue where a desync in MP games is caused by AI empires (when manipulating the construction queues).
    Fixed an issue where audio is muted and audio options have no functionality when booting the title without headset or speakers plugged in.


    Fixed an issue where consuming multiple cadaver stockpiles in the same turn does not count towards the completion of the "Battlefield Buffet" achievement.
    Fixed an issue where the "Float Like a Butterfly" achievement is not unlocked after completing its objective; undamaged ally unit count was used instead of enemy unit count.
    Fixed an issue where the "Float like a Butterfly" achievement will be unlocked after a combat draw or if the opposing army retreats from battle.
    Fixed an issue where the "Corridors of Power" achievement is not unlocked by completing its objective; City food was used instead of influence.
    Fixed an issue where the "Cage Match" achievement is not unlocked for clients, as victory achievements were only unlocked on the server side.
    Fixed an issue where the difficulty level achievements are unlocked in multiplayer sessions without AI opponents.

    Fixed an issue where AI cities do not sometimes unlock units.
    Fixed an issue where researching the "Hospitality den" technology does not have a high priority for the AI.
    Fixed an issue where researching the "Diplomat's manse" technology does not have a high priority for the AI.
    Fixed an issue where AI empires have a low priority in researching army size techs.
    Fixed an issue where AI empires have a low priority in researching the "Mercenary corps" technology.
    Fixed an issue where the AI attitude for the "Open Borders" proposal during "Cold war" cannot be affected by the player through bribes.
    Fixed an issue where AI empire can get Halloween hero through a quest before the first winter.
    Fixed an issue where AI empires try to spawn armies from garrisons too far away.
    Fixed an issue with the Treaty AI decision (forbid impossible terms).
    Fixed an issue where Roaming armies can spawn on city boroughs and city centres.

    Fixed an issue where the contract terms bar "modification highlight" will display a false information.
    Fixed an issue where the cost of diplomatic interactions doesn't scale appropriately.
    Fixed an issue where the influence cost of diplomatic interactions is not significant.
    Fixed an issue that occurred when requesting "Market ban removal" during "Cold War", no contract terms could be added to the negotiation.
    Fixed an issue where no timer is displayed for the "Relation State Change Chaos" effect triggered whenever switching to various relation states (War, Cold War, Alliance, and Peace).
    Fixed an issue where the compliment/warning declarations are always displayed as having a negative effect cost modifier for treaties.
    Fixed an issue where the "recent status change" influence cost modifier can be displayed as having a positive effect for players.
    Fixed an issue where the Drakken can keep every other faction at peace/alliance due to the low cost of force peace/alliance after they are cancelled.

    Fixed an issue that occurred when building a Harbour, the surrounding districts were not improved.
    Fixed an issue where villages do not allow health regeneration.
    Fixed an issue where villages do not allow action point regeneration.
    Fixed an issue where the Player can keep playing a custom faction with trait points that exceed the authorised limit.
    Fixed an issue where the Pacify action pacifies villages already converted.
    Fixed an issue where the "Landscapist" custom faction trait doesn't give the approval bonus, unless the specific anomaly already gives an approval bonus.
    Fixed an issue where the battlezone preview is inconsistent with the actual battle zone.
    Fixed an issue where sometimes no effects are added during a winter season.

    Fixed an issue where a battle notification is received without an effective battle due to the use of the retreat by the AI empire.
    Fixed an issue where the Hero upkeep is not counted as upkeep in the tooltips.
    Fixed an issue where a "Missing GuiElement" error occurs sometimes when meeting another empire for the first time.
    Fixed an issue where already assimilated minor factions are selected by default in the assimilation screen when trying to assimilate a second minor faction.
    Fixed an issue where the XP per turn indicator displays false information on units which have the "Fast learner" capacity.
    Fixed an issue where the user is not informed about the multi-targeting system or its controls.
    Fixed an issue where the user is not informed that he/she cannot move his/her army while 2 other Empires are battling next to his/her army.
    Fixed an issue where the city screen is not properly opened when selecting a city, in city notifications (construction ended, idle, starving) while on a different screen (technology, empire).
    Fixed an issue where the tooltip of the Slavery hero capacity effect is coming from "converted villages", instead of "capacity".
    Fixed an issue where the colour of the Number of Pacified Village value and icon in the Minor Faction Choice panel is incorrect.
    Fixed an issue where the list of converted villages overlaps with the city list for custom factions that have the "Conversion" trait.
    Fixed an issue where tooltips of the Cultist districts provide misleading information regarding the level.
    Fixed an issue with the Unleashed Potential icon in battle.

    Fixed an issue where the exclusive hero duration is not updated properly when playing on fast gamespeed.
    Fixed an issue where the demand of every item in the market resets after every turn in multiplayer.

    Fixed an issue where the game remains stuck in the End Turn phase if a user quits or is disconnected while a battle notification is open.
    Fixed an issue where players can have different army names when playing with a host having a different language.
    Fixed an issue where players can have different hero names when playing with a host having a different language.

    Fixed an issue where the quest marker for the "Manual labour" quest is not removed from the adventure map after the quest is completed.
    Fixed an issue where, through specific quests, using Parley or Attack with a god ray converted village is impossible, making potentially some quests impossible to be triggered or completed.
    Fixed an issue where the chapter 6 of the Drakken main quest can not fail.
    Fixed an issue where the "Initiatic Travel" quest cannot be completed.
    Fixed an issue where the turn cooldown timer is not functional for the "A history lesson" quest.
    Fixed an issue where the Roving Clans alternative Chapter 5 "An unfortunate option" cannot be completed if users load the session during the second step.
    Fixed an issue where Ruins and Village quests can be triggered during the tutorial if they don't have a specific pre-requisite mentioned in each of these quests.
    Fixed an issue where quests can offer rewards already offered by other quests in progress.
    Fixed an issue where the Cultists chapter 3 completion notification appears after chapter 4 new chapter notification.

    Fixed an issue where the "We are legion" technology does not work.
    Fixed several issues with the pre-requisites on Cultist technologies and expansion disapproval reduction technologies.
    Fixed several text issues.

    Fixed an issue where units in converted villages can sometimes disappear when loading a save.
    Fixed an issue where the spawn of a minor faction unit in a converted village can cause an exploit.
    Fixed an issue where, at the end of turn, some XP modifiers can be applied twice.
    Fixed an issue where the Broken Lords do not take damage when their regeneration is under 0.
    Fixed an issue where units with "Fast learner" gain 50% more experience per turn.
    Fixed an issue where the Slavery ability doesn't take into account the converted villages.
    Fixed an issue where the retrofit cost is not correctly checked.
    Fixed an issue where the Ceratan are always healing each other instead attacking their enemies.

    Fixed an issue where the "No ocean" setting generates Pangea maps when specific settings are used.
    Fixed an issue where no luxury resources are generated on sessions with the "World difficulty" set to Easy and the map size to Tiny.
    Somewhere over the rainbow...
    ...there's no place like home.

    Judy Garland, The Wizard Of OZ

    Ci[Wii]lization @ 1292 6114 9198 7307

  8. #53
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Klausiminator
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    Jop das neue Update ist schön. Meine erste Partie habe ich vor einigen Tagen mit den Wildwalkers gewonnen. Es war sehr glücklich der Nekrophage musste nur noch 2 Provinzen erorbern, um den Expansionssieg zu erlangen. Ich habe mit den 2 letzten Fraktionen Bündnisse geschlossen meine Ministreitmacht genommen, dem Nekrophagen dessen Armee auf der anderen Seite war soviel Provinzen abgenommen wie es ging und der Winter verhinderte, dass der Nekro seine Streitmacht zur Verteidigung nutzen konnte. Auf einmal popte der Sieg durch Überlegenheit auf. War glücklich aber trotzdem schön.

  9. #54
    For the Glory of Mankind Avatar von Phex
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    Zur Zeit gibt es viele VIP-Builds mit KI-Verbesserungen. Sie sind also gerade massiv an dem Thema dran.
    Das klingt gut, eigentlich hat die KI ab dem mittleren Spiel gegen Elite-Stacks keine Chance mehr.
    I only want you happiness, knowing
    I can never be yours to share it. .

    In Erinnerung an Lady Ellaira Welrose.

    "Who decides limits? And base on what?"
    You said you worked hard? Well, maybe you need to work a little harder.
    Is that really the limits of your strength?
    Could the you of tomorrow beat you today?

  10. #55
    ...dankt für den Fisch! Avatar von luxi68
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    SG - Burg
    Gibt es eigentlich ein Mittel um die Unzufriedenheit durch Expansion einzudämmen? Mal abgesehen von "keiner Expansion". Wenn ich es richtig sehe, dann gibt es ja nur ein paar Stadtausbauten, die Zufriedenheit geben.
    Somewhere over the rainbow...
    ...there's no place like home.

    Judy Garland, The Wizard Of OZ

    Ci[Wii]lization @ 1292 6114 9198 7307

  11. #56
    Talking Bull Avatar von Writing Bull
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    Es gibt auch manche Luxusressourcen, die du sammeln kannst, um mit ihnen dann der Zufriedenheit einen Boost zu geben.

  12. #57
    For the Glory of Mankind Avatar von Phex
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    Es gibt auch direkt Forschungen im unteren Baum, welche die Unzufriedenheit durch Expanison jeweils um 25% senken, wenn man die alle hat kann man soviel erobern wie man möchte ohne Abzüge.
    I only want you happiness, knowing
    I can never be yours to share it. .

    In Erinnerung an Lady Ellaira Welrose.

    "Who decides limits? And base on what?"
    You said you worked hard? Well, maybe you need to work a little harder.
    Is that really the limits of your strength?
    Could the you of tomorrow beat you today?

  13. #58
    ...dankt für den Fisch! Avatar von luxi68
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    SG - Burg
    Ja, die Forschung habe ich jetzt auch gefunden. Danke für die Tipps!

    Warum werden eigentlich die Einheiten und Helden im Spielverlauf so exorbitant teuer? Ist das normal, dass ich in Runde 100 über 1100 Dust für einen Helden bezahlen muss?
    Somewhere over the rainbow...
    ...there's no place like home.

    Judy Garland, The Wizard Of OZ

    Ci[Wii]lization @ 1292 6114 9198 7307

  14. #59
    Talking Bull Avatar von Writing Bull
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    Von Ära zu Ära werden die Einheiten und Helden kampfstärker. Deshalb kosten sie dann entsprechend mehr.

  15. #60
    For the Glory of Mankind Avatar von Phex
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    Zitat Zitat von luxi68 Beitrag anzeigen
    Ja, die Forschung habe ich jetzt auch gefunden. Danke für die Tipps!

    Warum werden eigentlich die Einheiten und Helden im Spielverlauf so exorbitant teuer? Ist das normal, dass ich in Runde 100 über 1100 Dust für einen Helden bezahlen muss?
    Habe ich eigentlich nie darauf geachtet, weil ich in der Regel ab letzten drittel eines Spieles so viel Dust generiere, dass laufende Kosten kaum in das Gewicht noch fallen. Aber ist schon richtig, das die jede Ära an Kosten zulegen, dafür gibt es dann aber ja auch immer neue Verbesserungen die auch mehr generieren.
    I only want you happiness, knowing
    I can never be yours to share it. .

    In Erinnerung an Lady Ellaira Welrose.

    "Who decides limits? And base on what?"
    You said you worked hard? Well, maybe you need to work a little harder.
    Is that really the limits of your strength?
    Could the you of tomorrow beat you today?

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