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Thema: Ich brauche ein Lektorat

  1. #1
    Ich spiele Civ 4 & 5! Avatar von Patrick12755
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    Ich brauche ein Lektorat

    Ich weiß nicht, ob das Civforum dafür zu haben ist - aber ich hab leider wirklich noch niemanden für meinen Text gefunden (zum durchgucken), den ich morgen abgeben muss,
    wär cool, wenn sich das ein paar anschauen würden und gravierende Fehler mir mitteilen würden!

    Frohe Weihnachten!

    The article “Is Facebook making us forget? Study shows that taking pictures ruin memories“ written by James Vincent and published on the website of “The Independent” on 10th December 2013 deals with the question whether taking pictures instead of looking at something ruins memories.
    The article is merely based on a psychological study of Linda Henkel of Fairfield University. In the beginning, the author states that this study gives some proof on the thesis that something is more probably to forget if one just take a picture of it. In addition, it is explained that taking pictures of a situation doesn’t need our complete attention on it and this should make one considering when one posts a new photo album on Facebook.
    Followed by this thesis, Henkel starts an experiment, in which students had a tour in a museum/art gallery and having the order to notice some art objects by taking pictures or just looking at it.
    The results were that the one who took pictures were more likely to forget certain art objects.
    In the next part of the article, the second study of Henkel is presented, with the result that the zoom of a camera makes us easier to keep memories of a photo.
    There is still a contrast between the results and the presumption students could possibly remember persons instead of art objects or maybe that they just aren’t interested in art.
    In the end of the article and as a conclusion, Henkel says that people aren’t able to remember a greater part of pictures due to the fact that these pictures are too many in amount. Henkel concludes that one should try to interact with the photos instead of just filling albums.
    I am of the same opinions as the author because I have the same experiences as the study says. Having a lot of pictures makes it hard to look up every single photo with school, holiday or childhood memories. I prefer to attend the moment instead of just taking a picture and go on – especially when I visit foreign countries.
    All in all, I want to express my full approval with the article.
    Mein Soundcloud-Kanal - Musik und mehr Aktuell: Twist and Shout (Live Rock 'n' Roll@Universal Hall)

    Beatles-Story (Chronologie): Inhaltsverzeichnis

    Mein YouTube-Kanal (Projekte: Cities:Skylines-Lets Play, Studienvlog, CS:GO-Clutch or Fail?):

  2. #2
    Einmal überflogen und vermutlich auch schon zu spät. Rot fehlt, grün muss verschwinden.

    Zitat Zitat von Patrick12755 Beitrag anzeigen
    The article “Is Facebook making us forget? Study shows that taking pictures ruins memories“ written by James Vincent and published on the website of “The Independent” on 10th December 2013 deals with the question whether taking pictures instead of looking at something ruins memories.
    The article is merely based on a psychological study of Linda Henkel of Fairfield University. At the beginning, the author states that this study gives some proof on the thesis that something is more probably to be forgot/ten if one just takes oder took [if-clause!] a picture of it. In addition, it is explained that taking pictures of a situation doesn’t need our complete attention on it and this should make one considering when one posts a new photo album on Facebook.
    Followed by this thesis, Henkel starts an experiment, in which students had a tour in a museum/art gallery and having the order to notice some art objects by taking pictures or just looking at it.
    The results were that the ones who took pictures were more likely to forget certain art objects.
    In the next part of the article, the second study of Henkel is presented, hier Satz auftrennen!with the result that the zoom of a camera makes us easier to keep memories of a photo.
    There is still a contrast between the results and the presumption students could possibly remember persons instead of art objects or maybe that they just aren’t interested in art.
    At the end of the article and as a conclusion, Henkel says that people aren’t able to remember a greater part of pictures due to the fact that these pictures are too many in amount. Henkel concludes that one should try to interact with the photos instead of just filling albums.
    I am of 've got the same opinions as the author because I made the same experiences as the study says. Having a lot of pictures makes it hard to look up every single photo with school, holiday or childhood memories. I prefer to attend the moment instead of just taking a picture and going on – especially when I visit foreign countries.
    All in all, I want to express my full approval with the article.

  3. #3
    Ich spiele Civ 4 & 5! Avatar von Patrick12755
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    Zitat Zitat von Metropolis Beitrag anzeigen
    [...]vermutlich auch schon zu spät.

    Trotzdem danke!
    Mein Soundcloud-Kanal - Musik und mehr Aktuell: Twist and Shout (Live Rock 'n' Roll@Universal Hall)

    Beatles-Story (Chronologie): Inhaltsverzeichnis

    Mein YouTube-Kanal (Projekte: Cities:Skylines-Lets Play, Studienvlog, CS:GO-Clutch or Fail?):

  4. #4
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    In welcher Klasse bist du?

  5. #5
    Ich spiele Civ 4 & 5! Avatar von Patrick12755
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    11 - du?
    Mein Soundcloud-Kanal - Musik und mehr Aktuell: Twist and Shout (Live Rock 'n' Roll@Universal Hall)

    Beatles-Story (Chronologie): Inhaltsverzeichnis

    Mein YouTube-Kanal (Projekte: Cities:Skylines-Lets Play, Studienvlog, CS:GO-Clutch or Fail?):

  6. #6
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Zitat Zitat von Patrick12755 Beitrag anzeigen
    11 - du?
    Ah, die besten Jahre

    Mein Abi ist nun auch schon 2,5 Jahre her

  7. #7
    Neigt zur Überreaktion Avatar von DerMonte
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    11 - du?

  8. #8
    Rebellenschreck Avatar von Großadmiral Thrawn
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    Da lag ich mit meiner Schätzung aber weit daneben.
    PBEM[296]Der letzte Kaiser
    PBEM[295] Im Osten nichts Neues

    PBEM[294] Ich einfach unerschrecklich

    Hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen!

    Achtung Spoiler:
    Oder auch nicht


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