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Thema: A Game of Dwarves

  1. #1
    I'M NOT A BIRD, YOU KNOW! Avatar von noxx-0
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    A Game of Dwarves

    A Game of Dwarves
    Can You Dig It?

    A dwarven prince on a quest to reclaim his people’s old country takes the player on a journey through a continent, uncovering the buried mysteries of the Great War. With a combination of strategy and management, the player rules their settlements of dwarves, having them explore the earth and utilize its resources.

    The gameplay consists of ordering the inhabitants of a dwarven settlement to dig, build and conduct research in order to strengthen the clan, whilst defending themselves from the terrible beasts from the depths into which they delve. The game generates a unique world each time a new level starts, making sure that the player needs to dynamically adapt their strategies and tactics during a session.

    As the player advances, the dwarves will level up and gain new skills, progressing from weak dwarflings to near immortal warriors or master craftsmen. There are also rare resources to be found deeper in the earth that grant access to better buildings and equipment. However, the deeper you dig the more dangerous foes you might unleash…

    • Explore – The randomly generated maps will always keep the content fresh and increase the sense of exploration when digging through the earth.
    • Build – The things that the player can build in-game are not only practical, but their designs are varied and pretty too! This allows the player to build the objects they personally think look great, while still gaining progress. Home is where the art is.
    • Command – With the order system the player can easily control oodles of dwarves simultaneously without the need for extensive micro management.

    Development Diaries:

    A Game of Dwarves - Development Diary #1

    Hello all!

    First let me introduce myself. I'm a young man living on the Island of Gotland, smack in the middle of the Baltic sea.
    I've studied Game Design at the University and are now the Lead Designer on A Game of Dwarves.

    The task has fallen upon me to work as a community manager during Fridays, so each Friday I'll be posting in this Development Diary as well as making a new post in the Dev-blog (link) The information in the blog posts might be different than the forum posts, so be sure to check it out. These reports will contain various information and cover different topics, ranging from overviews of the whole project to in-depth looks on individual features.

    However, before that I'd like to give a quick introduction to A Game Of Dwarves. In aGoD the you take control of a dwarven prince and it's your task to guide the dwarven people as they set out to reclaim the land of their forefathers.

    The game is akin to old school management games featuring dwarves and everything that contains. The dwarves will dig, build, and fight their way trough the very earth itself and while exploring they will find treasures and monsters. I'll get deeper into the actual game in the next update because I want to mention something else as well this week.

    I want to talk about the goals we are currently working towards and what we'll be doing the upcoming month.

    Right now we are charging against two large goals; Alpha and GDC. The Alpha have been a long term goal for quite a while so working towards getting all the features in the game complete is nothing new, GDC on the other hand...

    As most of you know GDC is a big gathering of developers, full of awards and announcements. During this the conference we'll be meeting with every journalist in the US that will have us. So expect to receive major updates on the game in the aftermaths of GDC!

    Last but not least I have a favor to ask, I need some topics to cover during the upcoming months, next week I'll be talking more about the game as a whole but after that I'm not sure what topic to cover. So give me your ideas and wishes and maybe I'll write about it. Post even if a topic isn't large enough for a whole report I'll either answer it here on the board or maybe I'll make a weekly report covering several smaller topics.

    Have a good one

    Hello everyone, Rally-Ho!

    Okay I need to level with you here, I'm pretty much swammped this week, so I'll post the same message here in forums as in the blog. However first a quick shotout to all of you that post questions in the forums, mad props to you people and I plan to devote one of these weekly posts to making a Q&A some time in the upcoming months. But for now you'll have to make do with the first part of my explaining the game suite.

    So this week I've promised to talk more about the game. And by looking at the questions posted on the forums there are some topics you've showed extra interest in, we'll get to those later. First, I give you, A Game of Dwarves.

    As most of you know, in aGoD the player takes control over a settlement of dwarves, but let's take a closer look at the core aspects of the game. Digging, building and fighting!

    The way the player controls the dwarves is, in the spirit of classical management games ,very indirectly. There is little to none of the "select dwarf, go here" kind of commands. Instead, the player issues orders on objects in the game world. Idle dwarfs will then step up and follow your order. Say for example that I mark a section of dirt for removal, my digger dwarfs will make their way to the earth and start digging.

    The dwarves themselves are divided into classes like digger, warrior or builder (to name a few), and each of them have unique skills while also sharing some common skills, meaning you need dwarves of each class to fully utilize your settlement, but not to survive.

    There are two main game modes, the campaign and “Custom”. In the campaign the player goes through several levels that each have some scripted events and advance the narrative. The levels in the campaign will have more direct missions and goals, while the custom game focuses on setting up a continuous settlement. Each game map is large enough to keep the player entertained for hours in a custom game, while the campaign levels might be completed quicker, unless you go for the side missions...

    Levels are built up of hundreds of thousands of blocks that the player destroys in order to create his cave, before building traps, beds, chests, doors, mushrooms, generators, chairs, ladders and stairs, just to name a few. These blocks are divided into three main types; earth, event and exciting resource blocks. The earth blocks are by far the most common and they're basically the structure of the world, though there are different kinds of earth block ranging from dirt to rock.

    The event blocks are randomized throughout the level and spawn large and small rooms with either enemies or treasure inside them, and these are the main threats (besides maybe starvation) to the player's settlement. The treasures and bad guys do, of course, get bigger and more dangerous the deeper the floor of the room they're spawned on.
    Resource blocks range from gold, all the way to dragon force (the hardest metal of them all), and are spread throughout the level. Since these resources are what the player uses to craft everything, the hunt for resources are the main driving force that brings the player deeper into the earth and is necessary for the player to progress.

    Okay! This is getting out of hand, I'll have to leave the information about combat, plus a more in-depth look at building, until next week. This is getting really long and my deadline is approaching!
    Thanks for your time.

    We're back for another dev diary from a Game of Dwarves!

    This week I intend to look at combat and maybe talk some more about building, this means I'll have to get into the different kinds of military dwarves as well. Firstly though I have to say that since we're not even in alpha some of these things might be susceptible to change.

    The basic military dwarf starts out as a melee fighter, he got a basic axe can fend of the most basic forms of enemies on the surface. He might have some trouble with enemies found in caves, but with courage and some friends he could defend the settlement during the early stages of a game.
    However as you all know, the deeper you dig, the harder enemies get, so our military dude needs to hone his skills and become stronger.
    There are two main ways for the military dwarf to gain experience, either you send him into combat on the higher layers that you think he can handle This gives loads of experience as well as more resources stolen from enemy caves.
    However he could also find himself outnumbered and die! There must be safer ways to gain experience, well yes, you can build training dolls that your military dwarves can use to increase in level. Only problem with this is that the dolls are rather expensive and hitting them with axes and hammers have a tendency to break them, making training a costly business.

    So how does experience make your dwarves stronger? Well in two ways, each level gives your dwarf a small bonus to all his stats (such as damage or health) kinda basic. However there is a more interesting aspect of leveling, at some certain levels the dwarves will advance. The basic military dwarf have the option of either becoming a fighter or a spear thrower. And of course these advance classes have further developments and so on!
    This means that the player can customize his army to fit his play style. Do you like to build your settlement to look like a gauntlet with marksmen (marksdwarves?) standing on ledges, go ahead. Would you rather have a melee force to send into the enemy stronghold, do that.

    What I want to do is give the player a challenge and a set of tools, then let the him loose on the world. I'm looking forward to see how you tackle everything I throw at you. This goes for more than just the combat but every challenge in the game.

    (some of the concepts for the military dwarves seems fitting this week)


  2. #2
    Beyond Mars Avatar von [VK]
    Registriert seit
    Wozu eine schlechte Kopie wenn das Original Kostenlos ist

  3. #3
    . Avatar von etepetete
    Registriert seit
    Der einzige Grund warum ich nie Dwarf Fortress gespielt habe war dass es ganz einfach keine schicke 2d Grafik aus den 90ern gibt.
    Das wäre schon genug für mich.
    [Morrowind] Die kurze Geschichte des Valen Drem

  4. #4
    Puhuhu Avatar von Slaan
    Registriert seit
    Ich hab mir jetzt das Vid angeschaut und sehe nen Dungeon Keeper abklatsch
    |學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆。 ~ 孔子|
    | Lernen ohne zu denken ist sinnlos, denken ohne zu lernen gefährlich. ~ Kong Zi |

    | During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act ~ George Orwell |

    SdM Dez16 - XCOM2 Make Humanity Great again

  5. #5
    Zwerg Avatar von Snorrli
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    tief im Berge
    Noch mehr Zwerge, yeah!

    Gut ist's, wenn's Spass macht. Und diesen Eindruck vermittelt es zumindest bei mir.

    Zitat Zitat von VK
    Wozu eine schlechte Kopie wenn das Original Kostenlos ist
    Weil's Spass macht!

    Zitat Zitat von Slaan
    Ich hab mir jetzt das Vid angeschaut und sehe nen Dungeon Keeper abklatsch
    Das ist toll! Es gibt hunderte RPGs, Sportspiele, Shooter usw. mit dem selben Spielprinzip, Strategiespiele in der Art von Dungeon Keeper oder auch Bad Genius nur wenige.


  6. #6
    Held der Arbeiterklasse Avatar von Simato
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    Meinst du Evil Genius? Ansonsten weiß ich ja, was ich demnächst zocke!

  7. #7
    Zwerg Avatar von Snorrli
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    tief im Berge
    Zitat Zitat von Simato Beitrag anzeigen
    Meinst du Evil Genius? Ansonsten weiß ich ja, was ich demnächst zocke!
    Natürlich, Bad Genius gibt's gar nicht.


  8. #8
    der Admiral Avatar von AdmiralDan
    Registriert seit
    Dieses Spiel erscheint übrigens am 23.10., also am Dienstag, und lässt sich über Steam für 9,99€ vorbestellen.

  9. #9
    der Admiral Avatar von AdmiralDan
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    Erster kurzer Eindruck: Ziemlich gut, gerade für nur 9,99€.
    Nach so ziemlich einer Stunde Spielzeit bin ich immer noch im Tutorial, aber man kommt schon ziemlich schnell klar, und auch die Steuerung geht überraschend flott von der Hand.

  10. #10
    Sie/Er/Whatever Avatar von Fimi
    Registriert seit
    Mir verrecken die ganze Zeit irgendwelche Bergleute beim Graben, weil die zu doof sind, sich ihre Leitern selbst mitzubringen
    "La majestueuse égalité des lois, qui interdit au riche comme au pauvre de coucher sous les ponts, de mendier dans les rues et de voler du pain." - Anatole France

    Zitat Zitat von Fonte Randa Beitrag anzeigen
    Manchmal kann ich Fimi verstehen...
    Zitat Zitat von Kaiserin Uschi Beitrag anzeigen
    Ja, aber das ist nur ein Grundgesetzbruch, aber kein Verfassungsbrauch. Bring das mal vors Bundesgrundgericht ;)

  11. #11
    der Admiral Avatar von AdmiralDan
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    Zitat Zitat von Vimal Beitrag anzeigen
    Mir verrecken die ganze Zeit irgendwelche Bergleute beim Graben, weil die zu doof sind, sich ihre Leitern selbst mitzubringen
    Pass bloß besser auf deine Zwerge auf.

    Mir gefällt der Schwierigkeitsgrad der Kampagne sehr gut. Nach einfachen Übungsmissionen steigt er plötzlich rasant an.
    Da muss sich schon Zeit und Ressourcen nehmen, um Militärtechnologien zu erforschen, und haufenweise Übungspuppen zu bauen, sonst wird man von den Magiern übel vermöbelt.

  12. #12
    Blue Heeler Genießer Avatar von Baldri
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    Brisbane im Traum
    Alleine des Vorspannes wegen hat der Kauf gelohnt .

  13. #13
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von TeeRohr
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    Münchner Outskirts
    Also ich muss auch sagen, dass es nicht schlecht ist. Ich hoffe da kommt noch ne Menge. Ich habe nun die ersten 3 "Wegpunkte" durch - Spielzeit: locker mal 5-6h. Das Spiel frisst richtig Zeit.

    So 100%ig weiß ich noch nicht wie ich spielen muss. Ich fresse mich immer von Höhle zu Höhle durch den Berg und verkloppe hier und da ein paar Spinnen, Heinzelmännchen und Grünlinge usw. Die in der letzten Mission gefunden Ressourcen wie Titan, Drachenblut etc. habe ich nicht genutzt.

    Was mich ein bisschen stört ist, dass ich nicht "schön" baue. Man braucht ja doch immer die Bergarbeiter für Wegfindung und kann dann keine so tollen Hallen bauen. Und wenn man sie baut dann ist es eigentlich nutzlos. Ich bin dann dazu übergegangen überall im Berg ein paar Betten und Tische aufzustellen. Sieht sehr wüst aus, funktioniert aber.

  14. #14
    Blue Heeler Genießer Avatar von Baldri
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    Brisbane im Traum
    Persönlich muss ich höllisch aufpassen, dass sich die Miner den Rückweg nicht verbauen. Werde wohl dazu übergehen, eine eigene große Halle nur für Minergräber zu errichten.

    Für die vierte Mission habe ich 3 Anläufe benötigt, beim letzten habe ich dann aber auch verzichtet schön zu bauen. Ich finde nämlich, wenn man schon ein Zwergenreich wieder aufbaut, dann macht man das pompös. Aber jeder spielt halt anders.

  15. #15

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