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Thema: 90 - Kemet, das Land der ersten Hochkultur

  1. #91
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    I think the capital should be kept growing to size 6 so we can efficiently produce settlers by whipping 6-3. We're behind, my opening seemed to suck, we need to prioritize growth to catch up.

    The gems is pretty clearly "his" spot, it's closer to him, there's an ice bar between us and the gems, and I really don't want to start an ancient era fencing duel with Zulu trying to block off settling sites.

    We do need to play after him this turn though in order to kill the Impi if it moves past our Axe, priority is to protect ourselves from harassment. I will also offer OB when I log in.
    We want to show peaceful intentions. He holds all the cards now; our leader gets stronger later in the game. If there is a fight to be had, it's after Knights or Maces preferably.

  2. #92
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Ok we've been double moved by Vanguard, need the referee to look at this.

    If the Impi came next to the axe, we had a chance to declare war and kill it, and this was our only defense against, but now Vanguard double moved past us.

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  3. #93
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    Nevermind I think I've over reacted, as long as we double move Vanguard and get back to the hill, we're fine.

  4. #94
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    I wasn't able to wake up in time to catch the turn and double move the axe, missed the turn roll by a few minutes. So, the axe isn't on the hill and we're back where we started.
    I'm going to PM Vanguard and ask him to freeze his Impi in place for one turn to reset the movement of all parties.

  5. #95
    Avatar von Lord of the Civ
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    I wasn't able to wake up in time to catch the turn and double move the axe, missed the turn roll by a few minutes. So, the axe isn't on the hill and we're back where we started.
    I'm going to PM Vanguard and ask him to freeze his Impi in place for one turn to reset the movement of all parties.
    There are clear rules regarding double moves: no double move during and one turn leading up to war, anything else is allowed.

    Edit: meaning: vanguard played by the rules, so why expect him to suffer? If you want to make up for the missed turn, you can ask Ramk to move the axe for you.
    Geändert von Lord of the Civ (23. Juni 2022 um 21:38 Uhr)

  6. #96
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    What missed turn ?
    Sorry, I forgot to take a second look.
    But we could attack last turn, so this was no double move.
    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  7. #97
    Avatar von Lord of the Civ
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    I wasn't able to wake up in time to catch the turn and double move the axe, missed the turn roll by a few minutes. So, the axe isn't on the hill and we're back where we started.
    I'm going to PM Vanguard and ask him to freeze his Impi in place for one turn to reset the movement of all parties.
    One thing I don't understand: you've posted a screenshot of turn 66 where the axe was still waiting for orders and you've managed to login in turn 67 before vanguard - why didn't the double move work out exactly? Sorry if I'm blind and missing something but why isn't the axe on the hill as desired? Maybe someone can enlighten me.

  8. #98
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    Zitat Zitat von Lord of the Civ Beitrag anzeigen
    One thing I don't understand: you've posted a screenshot of turn 66 where the axe was still waiting for orders and you've managed to login in turn 67 before vanguard - why didn't the double move work out exactly? Sorry if I'm blind and missing something but why isn't the axe on the hill as desired? Maybe someone can enlighten me.
    Because I didn't use it's movement on turn 66

    It's okay, don't worry about it, it is what it is.

  9. #99
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    So Vanguard has declared war in the second half and taken the worker that I was chopping with. This is of course with the impi that is only alive because he double moved it. Stupidly I had also lost the second worker to that barb warrior you see, but that happened last turn. I didn't report it, because this game has been steadily slipping out of my consciousness. 2 turns a day is slow, and I'm not enjoying Ramesses or the map at all.

    I immediately offered peace in the event that he is being opportunistic and not committed, to show that I'm not really up for an ancient war, but the presence of the second impi and the axe makes me think he will refuse.
    We've been dealt a really shitty hand up against Zulu. With two late traits against two early, and a difficult to connect UU that gets completely countered by his. Frankly I'm not sure how to play this.
    Xist what do you think we should do with the boat?
    I think we should drop off the Axe on the forest across the river but keep the settler on the boat. Bring the boat back towards the central island? When you've decided, can you login and make sure to end turn so Vanguard can take his turn?
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  10. #100
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    Double move? How did he do that? Any screens for that complaint?

  11. #101
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    I would say, "flip the table". Our game didn't start good and in the moment, we should be early enough, that a war should destroy the win chances for vanguard too.
    We have a disadvantage against Zulu, but with 2 workers lost, we should have problems to catch up. So, a "little" disadvantage in the moment or a bigger disadvantage in the next war ? I would try today.
    No problem with the barbs, this happens to everyone.
    Maybe research Construction for Catas, but I would say/hope, that triremes are a bigger advantage than Catas and X-Bows lose against HA, but I am not sure, if vanguard has horse. (Iron is not guaranteed for us too).
    And an important note: Did Vanguard send a PN to you ?

    @CivNoob Der Doppelzug ist vor dem Krieg gewesen.
    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  12. #102
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    Vanguard took the peace treaty I offered last turn, he evidently wanted to be opportunistic and not commit to a full choke. Well praise-be his squeamishness, as he could meaningfully hurt our development with no countermeasure given his access to two movers.

    He offered OB, but the trade routes have been wrecked by the war, and we have no units in place to take advantage of scouting opportunities, and it is clearly useless as a diplomatic signal, so I didn't accept.

  13. #103
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    I'm going on travel at the end of this week, do you think you could take over playing the turns fulltime?

  14. #104
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Yes, I should be able to play. I'm also trying to log in more often. Maybe I'll report more, too. Last week at university, I should have a bit more time.



    Vanguard wants the city without troops right on the border.
    Especially considering that he killed one of our workers, I see no reason to give in.
    But we should be careful and build up a few troops.

    Yes, I did similar things in PB88 and PB89, but back then I had a local superiority of troops and also shorter supply routes. Moreover, the city was not in disputed territory but directly on my border and several moves away from the enemy border.
    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken
    Geändert von xist10 (20. Juli 2022 um 09:58 Uhr)
    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  15. #105
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    You can respond with a demand for his city. No we are not giving our source of horse.
    I wanted to move one of our axes from the south up north, but maybe instead we whip some from the capital.
    Can you play and finish the turn? maybe move the Axe from Heliopolis to the grassland hill. Also start teching Masonry maybe? Walls should stop Vanguard's nonsense. Also we need more cottages and can settle a sixth city on our island. Prechop the forests so we can get a granary in that sixth city immediately.

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