Bei zu hoher Kriegsunzufridenheit kann eine Demokratie in die Anarchie fallen. Dies gilt inbesondere dann, wenn es nur zwei verbleibende Zivs gibt. Es gibt jetzt Anlass zur Vermutung, dass die Schwelle zur Anarchie höher ist, wenn es mehr als eine andere verbleibenden bekannte Zivilisation gibt:

Zitat Zitat von Flintlock
I spent a couple of hours today looking into war weariness but sadly I don't have much to say about it other than it's a lot more vexing than it has any right to be. I'll have to continue investigating, I haven't even found yet where WW points get added on loss of a city, and I suspect the bug is helping obscure it. Here's an oddity: I found the point in the interturn update code where a player gets kicked into anarchy if their WW is over 90. The odd thing is that it doesn't check against the highest WW for any ongoing war, total WW across all wars, or even average across all wars, instead it checks against total WW divided by the number of contacts the player has. That would explain why you aren't seeing the AIs get kicked into anarchy when you expect, but I wonder if I'm mistaken since I find it hard to believe that no one has noticed this before.