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  1. #1
    lol Avatar von Tehulotl
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    I remember buying Civ 2 Test of Time - and playing it for the first time, the Huis Clos Lalande SciFi scenario - WOW! What a stunning masterpiece on FOUR maps. I still own the original game box and CD, but usually I install a fresh internet no CD copy, I think it is legal and actually I dont care, nobody does.

    I think, the evolution was Civ 2, MGE, then Fantastic Worlds, a famous compilation, and then a guy had the idea to play the Original into an Extended along, on two maps - and then a guy had the idea, "hey, just do FOUR maps and actual moving units" ----------- WTF. Test of Time must have been a total euphoria to create.

    I played the beloved masterpiece of the Huis Clos Lalande SciFi scenario beginning of octobre after years again, and decided in a modder typical instant rush to pimp it finally. That eye cancer skin is totally out of the question, etc. In fact, much stuff is. Now, the result after three weeks of pressure, is a totally clean, totally insane 2021 masterpiece, a ToTPP fully enhanced BAM! With 64terrain, 127 units, barbarians well done, a sharp distinction between the 3x4 Human factions and the 3x3 Funestrian factions. Now, from 3.10. til today, after pimping and testplaying, I could actually upload that version somewhere.

    The nice touch is, that it is no fix scenario, one map, and all fixed in place - no. It is still the Huis Clos Lalande SciFi scenario, a four map open range insanity pimped to a clean 2021 ToTPP standard to play whoever you want, and always a new game. I should perhaps just upload it.

    I use the clean english internet no CD version, have it as a .rar in my rar archive, then the ToTPP already patched Civ2.exe provided by TNO himself, and ToTPP 0.16 newest version, launch the game with all checked but the last four checks, no Lua scripting, no debugs, on Win10 Pro.

    My non humble opinion is, that to implement Lua by TNO was a GREAT move, like all of his famous work. But to actually USE Lua -for me- is not worth the effort. (Grmbl, might even be worth the effort, but it is too time consuming, complicated, frustrating and I just dont have the freakin mood for that)

    It is GREAT, that the option exists, famous TNO enhanced the boundaries really 21 century, and it might be great for many - but in the end it overdoses, overcomplicates, overdoes things. It is a technical challenge, and yes, it brings a ton of benefits, but the malefit of a non moddable, non playable beast, while too huge efforts, is a good old modders bummer.

    "Just" to work out Lalande plus 120 kb Events.txt, 127 units, 64terrain, four maps, open range, and to stick to the roots, and to spare the insanity of Lua language, whether some things would be worth it or not, is a good old fashioned Civ 2 modders work and I am fine with it. Bouyah!

    The so called "expectation management" for that game is, that the unit roster of 127 units is outstandingly good/looking. It is a smooth drawn colorful ensemble of the best of the best. Once, Naumachia, that brown mud mining planet, was just a brown muddy pile of ugliness I didnt want to colonize, cause it was just an ugly pile of a huge brown blob. Nona, the gas giant, was always a beauty, the Orbital Platform was always a great idea I had fun with. Now, these 127 units are just amazing, no sprites, just clean 2D 21 century drawings, weird, useless, ugly units kicked out, the best further enhanced. These four maps are a good looking pleasure to cultivate and terraform and colonize - except, that the Events.txt pushes all factions and all barbarian activity to an instant poisoned rush, no slow game. And if you dare to "just hop onto Naumachia", the flora of Naumachia is a rough beauty now, and the fauna is just a deadly beast show. Beautiful units, beautiful terrain/maps, but not empty anymore.

    My testgame (successful) attempt to actually found a colony on Orbital Platform as the Funestrian Iihibati faction was 2 shuttles, one shuttle with captured human colonists on board, and one shuttle with my two strongest infantry, a Heth, and a Venom Corps, to defend versus the orbital Raiders. I dismantled the shuttles to instantly create the Fulmine Ring vs Air Attacks/Raiders. You could actually dare to just clueless hop around, but perhaps your troopers wouldnt survive a single turn - on no map.

    The reason for me to not upload the roster as a jpg to watch, or screenshot more units and planets is, well, that shall be a surprise to experience.

    I uploaded that jpg extension here, to implement the IMG image above, it is the same. You dont need to open the extension jpg below. What I like to do is right clic onto the implemented image and "open in another tab" to watch it more closely.

    I had hoped for some response or reaction, if somebody would be interested in my Lalande Deluxe scenario. I really dont care that much cause Civ 2 and Test of Time is old now - but I dont really like to just upload something right into the bloody vacuum.
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    Geändert von Tehulotl (01. November 2021 um 14:56 Uhr)

  2. #2
    lol Avatar von Tehulotl
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    Well, then I just upload it. I played the Human Sciolists whole through. I played the Funestrian Iihibati about half. Could be a testplayed version 1.0. I made SURE that you fully understand right from the start what faction you could choose, Humans 3x4 or Funestrians 3x3, you will get that right in the factions menu - easily. Cause Humans and Funestrians are now not a weird patchwork, but two sharply distinct opponents/species with different rosters - except some badass hightec units like Excelsior.

    Perhaps some guys out there remember the Huis Clos Lalande SciFi scenario of Civ 2 Test of Time and think: That was the BEST experience of all of Civilization EVER - in case of a FOUR MAP total exotic insanity of a totally unique atmosphere and inter maps gameplay - never seen before, never seen after. Just... all of these weird tecs, or improvements, with these weird over the top names you dont really get, and some gfx, and some terrain flaws, and some other flaws, and... that you cant really play it, cause once you get the Repeller as 3 defense, or the Intelliraptor as 5 defense, you cant be attacked or attack anymore, unless you overpower MUCH. If you play on middle you can overthrow that roster flaw and just overrun all the others. If you play on highest you just cant attack and the other factions beat you by irrigation and street cheating and booming, while it is sloooow and just not to play. Yes. I hopefully know all of these flaws - and beat them out.


    > I have the clean english internet no CD copy, as a .rar in my rar archive, and as this copy on my HDD.

    > I have the patched Civ2.exe by TNO himself (which I provide). I use the 0.17 newest version of ToTPP (which I provide).

    > If you dont know what ToTPP is: Test of Time Patch Project. TNO or The Nameless One tweaked in a brutal and most genious way the .DLL files of the game to circumvent MANY issues. So, if you have your normal vanilla Civ 2 Test of Time, the TNO patched Civ2.exe is a no CD version to co-work with his ToTPP launcher and his .DLLs to load Civ2 either by launcher to check or uncheck options/boxes, or just by Civ2.exe if you know the game will start with your options/boxes checked or unchecked as you did/prefer, and as the ToTPP.txt and ToTPP.ini tell. I checked ALL boxes but the last 4: No Lua scripts. No debugs. In the end, it is "just" a co-working (patched) Civ2.exe and a launcher to circumvent/override and load with enhanced options and kicked out flaws, or, it is just THE BEST POSSIBLE version of the game. Party smiley.

    > Originally I just had the idea to play a little fun game and started beginning of octobre the Lalande SciFi game again, and began instantly to overhaul it. Just a rude brute force german rollover mod and one month of work in octobre - and done. I secured the vanilla SciFi data in a subfolder, and wrote a batch file to either roll out/over my mod over the vanilla, or delete and re-establish. Now I was non-lazy enough to re-establish my SciFi vanilla (not necessary, I will just play my Mod and never the vanilla again), and create a TOTPP MOD. Perhaps secure your own Civ2.exe, then unzip and roll out the into your main directory Test of Time, then unpack my Lalande Deluxe.rar into your main directory Test of Time, the MOD itself is its own folder and wont roll over nothing, the Civ2.exe provided is the patched TNO Civ2.exe. Once you got that done, start the Launcher, check all but the last four, run the game, clic Single Player then clic MOD then clic Lalande Deluxe. My menu is a most informative talker.

    Et voila. Have freakin fun.

    > The fun thing is, that this MOD .rar is about 2,77 mb including the TNO Civ2.exe, a small piece of stuff! I will upload the LalandeDeluxe.rar plus the original TNO TOTPP v17 .zip so that you get easy access to all required resources to boost your TOT to the next level, and hopefully the mighty TNO (not almighty, he cant hear my prayer: O mighty TNO, please grant that upload granted) grants it. That all is about 3 mb (!). Cool thing, that with so less data, so much is achieved.

    > Then, with your Civ2 ToT copy, hopefully you might be able to kick my MOD in. Have fun!

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    Geändert von Tehulotl (18. Dezember 2021 um 12:45 Uhr)

  3. #3
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Blake00
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    This is SUPER cool! Looking forward to trying as I love the Lalande scenario.
    Blakes Sanctum:
    - Total Conversion mods: Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen, Star Trek Doom 2, & Star Wars Civilization 2
    - Game Shrines: Age of Wonders, Babylon 5 Fan Games, Civilization, Command & Conquer, Elder Scrolls, Dune Games, Final Fantasy, Freelancer, Heroes of Might & Magic, Imperium Galactica, Master of Magic, Quest for Glory, Starflight, & Star Trek Games
    - MovieTV Shrines: Lord Of The Rings & Hobbit, & Star Trek
    - Emulation

  4. #4
    lol Avatar von Tehulotl
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    Yes, kind of right! I never tried the "The Nameless One" TOTPP MOD function, but actually it is easy.

    I just modded along my great Total War Rome 2 Rise of the Republic All Factions Mod til beginning of August.

    Then TOTPP Subwar Deluxe again, September, still not finished, dammet. I searched for a fun game during my modding pause, wanted to play Lalande after years again, perhaps after a whole decade again, began to just mod that thing, and just rolled over the whole thing, rolled over the vanilla like the typical brute german I am - without using TNOs TOTPP MOD function. Anyway my Lalande Deluxe is super great and I wont ever play the vanilla again BUT.

    I just was too lazy to roll it back, and provide it as a TOTPP MOD. I did Subwar Deluxe in September, Lalande Deluxe was a start to finish in under a month in October, Star Wars Deluxe a four map MOD, I was not able to finish in under a month in November, December was pause again and play another Total War Troy, newest 1.6 version with my favorite, Sarpedon, on Epic, now I actually want to do Total War Rome 2 again, or Subwar Deluxe, or Star Wars Deluxe. But to roll the TOT Scifi folder back to vanilla and to do a Lalande Deluxe TOTPP MOD - fairly easy thnx to TNO! I really should provide a Lalande Deluxe MOD, cause that is freakn easy.

    My Rollover Batch is easy too, but still too much, cause just not necessary, thnx to TNO.

  5. #5
    Blue Lion Avatar von Civinator
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    Zitat Zitat von Tehulotl Beitrag anzeigen
    TOTPP Subwar Deluxe again, September, still not finished
    Is this based on Bebro´s scenario ?

  6. #6
    lol Avatar von Tehulotl
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    Yes. I played the Test of Time conversion done by Catfish, years ago.

    Bebro´s Subwars was Civ2 MGE, still on SLeague. Here the conversion:

    Here my first attempt to create the sequel, a first TOT attempt:

    Problem is, that my version was a constant enhancement. The original game had, I think, still the old monitor colors and were too bright for LED. The game had a unique atmosphere, and was quite fun, but old monitor colors and a small empty world where the AI was not really able to counter - you play vs time, not vs active AI. So I did a TOT sequel. Then up to TOTPP. Then up to better Atlantid and Beast factions and unique terrains and rosters. Then up to 64 pixel terrain, etcpp. That was a constant up levelling, over years and years. Now to place the Special Resources, etc, is a task.

    To finish such a years development is not that funny. Fun fact is, that huge blue Sharks as actual swimming and attacking units without health bars thnx to TNO, swimming behind or in the middle of huge 64 terrain riffs and algae forests looks just most amazing. I really should finish that up, but really hard to accomplish.
    Geändert von Tehulotl (19. Dezember 2021 um 11:55 Uhr)

  7. #7
    Blue Lion Avatar von Civinator
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    Tehulotl, danke für die Antwort und viel Erfolg bei der Fertigstellung des Szenarios.

  8. #8
    lol Avatar von Tehulotl
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    Well, would have been nice to get some feedback! Probably, this German Civ2 site is too empty for that!


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