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Thema: 2metraninja plays PB87

  1. #46
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Suite
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    I'd love to leave a comment here, but without any information it can't evolve from good luck and keep on going....

  2. #47
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    I agree with Suite: it's hard to comment without any details of what's going on. Some images would be nice to get an overview of the war.

    Generally speaking, I feel that this is the very likely downside of early rushes and the reason why very few players consider being aggressive before they have at least bronze working. If you rush and you are lucky, it's an amazing start. But it's more likely that you are just going to take your opponent and yourself out of the game since you're busy building troops while everyone else expands. Thus, I would recommend to end this as soon as possible - if you can't conquer him within a reasonable time frame, sue for peace and try to settle some more cities.

  3. #48
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von dvametraNINJA
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    My initial attack failed, because my archer did just 0.5 damage, which is poor luck. I called the attack and started the siege. Then I lost one 68% battle in the open AGG wariro vs normal warrior, which forced me to leave the forested hill tile I was occupying right next to his capitol. Later on I somehow forgot I have no the Wheel technology, so I cannot make roads to connect my just mined copper and because of anticipation of my AGG axes I was stopped building archers and warriors to keep my superiority in numbers at my siege. Then I went to pillage his farm, but the timing was bad, as he turned to just had produced his second archer and my stack was in the open. I knew the attack is coming, but could not do anything. Luck was on his side too winning literally every battle. one 7%, one 23% and 2 80-something percent battles completely obliterating my mini-siege stack.

    On the bright side I will have my precious AGG axes from the next turn and I am building a second settler, while he used all his resources to build archers and warriors. Lets see how my axes change the game.

  4. #49
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Suite
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    They will definitely!

  5. #50
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von dvametraNINJA
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    Some quick update. SOmeone had said that if you wait long enough, your enemy will make a mistake. In my case Metal did it, while I was already frustrated and was expecting long and tedious siege from his archers in the hills and forests around my capitol. But he choose to try his luck with his 4-units stack against a single archer in my capitol and that was a mistake form him, as this time his luck had abandoned him. We have a saying similar to the "third time is a charm" but with a negative meaning So you have luck 2 times, but the third time everything will go wrong and you will suffer. Just Slav things

    So now tables had turned again and I am besieging his capitol. He had built a settler meanwhile and had sent him somewhere, but I do not know if there is a copper, horses or simply good spot to settle. I guess I will find out soon.

    Seeing our struggle, Egypt had made some bold move and had settled just right in front of my capitol, so I just started building spears duh

    I know pics will be great, but have no time now, will post some later maybe. AS always in the run and playing 6 pitbosses at the same time...

  6. #51
    Civ-Rentner Avatar von HeymlicH
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    Zitat Zitat von dvametraNINJA Beitrag anzeigen
    Some quick update. SOmeone had said that if you wait long enough, your enemy will make a mistake. In my case Metal did it, while I was already frustrated and was expecting long and tedious siege from his archers in the hills and forests around my capitol. But he choose to try his luck ...
    What would be the point in sieging you until the egyts pick him up? I would have attacked too, there will be no better chance for him.

  7. #52
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von dvametraNINJA
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    Makes sense. I lately think how big role sheer luck plays in civ and in life in general Some says that if you come to rely on luck, you were not prepared enough. But no one can be prepared for everything, right? And Sun Dzu says that "luck is important to a good general".

  8. #53
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    I much prefer "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity".

    While you can't be prepared for everything, you can make sure to not limit your options so that you don't have to depend on the blind luck of the draw. Due to your early aggressive strategy, both you and Metal had essentially very little choice all game and were railroaded into what is happening now, with the outcome primarily being determined by the RNG.

    The Egyptians, on the other hand, kept their options open and were thus able to respond to the opportunity that presented themselves to them: settle on land right next to your capital that you couldn't settle on yourself. Being lucky just means that they were in a position to capitalize on the opportunity.

  9. #54
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von dvametraNINJA
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    Yes, what is going on in this game is indeed luck dependant, as it is too early in the game to create/amass some advantage by other means. And yet, I was relying on luck in my battles with Metal because I created this opportunity and sent those units to conquer his capitol. If I had no those units, I would had not the opportunity to rely on luck. But I am not complaining, I knew the chances when I made my choice. When I spoke earlier about sheer luck I was more under the affect of one other civ game and life in general. Luck as being the underdog, being attacked early in the game, second city razed, recover, become the second most powerful nation in the game, making nearly the impossible and building Taj while starting 4-5 turns after my main opponent, even waging a war to conquer the MoM city to get longer GA and we finish Taj in the same turn, but the RNG of the game gives it to him. Now what was about to be interesting and challenging game will become dull game of survival. I did what I could and yet luck robbed me. So in civ and in life luck is not always fair

    Just to make clear, rushing with warriors and archers is not at all my playsile. I believe in the development and just then killing others when necessary. But also I believe one should play the cards he is dealt and I had Boudica at 5 tiles from my neighbor, so here we are.
    Geändert von dvametraNINJA (21. Januar 2020 um 19:51 Uhr)

  10. #55
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von TeeRohr
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    Münchner Outskirts
    Why do you start building spears?! Have you seen chariots? Mean...whats the reason for that? Spears won't help you in the fight with metal.

  11. #56
    schläft Avatar von Frozen
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    I think he wrote as caution measure against egypt.
    Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose

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