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Thema: [BSG XII] Felix Gaeta und die ionischen Toaster

  1. #1
    The L1z1x Mindnet Avatar von dennis95
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    [BSG XII] Felix Gaeta und die ionischen Toaster

    Das Battlestar Galactica Forenspiel geht in die zwölfte Runde!
    Mit dabei ist Felix Gaeta.

    Mitspieler bleiben natürlich draußen.

  2. #2
    The L1z1x Mindnet Avatar von dennis95
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    Frederick Steiner/Questor


    Shaw (Military Leader)
    1 Politik, 2 Führerschaft, 2 Taktik
    Necessary Action – Movement: Look at the top 3 Skill Cards of the Leadership or Tactics deck. You may discard a card from your hand to keep one of those cards. Put the remaining cards on the bottom of the deck.
    Razor: Once per game, you may draw and destroy 1 Civilian Ship to cancel a Crisis Card.
    Authority Issues: You draw 2 Treachery Cards whenever you are the target of a Quorum or Skill Card effect.
    Achtung Spoiler:

    Consolidate Power
    Action: Draw 2 Skill Cards of any type(s). They may come from outside your skill set.
    Investigative Committee Play before cards are added to a skill check. All Skill Cards are played face up during this skill check (including Destiny).
    Support the People Reckless: Play before cards are added to a Skill check. Each human player with 4 or less Skill Cards in hand may draw 2 Skill Cards.
    Preventative Policy Movement: Choose 1 resource type. The next loss of this resource type during this turn is reduced by 1.
    Red Tape Skill Check: Discard all 5 and 6 strength cards from this skill check (before totaling strength).
    Political Prowess Play before making a skill check triggered by a location. Do not make a skill check; instead, it automatically passes or fails (your choice)
    Force Their Hand Skill Check: If the Current Player is a Human, he may play 1 Skill Card face up into this Check. If he does not, he must draw 1 Mutiny Card.
    Popular Influence Action: Draw 2 Quorum Cards and choose 1 to give to the President. Then, either play or discard the other card.
    Negotiation Action: Place a Basestar in front of Galactica and draw a Politics card. Do not launch or Activate any Cylon ships for the rest of this turn.
    Executive Order
    Action: Choose any other player. He may move his character and then take 1 action OR not move and take 2 actions. [Limit 1 "XO" per turn.]
    Declare Emergency Play after strength is totaled in a skill check to reduce its difficulty by 2. Limit of 1 "Declare Emergency" card used per skill check.
    Major Victory Play after you destroy a Basestar or a Centurion on the Boarding Party track. Roll a die. If 5 or higher, gain 1 morale Limit of 1 "Major Victory" card used per turn.
    At Any Cost Reckless: Play before cards are added to a Skill check. All Treachery Cards in the Skill check count as positive strength.
    Iron Will Skill Check: If total strength in this skill check is within 4 of the difficulty, do not trigger the fail effect. If total strength in this skill check is 0 or less, lose 1 morale.
    State of Emergency Action: Lose 1 Food. Each player may then move or take 1 Action (starting with the player who played this card and proceeding clockwise).
    All Hands On Deck Skill Check: For Each Skill Card in this Skill Check with a strength of 0, add 1 to the Skill Check's total Strength.
    Restore Order Play before cards are added to a Skill Check. Do not resolve Skill Check abilities while resolving this Skill Check.
    Change of Plans Play this card after a Skill Check is Passed. Instead of resolving the 'Pass' result, each Human draws two Skill Cards.
    Launch Scout
    Action: Risk 1 Raptor to roll a die. If 3 or higher, look at the top card of the Crisis or Destination deck and place it on the top or the bottom. Otherwise, destroy 1 Raptor.
    Strategic Planning Play before any die roll to add 2 to the result. Limit of 1 "Strategic Planning" card used per die roll.
    Guts and Initiative Reckless: Play before cards are added to a Skill check. Do not add cards from the Destiny deck into this Skill check.
    Critical Situation Movement: Take 1 Action. Only 1 "Critical Situation" or "Executive Order" card may be used per turn.
    Trust Instincts Skill Check: Add the top 2 cards from the top of the Destiny Deck (before totaling strength). Resolve Skill Check Abilities on these cards.
    Scout for Fuel Action: Risk 1 raptor to roll 1 die. If you roll 4+, gain 1 Fuel. Otherwise, destroy the raptor.
    Quick Thinking The Current Player may choose 1 card with a strength of 3 or less (not a “Quick Thinking” card) to remove from this check and add to his hand.
    Unorthodox Plan Action: Activate one of the following Locations, even if it is damaged: “Command”, “Armory”, “Weapons Control”, or “Communications.”
    A Second Chance Play before cards are added to a Skill Check. If the check passes the printed Difficulty by 4 or more, the Current Player gains a Miracle token.
    Evasive Maneuvers
    Play after any viper is attacked to reroll the die. If the viper is piloted, subtract 2 from the new roll.
    Maximum Firepower Action: Play while piloting a viper to attack up to 4 times.
    Full Throttle Movement or Action: If piloting a viper, you may move to any space area. You may then attack 1 Cylon ship in your area (even if you didn't move).
    Run Interference Play before raiders are activated. The first 4 raiders activating in your space area automatically miss (do not roll for them).
    Protect the Fleet Skill Check: If at least 3 strength in piloting Skill Cards are in this skill check, the current player may activate one unmanned viper.
    Best of the Best Play before a piloted viper makes an attack. Instead of rolling the attack, roll a die and destroy that many raiders in the viper's space area.
    Dogfight Skill Check: The Current Player may damage 1 Viper in a Space Area or the Reserves to remove 1 other Skill Card from this Skill Check.
    Combat Veteran Action: Choose an Unmanned Viper in the Reserves or a Space Area and Activate it up to 3 times.
    Launch Reserves Action: Place up to 2 Unmanned Vipers from the Reserves into a Space Area containing a piloted Viper. Then, Activate those Unmanned Vipers.
    Action: Repair your current location, or if you are in the "Hanger Deck" location, you may repair up to 2 damaged vipers.
    Scientific Research Play before cards are added to a skill check. All engineering cards in the skill check count as positive strength.
    Jury Rigged Reckless: Play before cards are added to a Skill check to reduce its difficulty by 4.
    Calculations Play after a die is rolled to add or subtract 1 from the result. Only 1 "Calculations" card may be used per die roll.
    Establish Network Skill Check: Each engineering Skill Card in this skill check counts as double strength (before totaling strength)
    Build Nuke Action: The Admiral gains one Nuke token
    Install Upgrades Skill Check: If the Skill Check passes, the Current Player draws two Engineering Skill Cards. If the Skill Check Fails, he draws one Engineering Skill Card.
    Raptor Specialist Action: Either destroy a Raptor to gain an Assault Raptor, or return a destroyed Raptor to the Reserves.
    Test the Limits Action: If the Fleet Marker is not on a blue space of the Jump Prep track, increase the track by 1 and roll a die. If 5 or lower, Damage Galactica.
    Skill Check: Place 1 Civilian Ship behind Galactica. Whenever a player chooses to discard this card, he draws 1 Mutiny Card.
    Dradis Contact Skill Check: Place 2 Raiders in front of Galactica. Whenever a Player chooses to discard this card, he draws 1 Mutiny Card.
    Personal Vices Skill Check: Each Human player draws 1 Treachery Card. If the Current Player is Human, he also draws 1 Mutiny Card.
    A Better Machine Skill Check: The Current Player shuffles 2 Treachery Skill Cards into the Destiny Deck.
    Violent Outbursts Skill Check: The Current Player is sent to Sickbay.
    Exploit Weakness Skill Check: The Current Player must choose a Human Player to draw a Mutiny Card.

    Amtsfolge Präsident:
    Zarek - Gaeta - Chief - Shaw - Hot Dog

    Amtsfolge Admiral:
    Shaw - Gaeta - Hot Dog - Chief - Zarek

    Amtsfolge CAG:
    Hot Dog - Shaw - Gaeta - Chief - Zarek
    Geändert von dennis95 (13. Januar 2018 um 10:29 Uhr)

  3. #3
    Viel Spaß! Ich verstecke die Geschichte jetzt.

  4. #4
    Profi Fragesteller Avatar von Darzumir
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    Den wollte ich nehmen. Viel Glück.

  5. #5
    The L1z1x Mindnet Avatar von dennis95
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    Meine Loyalität:
    Achtung Spoiler:
    You are NOT a Cylon

    Ich ziehe zweimal grün. Alles andere wäre ja Blödsinn.

  6. #6
    Admiral Toaster Avatar von JimmyderLegion
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    Trendstadt Duisburg, Perle des Ruhrgebiets
    Achtung Spoiler:
    BSG CivXII (Current Player - Gaeta) - Turn 1.1 Current Hand

    Gaeta, your current hand, including your draw, is:
    5 - Declare Emergency
    6 - State of Emergency
    2 - Launch Scout
    2 - Launch Scout
    3 - Scientific Research

    Your Loyalty Hand is:
    You are NOT a Cylon

    You have 1 Miracle Token(s).

    You have 3 Benevolent Trauma.
    You have 0 Antagonistic Trauma.

    Fett gezogen...
    Battlestar Galactica - Das Forenspiel
    X (beendet) | XI (beendet) | XII (beendet) | XIII (gestartet)

    Twilight Imperium - Das Forenspiel
    I (gestartet)

  7. #7
    The L1z1x Mindnet Avatar von dennis95
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    Achtung Spoiler:
    keine AvO

    Aber wenigstens sind die Karten relativ hoch.

  8. #8
    The L1z1x Mindnet Avatar von dennis95
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    Achtung Spoiler:
    Zitat Zitat von Mambokurt Beitrag anzeigen
    Ich hätte eine Karte die ich jetzt sehr gut spielen könnte und für die es in meinem Zug eventuell schon zu spät ist (zumindest für eine Weile dann)
    Die einzige Karte, auf die das meiner Meinung nach zutreffen würde, wäre Test the Limits.
    Die wäre tatsächlich derzeit sinnvoll, wenn es denn stimmt und kein Outing ist.

  9. #9
    The L1z1x Mindnet Avatar von dennis95
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    Achtung Spoiler:
    Zarek und Hot Dog mögen sich anscheinend nicht.
    Ich hätte Hot Dog die AvO gegeben und sehe derzeit nichts Verdächtiges an Hot Dogs Vorschlag.
    Aber falls Hot Dog tatsächlich ein Toaster ist, soll Zarek seinen Orden bekommen.

    Der schizophrene Obertoaster spielt seine Rolle aber auch sehr schön.

  10. #10
    The L1z1x Mindnet Avatar von dennis95
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    Achtung Spoiler:
    Hot Dog hat derzeit 1 grün 1 lila 2 rot 1 blau also drei negative Karten.
    Ich kann 13 in den Check legen und das könnten wir auch brauchen, da ja auch der Obertoaster was legen wird und das Schicksal vollkommen unberechenbar ist. (Diesmal spare ich mir das Zählen des Schicksals)

    Ich lege 5 - Declare Emergency, 6 - State of Emergency und 2 - Launch Scout in den Check.

  11. #11
    The L1z1x Mindnet Avatar von dennis95
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    Achtung Spoiler:
    Doof gelaufen. Die Toaster hatten wohl eine Menge Glück mit dem Schicksal und dem roten Stapel.
    Und Hot Dog hatte tatsächlich Test the Limits.

  12. #12
    Admiral Toaster Avatar von JimmyderLegion
    Registriert seit
    Trendstadt Duisburg, Perle des Ruhrgebiets
    Achtung Spoiler:
    BSG CivXII (Gaeta) - Turn 1.5 Current Hand

    Gaeta, your current hand, including your draw, is:
    2 - Launch Scout
    3 - Scientific Research

    Your Loyalty Hand is:
    You are NOT a Cylon

    You have 1 Miracle Token(s).

    You have 3 Benevolent Trauma.
    You have 0 Antagonistic Trauma.
    Battlestar Galactica - Das Forenspiel
    X (beendet) | XI (beendet) | XII (beendet) | XIII (gestartet)

    Twilight Imperium - Das Forenspiel
    I (gestartet)

  13. #13
    The L1z1x Mindnet Avatar von dennis95
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    Achtung Spoiler:

    Zitat Zitat von JimmyderLegion Beitrag anzeigen
    Achtung: aus organisatorischen Gründen läuft das Spiel außerhalb dieses Threads jetzt über PN.
    Dann schreibe ich ab jetzt immer alle Anweisungen sowohl in meinen Thread als auch per PN.

    In meinem Zug ziehe ich zweimal grün.

    Achja, und wenn wir springen, möchte ich grundsätzlich meine OPT verwenden, wenn wir sonst Bevölkerung verlieren würden.

  14. #14
    The L1z1x Mindnet Avatar von dennis95
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    Achtung Spoiler:
    Zitat Zitat von JimmyderLegion
    BSG CivXII (Current Player - Gaeta) - Turn 2.1 Current Hand

    Gaeta, your current hand, including your draw, is:
    1 - Executive Order
    5 - At Any Cost
    1 - Launch Scout
    2 - Launch Scout
    4 - Critical Situation
    3 - Scientific Research
    3 - Scientific Research

    Your Loyalty Hand is:
    You are NOT a Cylon

    You have 1 Miracle Token(s).

    You have 3 Benevolent Trauma.
    You have 0 Antagonistic Trauma.

  15. #15
    The L1z1x Mindnet Avatar von dennis95
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    Achtung Spoiler:
    Team FTL geht schon davon aus, dass der Chief ein Toaster ist. FS könnte mit seinem Post aber auch Calculations gemeint haben.
    Das ist ja quasi eine nachträgliche kleine StraPla. Beide Würfe waren zu niedrig um mit der Karte was zu ändern.

    Das werde ich aber erstmal nicht im Thread schreiben, ich will einem potentiellen Toaster ja keine Ausreden liefern.

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